I have been something of a blog slacker over the last month, and I’m all kinds of sorry/not sorry about the whole thing. I spent November and half of December doing loads of holiday TV segments and satellite media tours and family stuff that kept me out and about and away from my writing desk.
But with a new year, comes a new commitment to TRY to post on a more regular basis…there’s just so much playfulness to share!
I am also about to engulf myself in the writing of my first book “Well Played” that is due to Harper Collins in April, and well, I got to get a move on…in a big way.
If you want a daily dose of playfulness, please consider following me over on instagram where I’ve just launched a #playoftheday series. Each day I’m sharing a pop of playful inspiration for your very busy life. You can find me @meredithplays.
One of the first #playoftheday posts I shared this week was about vision boards. Now, I live with 3 boys. A 17 year old, a 12 year old, and my husband. As you can imagine, getting them AT ALL excited about doing inspiring vision boards for 2015 took some finagling. "Vision boards" are totally 2002 and completely girlie. So we went with the name “Boards of Awesome” instead. And I didn’t require my guys to cut out words and pictures depicting their inner most goals and heart-felt dreams…just whatever they thought was cool.
We have been working on them off and on for three days and amazingly my boys aren’t hating it. In fact, I THINK they kinda dig it. I plan to hang these in their rooms and keep my husband’s and mine in our little library off of our bedroom. I think it’s good to have a vision, a sense of what you love and a reminder of what you really long for.
So even if you have a batch of reluctant reflectors in your family, maybe just maybe, with the right spin and a cool name, you can get them to get a little inspirational about the coming year as well. Here’s to a new year of being #WellPlayed
Here’s a little look at ours…
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