261+ Best Insurance Jokes for Every Occasion

insurance jokes

Ever felt like insurance talk puts you to sleep faster than a lullaby? You’re not alone!

Many of us find insurance a bit dull, but who says it can’t be funny? I’ve got good news for you: there’s a treasure trove of insurance jokes out there that’ll make you chuckle.

In this post, I’m sharing over 261+ insurance jokes that’ll brighten your day and maybe even make you see the lighter side of policies and premiums.

From clever one-liners to punny observations, I’ve got jokes for every insurance situation.

So, buckle up (safety first, right?) and get ready for a laugh-filled journey through the world of insurance humor!

Some Amazing List of Insurance Puns to Brighten Your Day

Some Amazing List of Insurance Puns to Brighten Your Day

General Insurance Jokes

1. Q: Why did the insurance policy go to the gym? A: It wanted to reduce its premiums!

2. Q: What do you call a policy that covers clumsy people? A: Oops-surance!

3. Q: How do actuaries say goodbye? A: “We’ll see you in the long run!”

4. Q: Why was the insurance agent always cold? A: He specialized in wind-chill policies!

5. Q: What’s an insurance agent’s favorite dance? A: The premium shuffle!

6. Q: Why did the risk manager bring a ladder to work? A: He wanted to cover all the high-risk scenarios!

7. Q: How do you make an insurance agent laugh? A: Tell them you’re fully covered!

8. Q: What do you call it when your insurance company ghosts you? A: A void policy!

9. Q: Why did the underwriter cross the road? A: To assess the risks on the other side!

10. Q: What’s an insurance adjuster’s favorite TV show? A: “Claim of Thrones”!

11. Q: Why did the policyholder go to the optometrist? A: He couldn’t see the fine print!

12. Q: What do you call an insurance company’s softball team? A: The Premium Hitters!

13. Q: Why was the insurance broker so good at hide and seek? A: He knew all about coverage!

14. Q: What’s an insurance agent’s favorite fruit? A: Indemnity-berries!

15. Q: How do insurance companies say “I love you”? A: “You’re my biggest asset!”

16. Q: Why did the actuary bring a calculator to the beach? A: To work on his tan-gent lines!

17. Q: What do you call an insurance policy for ghosts? A: Boo-surance!

18. Q: Why was the claims adjuster always tired? A: He was dealing with too many red-eye flights!

19. Q: What’s an underwriter’s favorite board game? A: Risk!

20. Q: How do insurance agents stay in shape? A: They run through all the loopholes!

21. Q: Why did the insurance policy go to therapy? A: It had too many exclusions!

22. Q: What do you call an insurance company’s favorite song? A: “Don’t Go Claiming My Heart”!

23. Q: Why was the insurance agent always on time? A: He didn’t want to miss any coverage!

24. Q: How do insurance companies celebrate Halloween? A: They go trick-or-treating for new policies!

25. Q: What’s an insurance adjuster’s favorite ice cream flavor? A: Rocky Road… because it reminds them of all the claims!

26. Q: Why did the insurance policy apply for a job? A: It wanted to increase its coverage!

Auto Insurance Jokes

27. Q: Why did the car insurance policy feel lonely? A: It had no-body to cover!

28. Q: What do you call a car that’s always getting into accidents? A: A premium raiser!

29. Q: Why did the GPS file an insurance claim? A: It kept getting lost in translation!

30. Q: How do you know your car insurance is too expensive? A: When your monthly premium is higher than your car payment!

31. Q: What did the car say to its insurance agent? A: “I’m exhausted from all these claims!”

32. Q: Why did the traffic light refuse car insurance? A: It only wanted to cover green vehicles!

33. Q: How does a car insurance agent say “I love you”? A: “You’re my airbag in life!”

34. Q: What’s a car insurer’s favorite dance move? A: The fender bender!

35. Q: Why did the car insurance policy go to the gym? A: To work on its coverage!

36. Q: What do you call it when two insured cars collide? A: A premium opportunity!

37. Q: Why was the car insurance agent always tired? A: Too many crash courses!

38. Q: What’s a car insurance adjuster’s favorite movie? A: “The Fast and the Furious Claims”!

39. Q: Why did the steering wheel file for insurance? A: It wanted to take control of its future!

40. Q: How do car insurance agents relax? A: They take a brake!

41. Q: What do you call a car insurance policy for clowns? A: Funny car insurance!

42. Q: Why did the car insurance policy go to school? A: To get more coverage!

43. Q: What’s a car insurance agent’s favorite type of music? A: Heavy metal… crash!

44. Q: Why did the car insurer become a gardener? A: He wanted to deal with different types of coverage!

45. Q: How do car insurance agents stay in shape? A: They do premium-etrics!

46. Q: What do you call a car insurance policy for zombies? A: Un-dead-on-arrival coverage!

47. Q: Why was the car insurance policy good at hide and seek? A: It knew all about collision coverage!

48. Q: What’s a car insurance agent’s favorite drink? A: Crash course!

49. Q: Why did the car insurance policy go to the doctor? A: It had a bad case of clause-trophobia!

50. Q: How do car insurance agents celebrate New Year’s? A: They drop the premium at midnight!

51. Q: What do you call a car insurance policy for fish? A: Fin-surance!

52. Q: Why did the car insurance agent become a teacher? A: To explain the concept of higher deductibles!

Health Insurance Jokes

53. Q: Why did the band-aid refuse health insurance? A: It was already covered!

54. Q: What do you call a health insurance policy for vampires? A: Fang-tastic coverage!

55. Q: Why did the stethoscope file an insurance claim? A: It was feeling a bit under pressure!

56. Q: How do health insurance agents stay fit? A: They run through all the policy loopholes!

57. Q: What’s a doctor’s favorite type of insurance? A: Malpractice-makes-perfect coverage!

58. Q: Why did the thermometer get denied health insurance? A: It had too many degrees!

59. Q: How do health insurance companies say “Get well soon”? A: “Hope you’re back to work ASAP!”

60. Q: What do you call a health insurance policy for ghosts? A: Spooktacular coverage!

61. Q: Why was the health insurance agent always out of breath? A: Too many runny noses to cover!

62. Q: What’s a health insurance adjuster’s favorite board game? A: Operation!

63. Q: Why did the x-ray technician quit the insurance business? A: He could see right through all the policies!

64. Q: How do health insurance agents relax? A: They take a coffee break… with a copay!

65. Q: What do you call a health insurance policy for clowns? A: Laughable coverage!

66. Q: Why did the health insurance policy go to therapy? A: It had commitment issues with long-term care!

67. Q: What’s a health insurance agent’s favorite type of exercise? A: Premium lifts!

68. Q: Why did the health insurer become a meteorologist? A: To predict the next wave of flu season claims!

69. Q: How do health insurance companies celebrate Halloween? A: They dress up as high deductibles to scare everyone!

70. Q: What do you call a health insurance policy for zombies? A: Brain-dead coverage!

71. Q: Why was the health insurance policy good at math? A: It knew all about co-payments!

72. Q: What’s a health insurance agent’s favorite snack? A: Premium crackers!

73. Q: Why did the health insurance policy go to the gym? A: To reduce its waist-ing disease coverage!

74. Q: How do health insurance agents say goodbye? A: “Stay healthy… or else!”

75. Q: What do you call a health insurance policy for fish? A: Swim-surance!

76. Q: Why did the health insurance agent become a librarian? A: To help people check out their policies!

77. Q: How do health insurance companies celebrate Christmas? A: They stuff stockings with EOBs!

78. Q: What’s a health insurance adjuster’s favorite TV show? A: “Grey’s Anatomy of a Claim”!

Home Insurance Jokes

79. Q: Why did the house file for insurance? A: It wanted some peace of mind… and a piece of the roof!

80. Q: What do you call a home insurance policy for ghosts? A: Boo-meowners insurance!

81. Q: Why was the chimney sweeper denied home insurance? A: His job was too sooty for coverage!

82. Q: How do home insurance agents relax? A: They take a foundation day off!

83. Q: What’s a home insurance adjuster’s favorite game? A: House of Cards!

84. Q: Why did the window get the best home insurance rate? A: It had nothing to hide!

85. Q: How do home insurance companies say “Welcome home”? A: “Hope you’re fully covered!”

86. Q: What do you call a home insurance policy for clowns? A: Fun-house insurance!

87. Q: Why was the home insurance agent always cold? A: Too many drafty policy exclusions!

88. Q: What’s a home insurance agent’s favorite type of house? A: A claim-free colonial!

89. Q: Why did the roof file an insurance claim? A: It was feeling under the weather!

90. Q: How do home insurance agents stay in shape? A: They do property crunches!

91. Q: What do you call a home insurance policy for vampires? A: Stake-holders insurance!

92. Q: Why did the home insurance policy go to school? A: To get extra credit for good behavior!

93. Q: What’s a home insurance agent’s favorite room in the house? A: The premium suite!

94. Q: Why did the home insurer become a gardener? A: To understand the root causes of claims!

95. Q: How do home insurance companies celebrate Halloween? A: They hand out liability waivers instead of candy!

96. Q: What do you call a home insurance policy for zombies? A: Undead-end mortgage protection!

97. Q: Why was the home insurance policy good at hide and seek? A: It knew all about coverage gaps!

98. Q: What’s a home insurance agent’s favorite drink? A: House blend coffee!

99. Q: Why did the home insurance policy go to the doctor? A: It had a bad case of premium fever!

100. Q: How do home insurance agents say goodnight? A: “Don’t let the bed bugs bite… they’re not covered!”

101. Q: What do you call a home insurance policy for fish? A: Aqua-homeowners insurance!

102. Q: Why did the home insurance agent become a chef? A: To understand kitchen fire hazards better!

103. Q: How do home insurance companies celebrate New Year’s? A: They make resolutions to raise premiums!

104. Q: What’s a home insurance adjuster’s favorite TV show? A: “This Old Claim”!

Life Insurance Jokes

105. Q: Why did the ghost apply for life insurance? A: For peace of afterlife!

106. Q: What do you call a life insurance policy for vampires? A: Eternal life coverage!

107. Q: Why was the zombie denied life insurance? A: He was already in a state of un-death!

108. Q: How do life insurance agents stay positive? A: They always look on the bright side of death!

109. Q: What’s a life insurance adjuster’s favorite board game? A: The Game of Life… Insurance!

110. Q: Why did the skeleton get the best life insurance rate? A: He had nothing to hide during the medical exam!

111. Q: How do life insurance companies say “Happy Birthday”? A: “Congratulations on surviving another year!”

112. Q: What do you call a life insurance policy for clowns? A: Laugh-ter life insurance!

113. Q: Why was the life insurance agent always tired? A: Too many late-night policy reviews!

114. Q: What’s a life insurance agent’s favorite type of party? A: A premium gala!

115. Q: Why did the cat buy nine life insurance policies? A: To cover all nine lives!

116. Q: How do life insurance agents stay in shape? A: They do mortality table exercises!

117. Q: What do you call a life insurance policy for time travelers? A: Back to the Future Planning!

118. Q: Why did the life insurance policy go to therapy? A: It had commitment issues!

119. Q: What’s a life insurance agent’s favorite flower? A: A policy-anthus!

120. Q: Why did the life insurer become a fortune teller? A: To predict future claims!

121. Q: How do life insurance companies celebrate Halloween? A: They dress up as the grim reaper… with a policy in hand!

122. Q: What do you call a life insurance policy for mummies? A: Wrap-around coverage!

123. Q: Why was the life insurance policy good at gambling? A: It knew all about taking risks!

124. Q: What’s a life insurance agent’s favorite drink? A: Mortality mojito!

125. Q: Why did the life insurance policy go to the gym? A: To increase its term!

126. Q: How do life insurance agents say goodbye? A: “Live long and prosper… but not too long!”

127. Q: What do you call a life insurance policy for mermaids? A: Sea-term life insurance!

128. Q: Why did the life insurance agent become a historian? A: To understand life expectancy trends better!

129. Q: How do life insurance companies celebrate Christmas? A: They hang stockings filled with policy riders!

130. Q: What’s a life insurance adjuster’s favorite movie? A: “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks… Coverage”!

Funny Insurance Salesperson Jokes

131. Q: Why don’t insurance salespeople like roller coasters? A: They prefer safer pitches!

132. Q: What do you call an insurance salesperson who’s always on the go? A: A premium runner!

133. Q: Why was the insurance salesperson great at basketball? A: He knew how to cover all the bases!

134. Q: How do insurance salespeople impress their dates? A: They offer them comprehensive coverage!

135. Q: What’s an insurance salesperson’s favorite type of music? A: Policy rock!

136. Q: Why did the insurance salesperson become a weatherman? A: To predict the next big storm of claims!

137. Q: How do insurance salespeople stay motivated? A: They set high-deductible goals!

138. Q: What do you call an insurance salesperson who’s always cold? A: A risk-assessor freeze!

139. Q: Why was the insurance salesperson bad at keeping secrets? A: He was always disclosing terms and conditions!

140. Q: What’s an insurance salesperson’s favorite dance move? A: The premium shuffle!

141. Q: Why did the insurance salesperson start a garden? A: To grow his coverage options!

142. Q: How do insurance salespeople celebrate their birthdays? A: With a cake covered in fine print!

143. Q: What do you call an insurance salesperson who’s always laughing? A: A jolly underwriter!

144. Q: Why was the insurance salesperson good at fishing? A: He knew how to reel in new policies!

145. Q: What’s an insurance salesperson’s favorite board game? A: Monopoly… on the insurance market!

146. Q: Why did the insurance salesperson become a chef? A: To cook up new policy bundles!

147. Q: How do insurance salespeople stay fit? A: They run through all the policy options!

148. Q: What do you call an insurance salesperson who’s always singing? A: A premium crooner!

149. Q: Why was the insurance salesperson good at magic? A: He could make your worries disappear… for a price!

150. Q: What’s an insurance salesperson’s favorite holiday? A: Risk-mas!

151. Q: Why did the insurance salesperson become a librarian? A: To better organize all the policy documents!

152. Q: How do insurance salespeople say “I love you”? A: “You’re my number one beneficiary!”

153. Q: What do you call an insurance salesperson who’s always late? A: A high-risk agent!

154. Q: Why was the insurance salesperson good at poker? A: He knew when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em… policies!

155. Q: What’s an insurance salesperson’s favorite type of cloud? A: The ones with silver linings… and potential hail damage!

156. Q: Why did the insurance salesperson become a detective? A: To investigate suspicious claims!

Travel Insurance Jokes

157. Q: Why did the suitcase file for travel insurance? A: It was worried about getting carried away!

158. Q: What do you call travel insurance for time travelers? A: Back to the Future Protection!

159. Q: Why was the passport denied travel insurance? A: It had too many stamps of disapproval!

160. Q: How do travel insurance agents relax? A: They take a trip… to the office!

161. Q: What’s a travel insurance adjuster’s favorite game? A: Globe-trotting monopoly!

162. Q: Why did the beach umbrella get the best travel insurance rate? A: It provided its own coverage!

163. Q: How do travel insurance companies say “Bon voyage”? A: “Don’t forget to read the fine print!”

164. Q: What do you call travel insurance for clowns? A: Circus-cumnavigation coverage!

165. Q: Why was the travel insurance agent always tired? A: Too many red-eye policy reviews!

166. Q: What’s a travel insurance agent’s favorite type of cuisine? A: International house of policies!

167. Q: Why did the compass file a travel insurance claim? A: It lost its sense of direction!

168. Q: How do travel insurance agents stay in shape? A: They do global warm-up exercises!

169. Q: What do you call travel insurance for mermaids? A: Offshore coverage!

170. Q: Why did the travel insurance policy go to language school? A: To become more worldly!

171. Q: What’s a travel insurance agent’s favorite mode of transportation? A: A premium cruise!

172. Q: Why did the travel insurer become a meteorologist? A: To forecast trip cancellations!

173. Q: How do travel insurance companies celebrate holidays? A: They take a staycation… to avoid claims!

174. Q: What do you call travel insurance for zombies? A: Undead-ication coverage!

175. Q: Why was the travel insurance policy good at geography? A: It knew all about coverage areas!

176. Q: What’s a travel insurance agent’s favorite drink? A: Pina Co-lada with liability!

177. Q: Why did the travel insurance policy go to the gym? A: To work on its flexibility!

178. Q: How do travel insurance agents say goodbye? A: “Have a safe trip… or else!”

179. Q: What do you call travel insurance for astronauts? A: Out-of-this-world coverage!

180. Q: Why did the travel insurance agent become a pilot? A: To get a bird’s-eye view of potential risks!

181. Q: How do travel insurance companies celebrate New Year’s? A: They make resolutions to explore new markets!

182. Q: What’s a travel insurance adjuster’s favorite TV show? A: “Lost… and Found Luggage”!

Pet Insurance Jokes

183. Q: Why did the dog get pet insurance? A: For a bone-afide peace of mind!

184. Q: What do you call pet insurance for cats? A: Purr-tection plan!

185. Q: Why was the fish denied pet insurance? A: It lived in a high-risk tank!

186. Q: How do pet insurance agents relax? A: They take a paws from work!

187. Q: What’s a pet insurance adjuster’s favorite game? A: Fetch… the policy documents!

188. Q: Why did the parrot get the best pet insurance rate? A: It could clearly communicate its pre-existing conditions!

189. Q: How do pet insurance companies say “Good boy”? A: “Your premium behavior is noted!”

190. Q: What do you call pet insurance for circus animals? A: Big top coverage!

191. Q: Why was the pet insurance agent always sneezing? A: Too many cat-astrophic claims!

192. Q: What’s a pet insurance agent’s favorite type of dog? A: A golden re-reimbursement!

193. Q: Why did the hamster file a pet insurance claim? A: Its wheel deal went south!

194. Q: How do pet insurance agents stay in shape? A: They do pet-lates!

195. Q: What do you call pet insurance for snakes? A: Scale-able coverage!

196. Q: Why did the pet insurance policy go to obedience school? A: To learn new tricks for saving!

197. Q: What’s a pet insurance agent’s favorite toy? A: A premium plush!

198. Q: Why did the pet insurer become a veterinarian? A: To understand the root of all claims!

199. Q: How do pet insurance companies celebrate Halloween? A: They dress up as expensive vet bills!

200. Q: What do you call pet insurance for sloths? A: Slow-and-steady coverage!

201. Q: Why was the pet insurance policy good at hide and seek? A: It knew all about coverage loopholes!

202. Q: What’s a pet insurance agent’s favorite treat? A: Policy pups!

203. Q: Why did the pet insurance policy go to the groomer? A: To get a new claim-do!

204. Q: How do pet insurance agents say goodnight to their pets? A: “Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite… they’re not covered!”

205. Q: What do you call pet insurance for goldfish? A: Fin-ancial protection!

206. Q: Why did the pet insurance agent become a dog trainer? A: To reduce the risk of claims!

207. Q: How do pet insurance companies celebrate Christmas? A: They hang stockings filled with chew toys… and policy riders!

208. Q: What’s a pet insurance adjuster’s favorite movie? A: “101 Dalmations… to Insure”!

Professional Liability Insurance Jokes

209. Q: Why did the lawyer get professional liability insurance? A: For a strong case of protection!

210. Q: What do you call professional liability insurance for chefs? A: Kitchen confidential coverage!

211. Q: Why was the architect denied professional liability insurance? A: His plans were too sketchy!

212. Q: How do professional liability insurance agents relax? A: They take a brief recess!

213. Q: What’s a professional liability insurance adjuster’s favorite game? A: Monopoly… with get-out-of-lawsuit-free cards!

214. Q: Why did the dentist get the best professional liability rate? A: He had a clean record with no cavities!

215. Q: How do professional liability insurance companies say “Good job”? A: “Your work is covered… literally!”

216. Q: What do you call professional liability insurance for clowns? A: Serious funny business protection!

217. Q: Why was the professional liability insurance agent always stressed? A: Too many high-stakes claims!

218. Q: What’s a professional liability insurance agent’s favorite profession? A: Risk manager… obviously!

219. Q: Why did the hairdresser file a professional liability claim? A: A bad hair day gone worse!

220. Q: How do professional liability insurance agents stay sharp? A: They practice mock trials!

221. Q: What do you call professional liability insurance for magicians? A: Now-you-see-it, now-you-don’t coverage!

222. Q: Why did the professional liability policy go back to school? A: To get more degrees of coverage!

223. Q: What’s a professional liability insurance agent’s favorite tool? A: A risk calculator!

224. Q: Why did the professional liability insurer become a judge? A: To better understand liability verdicts!

225. Q: How do professional liability insurance companies celebrate promotions? A: They increase the coverage limits!

226. Q: What do you call professional liability insurance for tightrope walkers? A: High-wire act protection!

227. Q: Why was the professional liability policy good at debates? A: It could argue both sides of a claim!

228. Q: What’s a professional liability insurance agent’s favorite drink? A: Liability latte!

229. Q: Why did the professional liability policy go to the gym? A: To strengthen its coverage!

230. Q: How do professional liability insurance agents say goodbye? A: “Stay out of trouble… or call us if you don’t!”

231. Q: What do you call professional liability insurance for mermaids? A: Under-the-sea indemnity!

232. Q: Why did the professional liability agent become a therapist? A: To understand the psychology of risky behavior!

233. Q: How do professional liability insurance companies celebrate New Year’s? A: They make resolutions to reduce claims!

234. Q: What’s a professional liability adjuster’s favorite TV show? A: “Better Call Saul… for Insurance”!

Cyber Insurance Jokes

235. Q: Why did the computer get cyber insurance? A: It was worried about catching a virus!

236. Q: What do you call cyber insurance for social media influencers? A: Insta-protection!

237. Q: Why was the firewall denied cyber insurance? A: It had too many breach-es of contract!

238. Q: How do cyber insurance agents relax? A: They take a digital detox!

239. Q: What’s a cyber insurance adjuster’s favorite game? A: Hack-man!

240. Q: Why did the password get the best cyber insurance rate? A: It was really strong!

241. Q: How do cyber insurance companies say “Stay safe”? A: “Don’t byte off more than you can chew!”

242. Q: What do you call cyber insurance for gamers? A: Respawn protection!

243. Q: Why was the cyber insurance agent always online? A: Constant phishing for new clients!

244. Q: What’s a cyber insurance agent’s favorite type of code? A: Python… it helps them squeeze more coverage in!

245. Q: Why did the email file a cyber insurance claim? A: It got spammed!

246. Q: How do cyber insurance agents stay in shape? A: They do firewall climbs!

247. Q: What do you call cyber insurance for AI? A: Machine learning protection!

248. Q: Why did the cyber insurance policy go to coding bootcamp? A: To upgrade its coverage!

249. Q: What’s a cyber insurance agent’s favorite website? A: www.don’tgetHacked.com!

250. Q: Why did the cyber insurer become an ethical hacker? A: To stay one step ahead of the claims!

251. Q: How do cyber insurance companies celebrate data privacy day? A: They encrypt all their party invitations!

252. Q: What do you call cyber insurance for time travelers? A: Back-up to the future!

253. Q: Why was the cyber insurance policy good at puzzles? A: It could crack any code!

254. Q: What’s a cyber insurance agent’s favorite drink? A: Java script!

255. Q: Why did the cyber insurance policy go to the cloud? A: To get higher coverage!

256. Q: How do cyber insurance agents say goodbye? A: “Stay encrypted!”

257. Q: What do you call cyber insurance for underwater servers? A: Sub-marine coverage!

258. Q: Why did the cyber insurance agent become a librarian? A: To better organize all the data breaches!

259. Q: How do cyber insurance companies celebrate Halloween? A: They dress up as scary malware!

260. Q: What’s a cyber insurance adjuster’s favorite movie? A: “The Matrix… of Coverage”!

Occasion-Based Insurance Jokes

261. Q: Why did the bride get wedding insurance? A: For better or for worse… but mostly for better!

262. Q: What do you call insurance for a food festival? A: Taste-bud protection!

263. Q: Why was the birthday party denied event insurance? A: It had too many candles… fire hazard!

264. Q: How do wedding insurance agents toast the couple? A: “To a lifetime of happiness… and coverage!”

265. Q: What’s an event insurance adjuster’s favorite party game? A: Pin the claim on the policy!

266. Q: Why did the wedding cake get the best insurance rate? A: It promised to behave in tiers!


Who knew the world of policies and premiums could be so funny? These jokes prove that even the most serious topics can be lightened up with a bit of humor.

So, why does this matter? Because laughter is a great way to ease the stress that often comes with dealing with insurance.

Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by insurance jargon or claim forms, remember one of these jokes and share a chuckle with your agent.

What’s next? I’d love to hear your favorite insurance joke! Drop it in the comments below, and let’s keep the laughter rolling.

After all, a good laugh is the best policy!

David Brown

David Brown is a comedy writer with a sharp wit and a love for puns. He has written for various comedy shows and websites, making people laugh with his clever humor. Outside of writing, David enjoys performing stand-up comedy, cooking new recipes, and playing guitar. He studied English Literature at New York University, where he developed his love for wordplay.

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