251+ Toilet Puns That Are Simply Unforgettable

Toilet Puns That Are Simply Unforgettable

Toilet humor: love it or hate it?

Let’s face it: potty jokes can be a bit embarrassing. You might feel childish for laughing at them or worry about offending others. But why should we flush away such a rich source of wordplay?

I’ve got good news for you! I’ve collected over 251+ toilet puns that will make a splash. From clever wordplay to groan-worthy dad jokes, this list has it all.

Whether you’re looking to lighten the mood at a party or want a good chuckle, these puns will have you rolling (with laughter, that is).

So take a seat, get comfortable, and prepare for a flood of hilarious toilet humor!

List of Toilet Puns to Explore & Enjoy

List of Toilet Puns to Explore & Enjoy

  1. Why did the toilet get a promotion? – It was on a roll!

  2. What do you call a toilet that tells jokes? – A commode-ian!

  3. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? – To get to the bottom!

  4. How do toilets stay so calm? – They just let it all go.

  5. What did the toilet say to the sink? – You’re draining me!

  6. Why did the toilet break up with the plunger? – It was tired of getting pushed around.

  7. What’s a toilet’s favorite type of music? – Flushdance!

  8. Why don’t toilets argue? – Because they always give in!

  9. What’s a toilet’s favorite game? – Bowl-ing.

  10. Why did the toilet need a vacation? – It was wiped out!

  11. What do you call a fancy toilet? – A royal flush!

  12. Why did the toilet go to therapy? – It had too many unresolved issues.

  13. What’s a toilet’s favorite sport? – Water polo.

  14. Why was the toilet so good at keeping secrets? – It never leaks!

  15. What do toilets say during a race? – “Let’s go, let’s go!”

  16. Why do toilets never lie? – Because the truth always comes out!

  17. What do you get when you cross a toilet with a detective? – A private eye with a seat!

  18. Why did the toilet become a musician? – It had great pipes!

  19. What do toilets say to inspire each other? – “Flush your fears away!”

  20. Why do toilets make good friends? – They’re always there when you need to unload.

  21. Why did the toilet refuse to play cards? – It didn’t want to be dealt a bad hand.

  22. Why did the toilet join the gym? – It wanted to get a six-pack!

  23. What did the toilet say after a big meal? – “I’m stuffed!”

  24. Why are toilets so successful? – They handle their business well.

  25. What’s a toilet’s favorite type of cake? – Dump-lings!

  26. Why did the toilet become an artist? – It knew how to make a splash!

  27. Why don’t you trust a fart in the bathroom? – Because it might be more than you bargained for!

  28. What did one toilet say to the other? – “You’re full of it!”

  29. Why did the bathroom mirror fail its test? – It couldn’t reflect on anything!

  30. Why did the toilet break up with the sink? – It was tired of all the draining conversations.

  31. What’s the best part of bathroom gossip? – It’s always juicy!

  32. Why did the toilet refuse to share its secrets? – It’s too flush-strated!

  33. What do you call a bathroom accident? – A loo-se cannon!

  34. Why don’t bathroom floors get along? – Too many dirty footprints.

  35. What’s the bathroom’s favorite movie? – “Flush Gordon!”

  36. Why don’t bathroom jokes ever get old? – Because they’re always fresh!

  37. What do you call a bathroom with no toilet paper? – A paperless pot-tay!

  38. Why do toilets never play hide and seek? – Because they always get found out!

  39. Why do bathroom scales tell the truth? – They can’t handle the weight of lies!

  40. What’s a bathroom’s least favorite drink? – Anything with too much flush-ion.

  41. Why was the toilet always invited to parties? – It was the life of the potty!

  42. What did the toilet say to the impatient guest? – “Wait your turn, I’m on a roll!”

  43. Why did the soap refuse to work with the toilet? – It didn’t want to get into a lather.

  44. What’s a toilet’s favorite dance? – The loo-mba!

  45. Why don’t toilets tell secrets? – They’re afraid they’ll spill the beans!

  46. Why did the toilet paper go to therapy? – It had too many issues!

  47. What did the bathroom say to the guest? – “Stay a while, let’s flush out some problems.”

  48. Why do toilets make terrible lawyers? – They always get flushed out in cross-examination.

  49. Why did the toilet cross the road? – To get to the other side of the seat!

  50. Why was the bathroom so popular at parties? – It always had the best lines!

  51. What do you call a toilet that won’t flush? – A bowl in denial!

  52. Why did the toilet take a nap? – It was drained!

  53. Why did the toddler bring a pencil to the potty? – To draw some conclusions!

  54. What’s a toddler’s favorite potty game? – Pee-kaboo!

  55. Why did the potty get a job? – To help with the paper work!

  56. What do you call a potty-trained cat? – A purr-fect potty partner!

  57. Why don’t toddlers like potty training? – It’s too much potty-mouth for them!

  58. What’s a potty’s favorite dance move? – The flush and twirl!

  59. Why did the potty give up? – It couldn’t handle the pressure!

  60. What do you call a potty with a job? – Employed toilet!

  61. Why was the toddler always happy during potty time? – Because they knew they were number one!

  62. What’s the hardest part of potty training? – Getting down to business!

  63. Why did the potty need a break? – It was wiped out!

  64. What’s a potty’s favorite music genre? – Potty rock!

  65. Why do toddlers love their potty? – It’s their throne!

  66. Why did the potty make a great detective? – It always solved the case!

  67. What do you call a potty that tells jokes? – A pun-ny potty!

  68. Why don’t potty chairs play pranks? – They’re too serious about their duty!

  69. Why was the potty chair so proud? – It was flush with success!

  70. What’s a toddler’s favorite time of day? – Potty time!

  71. Why did the potty throw a party? – To celebrate a clean break!

  72. What do you call a potty training party? – A potty-palooza!

  73. Why did the potty trainer break up with the toddler? – Too much pressure!

  74. What’s a potty’s favorite dessert? – Flush-tart!

  75. Why did the potty go to the doctor? – It was feeling flushed!

  76. What’s a potty’s favorite subject in school? – Potty-graphy!

  77. Why did the potty win an award? – For best seat in the house!

  78. What do you call a potty that sings? – A loo-per star!

  79. Why are public restrooms always so welcoming? – Because they’re flush with hospitality!

  80. What’s a public restroom’s favorite type of customer? – The one who flushes and leaves!

  81. Why do public restrooms always stay calm? – They’re used to handling the worst situations!

  82. What do you call a crowded public restroom? – A flush mob!

  83. Why don’t public restrooms need alarms? – They’ve already got plenty of stalls!

  84. What did the public restroom say to the waiting line? – “Don’t rush me, I’m stalling!”

  85. Why do people avoid public restrooms? – Because they’re afraid of the public exposure!

  86. What’s a public restroom’s favorite snack? – Crackers!

  87. Why do public restrooms never gossip? – They don’t want to get caught in the stall!

  88. What do you call a fancy public restroom? – A royal flush station!

  89. Why did the public restroom start a band? – It had great acoustics!

  90. What’s the worst part about public restrooms? – The line of questioning!

  91. Why don’t public restrooms go on vacation? – They’re always too busy!

  92. What’s a public restroom’s favorite type of music? – Lav-rap!

  93. Why did the public restroom take a break? – It was tired of all the crap!

  94. What do you call a polite public restroom? – A loo-ser!

  95. Why did the public restroom fail its inspection? – Too many dirty little secrets!

  96. What’s a public restroom’s least favorite chore? – Wiping out!

  97. Why do public restrooms always know the latest gossip? – They’re full of rumors!

  98. What did the public restroom say when it was tired? – “I’m wiped!”

  99. Why do people avoid using public restrooms? – Too much toilet-ation!

  100. What’s the most important rule in a public restroom? – Always flush before you go!

  101. Why do public restrooms never play games? – They’re too busy with business!

  102. What’s the best advice for using a public restroom? – Hold your breath and hope for the best!

  103. Why did the public restroom go to therapy? – It had too many unresolved issues!

  104. What’s a public restroom’s favorite saying? – “Don’t be a drag, just flush!”

  105. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? – To get to the bottom!

  106. What do you call a fancy toilet paper? – A royal flush roll!

  107. Why don’t toilet papers make good friends? – They’re always on a roll!

  108. What did one roll of toilet paper say to the other? – “I’m wiped out!”

  109. Why do toilet papers love parties? – They get to unroll!

  110. What do you call a toilet paper that’s always late? – A slow roll!

  111. Why did the toilet paper refuse to go on a date? – It didn’t want to get too wrapped up!

  112. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite song? – “Unroll With It!”

  113. Why do toilet papers always win races? – They’re on a roll!

  114. What do you call a toilet paper that tells jokes? – A pun roll!

  115. Why did the toilet paper break up with the dispenser? – It felt too used!

  116. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite game? – Roll playing!

  117. Why do toilet papers make bad detectives? – They always get caught up in the mess!

  118. What do you call a toilet paper that’s always happy? – A jolly roll!

  119. Why did the toilet paper go to school? – To get a little unrolled!

  120. What’s a toilet paper’s least favorite job? – Wipe out!

  121. Why do toilet papers love roller coasters? – They enjoy the ups and downs!

  122. What did the toilet paper say to the stuck dispenser? – “Let it roll, baby!”

  123. Why did the toilet paper win an award? – For being the best roll model!

  124. What do you call a toilet paper with a bad attitude? – A rough roll!

  125. Why do toilet papers never get tired? – They’re always on a roll!

  126. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite sport? – Rolling!

  127. Why did the toilet paper start a band? – It wanted to be on a roll!

  128. What do you call a toilet paper that’s always positive? – A happy roll!

  129. Why don’t toilet papers ever gossip? – They don’t want to get caught up in the mess!

  130. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite dessert? – Roll cake!

    a toilet paper’s favorite dessert

  131. Why did the plumber become a musician? – He had great pipes!

  132. What do you call a plumber who can’t fix a leak? – A drip!

  133. Why did the sink break up with the faucet? – Too many draining conversations!

  134. What’s a plumber’s favorite dessert? – Pipe-dream pie!

  135. Why did the pipe refuse to sing? – It was too clogged up!

  136. What’s a plumber’s favorite game? – Pipe dreams!

  137. Why did the toilet become an artist? – It knew how to make a splash!

  138. What do you call a plumber who tells jokes? – A pun pipe!

  139. Why don’t plumbers play hide and seek? – They’re always under pressure!

  140. What did the plumber say to the clogged toilet? – “Don’t worry, I’ll get you flowing again!”

  141. Why did the pipe start a band? – It had great flow!

  142. What’s a plumber’s favorite type of music? – Pipe organ!

  143. Why did the toilet paper cross the road? – To get to the other pipe!

  144. What do you call a plumber who can’t fix a toilet? – A stool pigeon!

  145. Why did the plumber break up with the toilet? – It was too much work!

  146. What’s a plumber’s favorite snack? – Pipe nuts!

  147. Why do pipes never lie? – They always come clean!

  148. What do you call a plumber who’s always late? – A slow flow!

  149. Why did the plumber get promoted? – He was great at handling pressure!

  150. What’s a plumber’s favorite exercise? – Pipe curls!

  151. Why did the toilet hire a plumber? – It was backed up!

  152. What do you call a plumber who tells tall tales? – A pipe dreamer!

  153. Why did the plumber go to therapy? – He had too many issues to flush out!

  154. What’s a plumber’s favorite holiday? – Pipe-entine’s Day!

  155. Why do plumbers make great partners? – They know how to fix any leak in a relationship!

  156. What’s a plumber’s least favorite job? – Dealing with a stubborn clog!

  157. Why did the plunger break up with the toilet? – It was tired of getting sucked in!

  158. What do you call a fancy air freshener? – A scent-sational spray!

  159. Why did the toilet paper become an artist? – It knew how to make a good impression!

  160. What’s a plunger’s favorite game? – Suction cup races!

  161. Why did the air freshener go to therapy? – It couldn’t mask its feelings anymore!

  162. What do you call a toilet brush with an attitude? – A scrub!

  163. Why did the air freshener break up with the toilet? – It was tired of covering up the stink!

  164. What’s a plunger’s favorite movie? – “Suction Impossible!”

  165. Why did the toilet paper refuse to do stand-up? – It was afraid of getting ripped apart!

  166. What do you call a plunger that tells jokes? – A suction cup comedian!

  167. Why did the toilet brush go to school? – To get a little scrubbed up!

  168. What’s a plunger’s least favorite job? – Unclogging lies!

  169. Why did the air freshener get a promotion? – It was scent-sational!

  170. What do you call a toilet paper that can sing? – A roll star!

  171. Why did the toilet paper go on a date? – It wanted to get a little wrapped up!

  172. What’s a plunger’s favorite dance? – The suction shuffle!

  173. Why did the toilet brush start a band? – It wanted to make a clean sweep!

  174. What do you call a plunger that won’t work? – A stuck-up tool!

  175. Why did the air freshener start a blog? – To vent!

  176. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite sport? – Roll-er derby!

  177. Why did the plunger break up with the sink? – It was tired of all the draining conversations!

  178. What do you call a toilet brush with no bristles? – A bald scrubber!

  179. Why did the air freshener go to school? – To get a little educated in scents!

  180. What’s a plunger’s favorite holiday? – Suction-cup Sunday!

  181. Why did the toilet paper win a contest? – It was on a roll!

  182. What do you call a toilet paper that can dance? – A roll-and-twist!

  183. Why did the toilet go to therapy? – It had too many unresolved issues!

  184. What’s the most important rule in a bathroom? – Always flush and wash!

  185. Why do toilets make great friends? – They’re always there when you need to unload!

  186. What do you call someone who doesn’t flush? – A party pooper!

  187. Why did the bathroom mirror get in trouble? – It was reflecting poorly on others!

  188. What’s a bathroom’s least favorite visitor? – A non-flusher!

  189. Why did the soap refuse to work with the toilet? – It didn’t want to get into a lather.

  190. What’s the golden rule of bathroom etiquette? – Treat it like it’s your own!

  191. Why don’t bathrooms ever lie? – The truth always comes out in the wash!

  192. What do you call someone who leaves the seat up? – A throne tyrant!

  193. Why did the toilet paper go on strike? – It was tired of being ripped off!

  194. What’s the best way to leave a bathroom? – In a flush!

  195. Why do people avoid bathroom gossip? – Because it’s always dirty!

  196. What’s the number one rule of bathroom behavior? – Keep it clean and tidy!

  197. Why did the bathroom get a makeover? – To keep things fresh!

  198. What do you call someone who doesn’t wash their hands? – A germ-spreader!

  199. Why do bathrooms make good listeners? – They keep all your secrets flushed away!

  200. What’s the most polite thing you can do in a bathroom? – Leave it as you found it!

  201. Why did the bathroom refuse to host a party? – It didn’t want things to get out of hand!

  202. What do you call a bathroom without etiquette? – A mess waiting to happen!

  203. Why do bathrooms appreciate good manners? – It keeps things running smoothly!

  204. What’s the best advice for bathroom behavior? – Mind your flush and your manners!

  205. Why did the toilet brush refuse to clean? – It had enough of dirty work!

  206. What’s the most important thing to remember in a bathroom? – Cleanliness is next to godliness!

  207. Why did the soap get in trouble? – It was caught lathering up lies!

  208. What’s a bathroom’s favorite saying? – “Clean up your act!”

  209. What’s Batman’s favorite bathroom? – The Bat-room!

  210. Why did the toilet become a movie star? – It knew how to handle the pressure!

  211. What’s the Hulk’s least favorite bathroom situation? – A clogged drain – it makes him angry!

  212. Why did the toilet get a role in a horror movie? – It was great at making things flush with fear!

  213. What’s a Jedi’s favorite bathroom fixture? – The loo-k Skywalker!

  214. Why don’t superheroes need bathrooms? – They have super flush!

  215. What’s the toilet’s favorite sci-fi movie? – “Flush Gordon!”

  216. Why did the toilet win an Oscar? – It gave a flush-tastic performance!

  217. What’s Spider-Man’s least favorite bathroom chore? – Unclogging webbed drains!

  218. Why did the toilet star in a comedy? – It always gets the biggest laughs!

  219. What’s a vampire’s favorite bathroom fixture? – The bat-room!

  220. Why did the toilet go to Hollywood? – To become a star in the flush industry!

  221. What’s a pirate’s favorite bathroom? – The poop deck!

  222. Why did the toilet join a boy band? – It wanted to be flush with success!

  223. What’s a wizard’s favorite bathroom spell? – Flushius Maximus!

  224. Why did the toilet get a cameo in a sitcom? – It always had the best lines!

  225. What’s a ninja’s favorite bathroom activity? – Silent flush!

  226. Why did the toilet become a singer? – It had great pipes!

  227. What’s the toilet’s favorite Marvel movie? – “The Incredible Flush!”

  228. Why did the toilet get a TV show? – It was flush with good reviews!

  229. What’s a detective’s favorite bathroom fixture? – The loo-magnifying glass!

  230. Why did the toilet become a reality star? – It knew how to keep things real!

  231. What’s a robot’s favorite bathroom feature? – The automatic flush!

  232. Why did the toilet write a novel? – It had a lot of stuff to flush out!

  233. What’s the toilet’s favorite fantasy series? – “Flush of the Rings!”

  234. Why did the toilet go on tour? – To spread its flush-tastic humor!

  235. What’s a pirate’s least favorite bathroom task? – Scrubbing the poop deck!

  236. Why did the toilet get excited for Christmas? – It couldn’t wait to be flush with holiday cheer!

  237. What’s a toilet’s favorite Halloween costume? – The Flush Reaper!

  238. Why did the toilet celebrate Thanksgiving? – It was grateful for a clean bowl!

  239. What’s a toilet’s favorite winter sport? – Loo-ge!

  240. Why did the toilet love Valentine’s Day? – It was flush with love!

  241. What’s a toilet’s favorite holiday? – St. Flush-trick’s Day!

  242. Why did the toilet throw a New Year’s party? – To flush out the old and welcome the new!

  243. What’s a toilet’s favorite Easter activity? – Egg-flush!

  244. Why did the toilet enjoy summer? – It was always in the pool!

  245. What’s a toilet’s favorite Fourth of July activity? – Flush works!

  246. Why did the toilet get a gift on its birthday? – For being the best seat in the house!

  247. What’s a toilet’s favorite springtime event? – The flush of new beginnings!

  248. Why did the toilet get dressed up for Halloween? – It wanted to be flush with style!

  249. What’s a toilet’s favorite holiday drink? – Eggnog with a flush of cinnamon!

  250. Why did the toilet join the Christmas carolers? – To spread some holiday cheer with a flush!

  251. What’s a toilet’s favorite winter activity? – Ice flush-ing!

  252. Why did the toilet celebrate Hanukkah? – To enjoy the flush of lights!

  253. What’s a toilet’s favorite Thanksgiving side dish? – Mash-flush potatoes!

  254. Why did the toilet love Easter? – For the flush of new life!

  255. What’s a toilet’s favorite summer treat? – Flush-icles!

  256. Why did the toilet get excited for Halloween? – It loves a good flush fright!

  257. What’s a toilet’s favorite holiday treat? – Flush candy canes!

  258. Why did the toilet host a Fourth of July party? – To celebrate with a bang of flush-works!

  259. What’s a toilet’s favorite autumn activity? – Flush-ing through the leaves!

  260. Why did the toilet get excited for Christmas? – It couldn’t wait to be flush with holiday cheer!


We’ve flushed out quite a collection of toilet puns, haven’t we? I hope these jokes have left you feeling relieved and entertained. From classic potty humor to seasonal quips, we’ve covered it all.

But why stop here? Toilet humor can be a great ice-breaker or a fun way to lighten the mood. So go ahead and share these puns with your friends and family. You might bowl them over with laughter!

Remember, life’s too short to be too serious. A little potty humor now and then can help us all go with the flow.

What do you think? Did any of these puns make you laugh? Or do you have some favorites of your own?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

David Brown

David Brown is a comedy writer with a sharp wit and a love for puns. He has written for various comedy shows and websites, making people laugh with his clever humor. Outside of writing, David enjoys performing stand-up comedy, cooking new recipes, and playing guitar. He studied English Literature at New York University, where he developed his love for wordplay.

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