Creating a Maintenance Checklist for Your Home Exterior

Creating a Maintenance Checklist for Your Home Exterior

When you think about maintaining and improving your home, you might be more interested in the interior features of your house. After all, you tend to spend most of your time inside your home, so any issues will be more obvious as you encounter them again and again. However, this isn’t all there is to your property.

The outside of your house is more than just an outer shell. It provides a first impression for visitors, it protects you from the outside world and the environment, and it’s yet another way to express your sense of style through property design and make your home stand out.

As well as maintaining the inside of your house, here are a few things to bear in mind when maintaining the exterior parts of your property.

Structural Issues

It’s best to check on the things that are more likely to cause bigger problems first. When you buy your house, you should always get a survey done of the property. A surveyor inspects the house and looks for any current or potential problems, such as damp or structural issues. Even if there are no issues at the time of purchase, they might bring your attention to issues that could crop up in the future.

If this was the case, then you should check for structural issues at least every year. You should also regularly check the structure of your property if there is any cause for concern, like storms or flooding that could have caused damage. If nearby trees have been uprooted, they could have caused issues as well.

Otherwise, look out for cracks in the walls. More often than not, a crack in the wall is actually a crack in the plasterwork, which isn’t a major problem. However, sometimes it can be a deeper crack. If you see a crack inside and out of the property or you feel a draft, you should get a contractor in to look at it right away.

A more common issue is damp. Damp happens when water gets into the walls of your home and accumulates. This water can come from condensation or water getting in from the outside, either through the walls or up from the ground. You can tell what kind of damp it is based on where the damp is located. If ignored, damp can cause major structural problems, so get it seen sooner rather than later with a damp proofing course.

Checking the Roof

Checking the Roof

As well as the walls and foundations, another major structural component of your building is the roof. Your roof takes a beating every day, through sunshine, wind, and rain. It protects your home and everything in it, keeping it safe and dry.

Checking a roof for damage is fairly simple, as you can give it a basic check by visually inspecting it. Basically, look at it. Do any of the tiles look broken, misplaced, or missing? Is the trim in good condition? This is the safest and simplest way to check your roof and you should do it periodically, but especially after storms.

What if you do notice some damage? In this case, it’s important to get it fixed as soon as possible. A damaged or deteriorated roof can let water into your home as well as drafts. Your roof also insulates your house, so while it’s broken, you might end up paying more on your utility bills.

You can call a residential roofer to properly inspect your roof and repair any damage.

Unfortunately, roofs don’t last forever even if you get them repaired when they need it. Typically, a roof will last at least 20 years, although this depends on what kind of roof you have, what the shingles are made of, and where you live. If it’s near the end of its life, it will need repairing much more often and it won’t be as effective at protecting and insulating your home.

Doors and Windows

The roof isn’t the only part of your home that insulates as well as protects. Technically, your walls also insulate your property, but the doors and windows act as some of the most significant potential weaknesses in your insulation.

If you think about it, doors and windows are basically holes in your wall that have been filled in with glass, plastic, wood, or another material. This leads to potential problems. If the seals in your doors and windows are old or have worn away, you will have gaps that can let in drafts and even insects or other pests.

Your doors and windows also have a significant effect on the look and feel of your home. Windows let in natural light, which is the best source of light during the daytime. They also allow you to control the airflow in your home, by opening windows to let drafts through. Doors have an obvious function, as you need to be able to enter and exit your home somehow.

The best time to get new doors and windows is if you notice that your doors and windows are failing in some way. They might not open properly or lock, which could be a safety issue. They might let in a lot of draft, making your home less comfortable and more attractive. Or they could simply look worn down.

When people look at your property, they will look at the doors and windows as well. This can add or detract from the attractiveness of your home. Old, shabby doors and windows might look cheap and unpleasant, while newer or stylish doors and windows can add a lot of character to your property.

This is just one way that you can personalize your property and add your stamp of style to it.

Paint and Finishing Touches

Speaking of adding your sense of style to your building, another thing to consider is the finish on your property. Older houses and cottages in some countries might be made of stone or brick, which has a sense of character of its own. These houses can look great with the stone or brickwork exposed, but you still need to make sure that it’s in good condition and that any necessary plastering and pointing has been completed.

Homes are often covered in a sand and cement mixture to protect them and to create a smooth surface. Most properties, especially depending on where you live, don’t have nice features like stone or brickwork, and the stucco mix is necessary to make them look complete. Stucco also makes your property more water-resistant and less susceptible to damp or other issues.

So, what about finishing your walls? The first step is to make sure they’re clean. Exterior wall cleaning often involves using a pressure washer to get rid of dirt, debris, moss, and algae that cling to the outside walls of your home. While you don’t have to keep your walls sparkling clean, it’s important to clean them now and then and especially if you plan on painting them.

Exterior wall paint is different to ordinary paint, so make sure that you buy the right paint. Painting your outside walls is a great way to add some extra color and personality to your home. If there is already paint on the walls, get rid of any loose and cracking paint as this will interfere with the new coat. Then apply a primer and paint away.

Creating the Perfect Backyard Space

You can’t make the outside of your house look as perfect as your home interiors without considering your backyard space. There’s no such thing as an ideal backyard for everyone. For example, if you enjoy gardening, the perfect backyard might mean something different to someone who has a family and wants plenty of space for their children to run around and play.

The first step is to plan your backyard and think about what you want. It’s usually nice to have a place where you can sit outside, either to eat near a barbecue or just to relax in the sun with a glass of something delicious. Make sure that you have a flat, stable area for your furniture.

If you want to have a beautiful garden but you don’t have a green thumb, grow some local wildflowers in beds. These will grow very easily and won’t need a lot of maintenance because they’re designed for your climate, and they can add lots of color.

You can also add water features to your backyard to create a relaxing area to sit beside. If you have small children or pets, you do need to be careful when allowing them to play outside unsupervised, especially if you do have standing water.

You can also use pathways, fences, and hedgerows to create separations in your backyard. This is great if you have a lot of space and want to use it for different purposes, so you might have an eating and relaxing area, a play area, and a gardening area to grow your fruit and veg.


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