301+ Funniest Ramen Puns That Will Make You Roll Down

Are you tired of bland jokes that fall flat? Craving some flavor in your humor?

I know how it feels to search for the perfect pun only to come up empty-handed. It’s frustrating when you want to spice up a conversation but can’t find the right words to noodle with.

But don’t worry! I’ve got a steaming hot bowl of wordplay just for you. In this post, I’m serving up over 301+ ramen puns that’ll have you and your friends laughing out loud.

From clever noodle knockers to broth-taking one-liners, these jokes will satisfy your appetite for humor.

So grab your chopsticks and get ready to slurp some seriously funny ramen puns!

Classic Ramen Puns

Classic Ramen Puns

  1. What do you call a noodle detective? Ramen Sherlock Holmes

  2. How does a ramen chef say goodbye? Sea-you later!

  3. What’s a ramen lover’s favorite day of the week? Soupday

  4. Why did the ramen go to therapy? It had too many issues to work through

  5. What do you call a ramen noodle workout? Stretching

  6. How do ramen noodles stay in shape? They use their noodle

  7. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite music? Hip-broth

  8. Why was the ramen soup single? It couldn’t find its other broth

  9. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite sport? Souper Bowl

  10. How does ramen travel? By any miso transportation

  11. What’s a ramen lover’s favorite movie? The Lord of the Strings

  12. Why did the ramen go to school? To get a higher noodlecation

  13. What do you call a ramen noodle’s worst enemy? The Soupervillain

  14. How do ramen noodles communicate? By spaghetting to know each other

  15. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite TV show? Broth of Thrones

  16. Why did the ramen noodle blush? It saw the salad dressing

  17. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite dance? The Miso Slide

  18. How do ramen noodles propose? With a diamond string

  19. What’s a ramen lover’s favorite holiday? Slurp-entine’s Day

  20. Why did the ramen noodle go to the gym? To beef up its broth

  21. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite game? Souperman

  22. How do ramen noodles celebrate? With a broth-day party

  23. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite subject? Soupology

  24. Why did the ramen noodle become a comedian? It wanted to be im-pasta-ble to ignore

  25. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite movie genre? Souper-hero films

  26. How do ramen noodles stay warm? They wear a bowl-neck sweater

  27. What’s a ramen lover’s favorite board game? Scrabowl

  28. Why did the ramen noodle become a teacher? To spread some noodle-edge

  29. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite season? Broth-umn

  30. How do ramen noodles show affection? With a broth-erly hug

  31. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite book? The Broth of Khan

Noodle-Related Puns

Noodle-Related Puns

  1. What do you call a noodle that’s always complaining? A whine-men

  2. How do noodles travel? By any strand-sportation

  3. What do you call a noodle’s favorite movie? The Strainer Things

  4. Why did the noodle go to the doctor? It wasn’t feeling wheat

  5. What’s a noodle’s favorite type of music? Pasta-farian

  6. How do noodles stay fit? They do dough-ga

  7. What do you call a noodle’s favorite superhero? The Incredible Bulk

  8. Why did the noodle become a politician? To run for pasta-dent

  9. What’s a noodle’s favorite dance move? The electric slurp-dle

  10. How do noodles celebrate Valentine’s Day? With a candle-lit dinner

  11. What do you call a noodle’s favorite sport? Basket-bowl

  12. Why did the noodle go to space? To explore the final fettuccine-tier

  13. What’s a noodle’s favorite TV show? The Walking Bread

  14. How do noodles stay cool in summer? They use an air condi-shun-er

  15. What do you call a noodle’s favorite game? Twist-er

  16. Why did the noodle become a detective? To solve the mysteri-orzo

  17. What’s a noodle’s favorite holiday? Macaroni Gras

  18. How do noodles make phone calls? On their cell-ophane phones

  19. What do you call a noodle’s favorite book? The Catcher in the Rye-men

  20. Why did the noodle go to the gym? To work on its abs-olutely delicious flavor

  21. What’s a noodle’s favorite type of joke? A penne-trating one

  22. How do noodles relax? They take a spa-ghetti day

  23. What do you call a noodle’s favorite car? A Lamb-orghini

  24. Why did the noodle become a photographer? To capture life’s golden moments

  25. What’s a noodle’s favorite social media platform? Instant-gram

  26. How do noodles stay informed? They read the daily brews

  27. What do you call a noodle’s favorite animal? A maca-rhino

  28. Why did the noodle go to therapy? It had some deep-seated issues

  29. What’s a noodle’s favorite dessert? Stretcher-berry shortcake

  30. How do noodles travel through time? In a Tardish

  31. What do you call a noodle’s favorite drink? Soba-da

Broth-Based Puns

Broth-Based Puns

  1. What do you call a broth that’s always joking? A come-bouillon

  2. How does broth stay warm? With a soup-er heater

  3. What’s a broth’s favorite type of literature? Souper-natural fiction

  4. Why did the broth go to the gym? To work on its six-ladle abs

  5. What do you call a broth’s favorite dance? The Miso Shuffle

  6. How does broth travel? By taking the soupway

  7. What’s a broth’s favorite sport? Kung food

  8. Why did the broth become a teacher? To spread some flavor-ful knowledge

  9. What do you call a broth’s favorite movie? The Souper-man Returns

  10. How does broth stay connected? Through the inter-net

  11. What’s a broth’s favorite type of music? Soup-hop

  12. Why did the broth go to space? To explore the Milky Whey

  13. What do you call a broth’s favorite game? Souper Mario Bros

  14. How does broth relax? With some chicken noodle soup for the bowl

  15. What’s a broth’s favorite holiday? Soups-giving

  16. Why did the broth become a comedian? It wanted to keep the audience in hot water

  17. What do you call a broth’s favorite book? The Catcher in the Ramen

  18. How does broth exercise? By doing some bouillon curls

  19. What’s a broth’s favorite TV show? The Simmer-sons

  20. Why did the broth go to college? To get a degree in Flavorology

  21. What do you call a broth’s favorite dessert? Miso-cream

  22. How does broth stay fashionable? By wearing the latest trends from Soup-reme

  23. What’s a broth’s favorite type of art? Soup-realism

  24. Why did the broth become a detective? To solve the case of the missing flavor

  25. What do you call a broth’s favorite superhero? Aqua-man

  26. How does broth celebrate birthdays? With a bouillon-aire party

  27. What’s a broth’s favorite type of transportation? A soup-marine

  28. Why did the broth go to the doctor? It wasn’t feeling very well-done

  29. What do you call a broth’s favorite social media platform? Instabowl

  30. How does broth stay informed? By watching the miso news

  31. What’s a broth’s favorite type of weather? A light drizzle

Topping and Ingredient Puns

Topping and Ingredient Puns

  1. What do you call a ramen egg that tells jokes? A comedi-hen

  2. How does seaweed stay fit? With some nori-obics

  3. What’s a bamboo shoot’s favorite sport? Basket-bowl

  4. Why did the chashu go to school? To get a higher pork-ucation

  5. What do you call a mushroom’s favorite dance? The fun-gi groove

  6. How does corn stay connected? Through the corn-ternet

  7. What’s a green onion’s favorite movie? The Lord of the Strings

  8. Why did the bean sprout become a detective? To get to the root of the problem

  9. What do you call a naruto’s favorite book? The Great Fish-by

  10. How does menma stay cool? With bamboo-zling air conditioning

  11. What’s a soft-boiled egg’s favorite TV show? Game of Yolks

  12. Why did the nori go to therapy? It was feeling a bit washed up

  13. What do you call a kamaboko’s favorite superhero? Fish-erman

  14. How does garlic celebrate? With a clove-ly party

  15. What’s a sesame seed’s favorite type of music? Funk

  16. Why did the ginger become a comedian? To spice up the crowd

  17. What do you call a butter corn’s favorite dance? The pop and lock

  18. How does miso stay informed? By reading the daily brews

  19. What’s a fish cake’s favorite holiday? Fry-day

  20. Why did the chili oil go to the gym? To feel the burn

  21. What do you call a bamboo shoot’s favorite game? Chutes and ladders

  22. How does wakame travel? By sea-plane

  23. What’s a kombu’s favorite type of literature? Sea-fi

  24. Why did the katsuobushi become a teacher? To spread some tuna knowledge

  25. What do you call a narutomaki’s favorite sport? Swirling

  26. How does kikurage stay fit? With some mush-room to grow

  27. What’s a beni shoga’s favorite type of art? Pickle-asso

  28. Why did the moyashi go to space? To see the shooting stars

  29. What do you call a menma’s favorite dance move? The bamboo-gie

  30. How does corn butter stay cool? With a-maize-ing air conditioning

  31. What’s a nitamago’s favorite book? To Kill a Mock-yolk-bird

Ramen Restaurant Puns

Ramen Restaurant Puns

  1. What do you call a ramen shop that’s always busy? Soup-er popular

  2. How do ramen chefs stay fit? They do noodle-ates

  3. What’s a ramen restaurant’s favorite type of music? Chop-sticks

  4. Why did the ramen bowl go to therapy? It had too many deep-seated issues

  5. What do you call a ramen shop’s favorite dance? The slurp

  6. How does a ramen restaurant stay cool? With some broth-taking air conditioning

  7. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite TV show? Master-broth

  8. Why did the ramen spoon become a detective? To get to the bottom of things

  9. What do you call a ramen shop’s favorite book? The Catcher in the Rye-men

  10. How does a ramen restaurant celebrate? With a noodle-year’s eve party

  11. What’s a ramen waiter’s favorite sport? Table tennis

  12. Why did the ramen bowl go to school? To get a higher broth-ucation

  13. What do you call a ramen shop’s favorite superhero? The Incredible Bulk

  14. How does a ramen restaurant stay informed? By reading the daily brews

  15. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite type of weather? Chili

  16. Why did the chopsticks become comedians? They always had a split audience

  17. What do you call a ramen shop’s favorite holiday? Slurp-entine’s Day

  18. How does a ramen restaurant stay fashionable? By following the latest food trends

  19. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite type of art? Soup-realism

  20. Why did the ramen menu go to the doctor? It wasn’t feeling very well-done

  21. What do you call a ramen shop’s favorite social media platform? Instant-gram

  22. How does a ramen restaurant stay fit? With some kitchen crun-ches

  23. What’s a ramen waiter’s favorite movie? The Fast and the Flavorful

  24. Why did the ramen shop become a teacher? To spread some noodle-edge

  25. What do you call a ramen restaurant’s favorite game? Souper Mario Bros

  26. How does a ramen chef relax? With some me-soup time

  27. What’s a ramen shop’s favorite type of literature? Cook-books

  28. Why did the ramen bowl become a politician? To run for soup-reme leader

  29. What do you call a ramen restaurant’s favorite dance move? The whisk

  30. How does a ramen shop stay connected? Through the inter-net

  31. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite type of joke? A knee-slapper

  32. What do you call Tokyo-style ramen that’s always joking? Shio-king funny

  33. How does Hokkaido ramen stay warm? With a miso-ter heater

  34. What’s Kyushu ramen’s favorite type of music? Tonkotsu-ne

  35. Why did the Sapporo ramen go to the gym? To work on its corn-ditioning

  36. What do you call Hakata ramen’s favorite dance? The thin noodle shuffle

  37. How does Yokohama ramen travel? By taking the Ie-kei express

  38. What’s Kitakata ramen’s favorite sport? Curl-ing

  39. Why did the Asahikawa ramen become a teacher? To spread some shoyu wisdom

  40. What do you call Nagoya ramen’s favorite movie? The Taiwan-ator

  41. How does Okinawa ramen stay connected? Through the Soki-al network

  42. What’s Kumamoto ramen’s favorite type of literature? Garlic press releases

  43. Why did the Wakayama ramen go to space? To see the Milky Whey

  44. What do you call Kagoshima ramen’s favorite game? Kurobuta pursuit

  45. How does Kurume ramen relax? With some thin-king time

  46. What’s Hakodate ramen’s favorite holiday? Salt-urday

  47. Why did the Onomichi ramen become a comedian? It wanted to keep the audience in hot water

  48. What do you call Takayama ramen’s favorite book? The Chili Road

  49. How does Nagasaki ramen exercise? By doing some Cham-pon ups

  50. What’s Fukuoka ramen’s favorite TV show? The Thin Noodle Theory

  51. Why did the Sano ramen go to college? To get a degree in Brine Arts

  52. What do you call Kitakata ramen’s favorite dessert? Thick-su roll

  53. How does Tokushima ramen stay fashionable? By wearing the latest trends from Pork Couture

  54. What’s Hiroshima ramen’s favorite type of art? Tsukemen-ism

  55. Why did the Kurume ramen become a detective? To solve the case of the missing kogashi

  56. What do you call Hakata ramen’s favorite superhero? The Flesh

  57. How does Sapporo ramen celebrate birthdays? With a miso-ry party

  58. What’s Tottori ramen’s favorite type of transportation? A beef mobile

  59. Why did the Kumamoto ramen go to the doctor? It wasn’t feeling very well-done

  60. What do you call Nagoya ramen’s favorite social media platform? Taiwan-stagram

  61. How does Asahikawa ramen stay informed? By watching the lard news

  62. What’s Kitakata ramen’s favorite type of weather? A light soy drizzle

Funny Ramen Sayings and Quotes

Funny Ramen Sayings and Quotes

  1. I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right about this ramen.

  2. Life is too short for bad ramen and fake noodles.

  3. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ramen, and that’s pretty close.

  4. I don’t always eat ramen, but when I do, I slurp it like there’s no tomorrow.

  5. Keep calm and slurp on.

  6. Behind every successful person is a substantial amount of ramen.

  7. Ramen: because adulting is hard.

  8. I’m on a seafood diet. I see ramen, and I eat it.

  9. Ramen is always a good idea.

  10. Love makes the world go round, but ramen makes the trip worthwhile.

  11. I followed my heart, and it led me to ramen.

  12. Ramen hair, don’t care.

  13. You had me at ‘Let’s get ramen.’

  14. Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Ramen spelled backwards is… nevermind.

  15. I’m just a girl, standing in front of a bowl of ramen, asking it to be delicious.

  16. Ramen is my love language.

  17. When life gives you lemons, trade them for ramen.

  18. I’m not saying ramen is the answer to everything, but have you ever had a bad day after eating ramen?

  19. Relationship status: in love with ramen.

  20. Ramen: cheaper than therapy.

  21. I don’t need Google, my wife knows everything. Except where to find the best ramen – that’s my job.

  22. Happiness is… a steaming bowl of ramen on a cold day.

  23. I’m not addicted to ramen. We’re just in a very committed relationship.

  24. Ramen: the original fast food.

  25. Keep your friends close, and your ramen closer.

  26. I’m not saying I’m Wonder Woman, I’m just saying no one has ever seen me and a bowl of ramen in the same room.

  27. Ramen is the answer. Who cares what the question is?

  28. I was sad, but then I ate ramen. The end.

  29. My blood type is Ramen positive.

  30. I don’t always take selfies, but when I do, it’s with my ramen.

  31. Ramen: because ‘salad’ isn’t a comfort food.

Ramen Puns with Wordplay

Ramen Puns with Wordplay

  1. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite exercise? Spa-getter-i

  2. How does ramen flirt? “Hey there, hot stuff. Wanna broth-er me?”

  3. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite type of comedy? Stand-up noodle-ogy

  4. Why did the ramen go to the bar? It was feeling a little souper-depressed

  5. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite dance move? The chicken noodle slide

  6. How does ramen stay informed about current events? It reads the miso-paper

  7. What’s a ramen lover’s favorite type of math? Al-ge-broth

  8. Why did the ramen become a photographer? It wanted to cap-tureen the moment

  9. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite type of music? Souper-sonic

  10. How does ramen stay fit? With some noodle-ates

  11. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite board game? Soup-oku

  12. Why did the ramen go to the dentist? It had a broth ache

  13. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite type of literature? Souper-natural fiction

  14. How does ramen travel through time? In a Tard-dish

  15. What’s a ramen lover’s favorite type of party? A pool-party

  16. Why did the ramen become a comedian? It wanted to be im-pasta-ble to ignore

  17. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite type of art? Soup-realism

  18. How does ramen stay cool in summer? With some brothing fans

  19. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite type of flower? A chili

  20. Why did the ramen go to school? To get some egg-ucation

  21. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite type of exercise? Cardio-menma

  22. How does ramen celebrate New Year’s? With a countdown to broth-night

  23. What’s a ramen lover’s favorite type of transportation? A noodle car

  24. Why did the ramen become a teacher? To spread some flavorful knowledge

  25. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite type of weather? A light broth-zle

  26. How does ramen stay connected with friends? Through the soup-cial network

  27. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite type of movie? A broth-buster

  28. Why did the ramen go to the gym? To work on its abs-olutely delicious flavor

  29. What do you call a ramen noodle’s favorite type of dance? The cha-chashu slide

  30. How does ramen relax after a long day? With some me-soup time

  31. What’s a ramen lover’s favorite type of pet? A gold-fish cake

Ramen and Pop Culture Puns

Ramen and Pop Culture Puns

  1. What do you call a ramen-loving wizard? Harry Broth-er

  2. How does ramen watch its favorite shows? On Net-flakes

  3. What’s a ramen noodle’s favorite superhero movie? The A-pork-alypse

  4. Why did the ramen join a rock band? It wanted to be a souper-star

  5. What do you call a ramen-loving Time Lord? Doctor Noodle

  6. How does ramen enjoy music? On Soupify

  7. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite sci-fi franchise? Broth Trek

  8. Why did the ramen become a Jedi? To master the ways of the Broth

  9. What do you call a ramen-loving web-slinger? Spi-dinner-man

  10. How does ramen watch its favorite YouTubers? On Sou-Tube

  11. What’s a ramen noodle’s favorite fantasy series? Game of Broths

  12. Why did the ramen join the Avengers? It wanted to be a soup-er hero

  13. What do you call a ramen-loving archaeologist? Indiana Bowls

  14. How does ramen enjoy social media? On Noodle-gram

  15. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite animated movie? Soup-erman: Into the Spider-Verse

  16. Why did the ramen become a pirate? It wanted to sail the Seven Seasonings

  17. What do you call a ramen-loving secret agent? James Broth

  18. How does ramen enjoy video games? On the Sou-perNintendo

  19. What’s a ramen noodle’s favorite sitcom? The Big Bang Thebrothy

  20. Why did the ramen join Starfleet? To boldly go where no soup has gone before

  21. What do you call a ramen-loving boy wizard? Harry Broth-er

  22. How does ramen enjoy streaming services? On Broth-ulu

  23. What’s a ramen chef’s favorite action movie? The Fast and the Flavorful

  24. Why did the ramen become a detective? To solve the Mystery of the Missing Miso

  25. What do you call a ramen-loving vampire? Count Noodle-cula

  26. How does ramen enjoy podcasts? On Soupotify

  27. What’s a ramen noodle’s favorite reality show? Keeping Up with the Karai-shians

  28. Why did the ramen join the X-Men? It had mutant sou-powers

  29. What do you call a ramen-loving mad scientist? Doctor Frank-in-soup-stein

  30. How does ramen enjoy virtual reality? With an Oculus Broth

Ramen Pun One-Liners

Ramen Pun One-Liners

  1. I’m not saying ramen is the answer, but it’s worth a shot.

  2. Ramen may not be the key to happiness, but it’s a pretty good lock pick.

  3. I’ve bean thinking about you, my little miso.

  4. Don’t go broth-en my heart.

  5. You’re souper important to me.

  6. I’m having a hard time, send noodles.

  7. Ramen calm and carry on.

  8. Udon even know how much I love you.

  9. Let’s stick together like ramen noodles.

  10. I’m not just any ramen, I’m a souper-star.

  11. Feeling under the weather? Have some chicken noodle soup for the soul.

  12. You’re the egg to my ramen.

  13. I’m in a serious relation-chip with ramen.

  14. Ramen is my broth language.

  15. Keep calm and ramen on.

  16. Noodle try to resist, ramen is irresistible.

  17. I’m just here for the ramen-ce.

  18. Ramen is always a good idea, no matter the thyme.

  19. I’m not lazy, I’m on energy-saving miso.

  20. Life is short, eat more ramen.

  21. I’m having a souper day, how about you?

  22. Ramen is my comfort food and comforter.

  23. I’m not short, I’m fun-sized like a ramen noodle.

  24. Ramen: It’s what’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  25. I’ve got 99 problems, but ramen ain’t one.

  26. Ramen: because adulting is hard.

  27. I’m on a seafood diet: I see ramen, I eat it.

  28. Ramen is cheaper than therapy.

  29. Keep your friends close, and your ramen closer.

  30. I followed my heart, and it led me to ramen.

  31. Relationship status: committed to ramen.

  32. When life gives you lemons, make ramen.


From classic jokes to pop culture references, we’ve noodled our way through every flavor of ramen humor.  I hope these wordplays made you chuckle and maybe even groan a little. 

Remember, life’s too short for bland jokes, so why not spice up your conversations with these pun-tastic one-liners?

Whether you’re at a ramen shop or just hanging out with friends, these puns are sure to break the ice and get everyone laughing.

So, what’s next? Why not challenge yourself to come up with your own ramen puns? Or better yet, share your favorites from this list with friends and family.

After all, laughter, like a good bowl of ramen, is best when shared!

David Brown

David Brown is a comedy writer with a sharp wit and a love for puns. He has written for various comedy shows and websites, making people laugh with his clever humor. Outside of writing, David enjoys performing stand-up comedy, cooking new recipes, and playing guitar. He studied English Literature at New York University, where he developed his love for wordplay.

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