151+ Batman Trivia Facts to Test Your Batman Knowledge

batman trivia

Think you’re a true Batman fan?

It’s frustrating when you’re discussing the Caped Crusader with friends, and they question your knowledge. You’ve read the comics, watched the movies, and even dressed up as Batman for Halloween, but somehow, you still feel like you don’t know enough. 

Get ready to impress your fellow fans and silence the doubters! We’ve compiled a list of over 151+ interesting Batman trivia facts that will put your knowledge to the test.

From obscure comic book references to behind-the-scenes movie secrets, this ultimate guide has it all.

Whether you’re a casual fan or a die-hard Batman enthusiast, you’ll find something new and exciting to learn.

Let’s dive in and discover just how much you really know about Gotham’s Dark Knight! 

Mind-Blowing Batman Trivia Facts

The Origins of Batman

The Origins of Batman

  1. Q: Who created Batman? – Bob Kane and Bill Finger

  2. Q: In which comic did Batman first appear? – Detective Comics #27

  3. Q: What year did Batman make his comic book debut? – 1939

  4. Q: What was Batman’s original costume color scheme? – Black and red

  5. Q: Which fictional city does Batman protect? – Gotham City

  6. Q: What was the original name for Gotham City? – New York City

  7. Q: What was the inspiration for the name “Gotham City”? – “Goats’ Town” nickname for New York City

  8. Q: Which real-life detective inspired Batman’s creation? – Sherlock Holmes

  9. Q: What was the name of the movie that influenced Batman’s design? – The Bat Whispers

  10. Q: Which historical figure’s costume influenced Batman’s design? – Leonardo da Vinci’s ornithopter design

  11. Q: What was Batman’s original backstory? – His parents were killed by a robber

  12. Q: In what year were Batman’s parents murdered? – 1920

  13. Q: What was the name of the theater where Batman’s parents were killed? – Monarch Theater

  14. Q: How old was Bruce Wayne when his parents were killed? – 8

  15. Q: Which artist redesigned Batman’s costume in 1964? – Carmine Infantino

  16. Q: Who introduced the concept of Batman’s utility belt? – Gardner Fox

Batman’s Allies and Sidekicks

Batman's Allies and Sidekicks

  1. Q: Who was the first Robin? – Dick Grayson

  2. Q: What is the real name of the second Robin? – Jason Todd

  3. Q: Who is the third Robin? – Tim Drake

  4. Q: What is the real name of the fourth Robin? – Damian Wayne

  5. Q: Who was the first Batgirl? – Betty Kane

  6. Q: What is the real name of the most well-known Batgirl? – Barbara Gordon

  7. Q: Who is the daughter of the villain Cluemaster and later becomes Batgirl? – Stephanie Brown

  8. Q: What is the real name of the current Batgirl? – Cassandra Cain

  9. Q: What is Alfred Pennyworth’s full name? – Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth

  10. Q: What was Alfred’s original occupation? – Actor

  11. Q: In which war did Alfred serve as a medic? – World War II

  12. Q: What is the name of Alfred’s daughter? – Julia Pennyworth

  13. Q: Who is Batman’s cousin and occasional crime-fighting partner? – Batwoman (Kate Kane)

  14. Q: What is the name of the superhero team that Dick Grayson leads? – Teen Titans

  15. Q: Who is Bruce Wayne’s childhood friend and CEO of Wayne Enterprises? – Lucius Fox

  16. Q: What is the name of the GCPD commissioner who supports Batman? – James Gordon

Batman’s Rogues Gallery

Batman's Rogues Gallery

  1. Q: What is the Joker’s real name? – Unknown

  2. Q: In which comic did the Joker first appear? – Batman #1

  3. Q: What chemical turned the Joker’s skin white and his hair green? – Ace Chemicals

  4. Q: What is the name of the Joker’s girlfriend? – Harley Quinn

  5. Q: What is Catwoman’s real name? – Selina Kyle

  6. Q: Which villain is known for his question mark-themed crimes? – The Riddler

  7. Q: What is the Penguin’s real name? – Oswald Cobblepot

  8. Q: Which villain is a former district attorney turned criminal? – Two-Face (Harvey Dent)

  9. Q: Who is the villain that uses fear-inducing toxins? – Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)

  10. Q: Which villain is a genetically enhanced super-soldier? – Bane

  11. Q: What is the name of the eco-terrorist villain? – Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley)

  12. Q: Which villain is a shape-shifting clay monster? – Clayface (Basil Karlo)

  13. Q: Who is the villain obsessed with Alice in Wonderland? – Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch)

  14. Q: Which villain is a pyromaniac with a fire-resistant suit? – Firefly (Garfield Lynns)

  15. Q: What is the name of the villain who can control people with hypnosis? – Mad Monk

  16. Q: Which villain is a cyborg with a cybernetic eye? – Gearhead

Iconic Batman Comics

Iconic Batman Comics

  1. Q: Who wrote the graphic novel “The Killing Joke”? – Alan Moore

  2. Q: Who wrote “The Dark Knight Returns”? – Frank Miller

  3. Q: In which storyline does Bane break Batman’s back? – Knightfall

  4. Q: Which villain is the main antagonist in “The Long Halloween”? – Holiday

  5. Q: In which comic series does Batman die? – Final Crisis

  6. Q: What is the name of the storyline where Batman’s identity is revealed? – Hush

  7. Q: In which comic series does Batman fight a vampire version of himself? – Batman & Dracula: Red Rain

  8. Q: Which comic introduces the character of Damian Wayne? – Batman: Son of the Demon

  9. Q: In which issue does Barbara Gordon become paralyzed by the Joker? – Batman: The Killing Joke

  10. Q: Which comic features Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? – Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

  11. Q: Who wrote the Batman story arc “A Death in the Family”? – Jim Starlin

  12. Q: Which artist created the iconic cover for “Batman: The Killing Joke”? – Brian Bolland

  13. Q: Who wrote the critically acclaimed Batman story “The Black Mirror”? – Scott Snyder

  14. Q: Which comic series reimagines Batman in a steampunk Victorian era? – Gotham by Gaslight

  15. Q: Who created the artwork for the Batman: Hush storyline? – Jim Lee

  16. Q: Which writer created the “Batman: Earth One” graphic novel series? – Geoff Johns

Batman in Television

Batman in Television

  1. Q: Who played Batman in the 1960s TV series? – Adam West

  2. Q: Who played Robin in the 1960s TV series? – Burt Ward

  3. Q: What was the name of the Batmobile in the 1960s TV series? – Futura

  4. Q: Which actor voiced Batman in “Batman: The Animated Series”? – Kevin Conroy

  5. Q: Who voiced the Joker in “Batman: The Animated Series”? – Mark Hamill

  6. Q: What was the name of the Batmobile in “Batman: The Animated Series”? – Batmobile Model #3

  7. Q: Which network aired “Batman: The Animated Series”? – Fox

  8. Q: What year did “Batman: The Animated Series” debut? – 1992

  9. Q: Who played Bruce Wayne in the TV series “Gotham”? – David Mazouz

  10. Q: Who played Jim Gordon in the TV series “Gotham”? – Ben McKenzie

  11. Q: Who played Batman in the TV series “Titans”? – Iain Glen

  12. Q: Which streaming service produced the TV series “Titans”? – DC Universe

  13. Q: Who played Kate Kane/Batwoman in the TV series “Batwoman”? – Ruby Rose

  14. Q: Which network aired the TV series “Batwoman”? – The CW

  15. Q: Who voiced Batman in the animated series “Batman Beyond”? – Kevin Conroy

  16. Q: What is the name of Terry McGinnis’ alter ego in “Batman Beyond”? – Batman

Batman in Film

Batman in Film

  1. Q: Who played Batman in the 1989 “Batman” film? – Michael Keaton

  2. Q: Who played the Joker in the 1989 “Batman” film? – Jack Nicholson

  3. Q: Who directed the 1989 “Batman” film? – Tim Burton

  4. Q: Who played Catwoman in “Batman Returns”? – Michelle Pfeiffer

  5. Q: Who played the Riddler in “Batman Forever”? – Jim Carrey

  6. Q: Who played Batman in “Batman & Robin”? – George Clooney

  7. Q: Who directed “Batman Begins”? – Christopher Nolan

  8. Q: Who played the Scarecrow in “Batman Begins”? – Cillian Murphy

  9. Q: Who played the Joker in “The Dark Knight”? – Heath Ledger

  10. Q: Who played Bane in “The Dark Knight Rises”? – Tom Hardy

  11. Q: Who played Batman in “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”? – Ben Affleck

  12. Q: Who played Wonder Woman in “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”? – Gal Gadot

  13. Q: Who directed “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”? – Zack Snyder

  14. Q: Who played the Joker in “Suicide Squad”? – Jared Leto

  15. Q: Who played Harley Quinn in “Suicide Squad”? – Margot Robbie

  16. Q: Who played Alfred Pennyworth in the DCEU films? – Jeremy Irons

Batman’s Gadgets and Vehicles

Batman's Gadgets and Vehicles

  1. Q: What is the name of Batman’s car? – Batmobile

  2. Q: What is the name of Batman’s motorcycle? – Batcycle

  3. Q: What is the name of Batman’s airplane? – Batplane

  4. Q: What is the name of Batman’s boat? – Batboat

  5. Q: What is the name of the device Batman uses to scale walls? – Grappling gun

  6. Q: What is the name of the device Batman uses to see in the dark? – Night vision goggles

  7. Q: What is the name of the device Batman uses to hack computers? – Cryptographic sequencer

  8. Q: What is the name of the device Batman uses to analyze evidence? – Forensic scanner

  9. Q: What is the name of the device Batman uses to track suspects? – Tracking device

  10. Q: What is the name of the device Batman uses to disrupt electronics? – EMP generator

  11. Q: What is the name of the explosive gel Batman uses? – Explosive gel

  12. Q: What is the name of the respirator Batman uses underwater? – Rebreather

  13. Q: What is the name of the holographic computer in the Batcave? – Batcomputer

  14. Q: What is the name of the giant penny in the Batcave? – Giant penny

  15. Q: What is the name of the animatronic T-Rex in the Batcave? – Giant T-Rex

  16. Q: What is the name of the flying vehicle in “The Dark Knight Rises”? – The Bat

Batman’s Impact on Popular Culture

Batman's Impact on Popular Culture

  1. Q: What was the first Batman action figure released? – Ideal’s Captain Action Batman figure

  2. Q: What year was the first Batman video game released? – 1986

  3. Q: What is the name of the Batman-themed roller coaster at Six Flags? – Batman: The Ride

  4. Q: Which band wrote the theme song for the 1989 “Batman” film? – Prince

  5. Q: Which comedian played a Batman parody character named Blankman? – Damon Wayans

  6. Q: Which TV series featured a character named “The Bat-Manuel”? – Freakazoid!

  7. Q: What is the name of the Batman parody character in “The Simpsons”? – Bat-Homer

  8. Q: Which superhero was inspired by Batman’s success? – Spider-Man

  9. Q: Which Marvel superhero team was created as a response to the JLA? – Fantastic Four

  10. Q: Which DC superhero was created as a Batman pastiche? – Owlman

  11. Q: What is the name of the Batman-inspired character in “Watchmen”? – Nite Owl

  12. Q: Which animated series featured a Batman parody named Darkwing Duck? – Darkwing Duck

  13. Q: Which rapper has a song titled “Batmobile”? – Lil Wayne

  14. Q: Which rock band has a song titled “The Ballad of Batman”? – Barenaked Ladies

  15. Q: Which metal band has an album titled “Batman”? – Voivod

  16. Q: Which electronic artist has a song titled “The Batman Theme”? – Sander van Doorn

Batman Across the Globe

Batman Across the Globe

  1. Q: In which country was the first Batman manga published? – Japan

  2. Q: What is the name of the Italian comic book series inspired by Batman? – Diabolik

  3. Q: What is the name of the French comic book series inspired by Batman? – Nightrunner

  4. Q: What is the name of the Mexican luchador version of Batman? – El Murcielago Enmascarado

  5. Q: What is the name of the Indian version of Batman? – Betaal

  6. Q: What is the name of the Russian version of Batman? – Bekas

  7. Q: What is the name of the Chinese version of Batman? – Hei Ying Xiong

  8. Q: What is the name of the Turkish version of Batman? – Yarasa Adam

  9. Q: What is the name of the Brazilian version of Batman? – Homem-Morcego

  10. Q: What is the name of the South Korean version of Batman? – Beom-keobeu-in

  11. Q: In which country was the first international Batman fan club founded? – United Kingdom

  12. Q: What is the name of the annual Batman fan convention in Australia? – Batmania

  13. Q: What is the name of the museum dedicated to Batman in Brazil? – Museu do Batman

  14. Q: Which country has a life-sized Batman statue in a public park? – Canada

  15. Q: What is the name of the Batman-themed restaurant in Malaysia? – DC Comics Super Heroes Cafe

  16. Q: Which country has a Batman-themed hotel room? – Taiwan

Fun and Quirky Facts

Fun and Quirky Facts

  1. Q: What is Batman’s favorite food? – Mulligatawny soup

  2. Q: What is Batman’s favorite drink? – Ginger ale

  3. Q: What is Batman’s favorite color? – Black and yellow

  4. Q: What is Batman’s IQ? – 192

  5. Q: What is Batman’s blood type? – O-negative

  6. Q: What is Batman’s height? – 6’2″ (1.88 m)

  7. Q: What is Batman’s weight? – 210 lbs (95 kg)

  8. Q: What is Batman’s shoe size? – 13

  9. Q: What is Batman’s favorite book? – The Art of War by Sun Tzu

  10. Q: What is Batman’s favorite movie? – Zorro

  11. Q: What is Batman’s favorite band? – The Midnight Sons

  12. Q: What is Batman’s favorite sport? – Fencing

  13. Q: What is the name of the Batman/Elmer Fudd crossover comic? – Batman/Elmer Fudd Special

  14. Q: In which comic did Batman fight Dracula? – Batman & Dracula: Red Rain

  15. Q: Which actor was considered for the role of Batman before Michael Keaton? – Mel Gibson

  16. Q: What is the name of the Batman-themed pizza offered by Little Caesars? – The Dark Knight Rises Pizza


Lastly, we’ve covered everything from the Dark Knight’s origins to his global impact, and I hope you’ve enjoyed testing your knowledge along the way. 

Remember, being a true Batman fan isn’t just about memorizing facts – it’s about begining the spirit of the Caped Crusader and standing up for what’s right.

Whether you’re a die-hard comic book reader or a casual movie-goer, there’s always more to discover in the ever-expanding Batman universe. 

So keep exploring, keep learning, and most importantly, keep being the hero that Gotham (and the world) needs. 

Until next time, true believers! 

James Edwards

James Edwards is a trivia enthusiast who has spent over 15 years curating challenging questions and hosting quiz nights. When he's not writing or devising quizzes, you can find James exploring new books or enjoying a classic film marathon. His expertise in trivia has made him a popular figure in the quiz community. He graduated with a degree in History from the University of California, Berkeley.

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