40 Animals that Start with X

Animals that Start with X -

In the list of living organisms, animals have covered a significant part of Earth after the vegetation. These animals are classified into various classes, families, species, and more based on special characteristics, types of limbs, and other specific features.

If you want to read about animals that start with X and want to share their interesting facts, pictures, and characteristics with your kids, you are at the right place. We have curated this list to help you explore the animals whose scientific or common name of the animal starts with X. So if you are interested in knowing more about them, keep reading.

This post covered animals from various classes and groups, such as mammals, Amniota, Reptilia, Actinoptergyi, Amphibians, Chondrichthyes, Dinosaurs, and more.

1. Xerus (Genus)

Xerus (Genus)

This is a rodent-type animal. This animal belongs to the animal family of Sciuridae. Xerus is also commonly known by the name Striped Ground Squirrel. This ground squirrel is found in the zones of Africa and is also known as African Ground Squirrels. They are habitats of grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands. This animal has four species.

The interesting feature and fact about these African Ground Squirrels is that they have sharp Incisor teeth that continuously grow throughout their lives. These sharp incisors in both upper and lower jaws help these Striped ground squirrels gnaw on the roots, grains, and tough seeds without hurting their teeth.

2. Xuhai Goat

Xuhai Goat

This is a Mammal that belongs to the species of Goats. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Capra Hircus. This Xuhai Goat is commonly found in the zones of Asia, mainly in China. The interesting fact about Xuhai Goats is their ability and adaptability to survive.

Regarding conservation, their size is large enough to not worry about yet. This Goat breed is domesticated and commonly used for milk and meat production for the local communities. So, these Goats are a great and valuable resource for the economy of several Asian regions.

3. Xestochilus Nebulosus

Xestochilus Nebulosus

This animal looks like the Snake and Eel in appearance and resemblance. These animals are commonly found in the Indo-Pacific Oceans. This animal is an Eel that looks like a small snake. They are the habitants of weed-enshrouded ocean floors, tidepools, and sandy floors.

The interesting, fun fact about these animals is that they only appear dangerous and pose in a dangerous style to save themselves. They don’t harm humans generally.

4. Xiaotingia


This animal is a type of Dinosaur. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Xiaotingia Zhengi. The young animals of this species are known as Hatchling or Nestling. They were inhabitants of the arboreal and terrestrial areas. This animal’s amazing feature is that they use their feathery hindlimbs for short-distance flights.

The unique feature of these animals is that their forelimbs are longer than their hindlimbs. When it comes to food habits, they were carnivores. They used to feed on insects mainly. These dinosaurs were not poisonous and were very low in aggression. They are extinct now.

5. Xantus Hummingbird


This animal is a type of bird and species of the Trochilidae family. This family has more than 300 species. This bird is commonly known by the name of the Black-fronted Hummingbird. This species is found in the zones of South and Central America.

The green-blue feather layer makes this animal more beautiful and distinctive. Another special feature is their long red and black pointed beak. The interesting, fun fact about this animal is that Thai is endemic to the Baja California Peninsula.

6. Xenarthra Superorder

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This is a Mammal of the animal kingdom that belongs to the armadillos, sloths, and anteaters group. This animal is found in the zones of North and South America. They currently have 37 species.

The interesting feature of this animal is that they have strange joints that are unique in the spinal cord’s structure. Another special characteristic of these animals is that their metabolism is slow, so they don’t need much energy to digest their food, making them slow-moving animals compared to other mammals.

7. Xavier Greenbul


This is a bird from the family of Bulbul. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Phyllastrephus Xavieri. This bird animal is the native of Mozambique Forests. Regarding food habits, these are Insectivores and mainly feed on insects and ants. So they contribute to controlling the pest insects, especially crops and fruit gardens.

The unique and interesting fact about this species is their Melodious songs and greenish-yellow plumage appearance. They are highly active and keep looking for food in and under the ground.

8. Xinjiang Ground Jay

Xinjiang Ground Jay

These animals are from the Corvidae family of the animal kingdom. This is a type of bird that is from a group of small-sized birds and is slender. They are natives of China. Regarding their conservation status, these animals are nearly threatened, and few members are alive on the earth.

The interesting, fun fact about these animals is that they are as large as the human hand of an adult. This animal differs from other birds as the size feature makes them distinctive.

9. Xiongguanlong


This animal belongs to the class of Amniota, from the animal kingdom. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Xiongguanlong Baimoensis. This is a type of Dinosaur that belongs to the family of Saurischia.

These animals were highly aggressive, and their skin was made up of Scales’ appearance. They were long and could measure up to 15 feet long, weighing around 660 lbs. Regarding habits and origin, these animals were native to Asia and first found in China.

Interestingly, these animals’ skulls were long and narrow, and their teeth were sharp enough to grab and slice up a wide variety of prey. When it comes to the food type, they were Omnivores. Their species is extinct now.

10. Xantic Sargo

Xantic Sargo

This animal is a type of fish commonly known as California Sargo. They are found in the Pacific Ocean. Regarding the food style, this intriguing fish is an Omnivore.

The interesting, fun fact about the Xantic Sargo fish is that they can survive as Individuals and are okay with group behavior. This Sargo fish mainly survives on seagrass, kelp, and seaweed. The biggest threat and predators for this animal are larger fishes living in the water bodies and human species.

11. Xanthippe Shrew

Xanthippe Shrew

This is a Mammal of the animal kingdom. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Crocidura Xantippe. This mammal is found in African regions like Tanzania, Kenya, and Eastern zones. They are smaller in size, are inhabitants of the shrublands, and are found in the foothills. These animals have 376 species, and their conservation status is of the least concern.

Regarding appearance and resemblance, they are more like rats and mice, but they are not rodents. Xanthippe’s Shrew belongs to the family of Soricidae, and their group belongs to the one that contains the moles.

12. Xysticus


These genus creatures consist of the group of Spiders species, commonly known by the name Ground Spider. They are commonly found in Europe and North America and scattered in many regions of the world. Regarding their food habits, they are insectivores and survive on insects. In appearance, this spider looks like a crab and a spider.

They are great in hiding themselves under the rocks or beneath the big things and under the soil. The interesting fact about these animals is that their hunting strategy is unique. These spiders are losing their habits because of human activities.

13. Xylophagous Leafhopper

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This animal is an insect in the animal kingdom. These animals are commonly known as the glassy-winged Sharpshooter. This animal is a bug native to the California zones.

These bugs hide themselves in the old and big leaves, especially during the winter season. The special and interesting feature of these animals is that they can survive in colder temperatures, as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

14. Xenoceratops


This animal is a Reptile. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Xenoceratops Foremostensis. They used to be found in the zones of North America and were first discovered in Canada. The interesting fact about this animal is that they are known as the Oldest Horned Dinosaur. When it is about the conversation status, they are now extinct.

These animals were heavier and used to be around 4,000 pounds in weight. Their height was 7 feet and length around 19.6 feet. They were not poisonous and aggressive species. They were herbivores and dinosaurs.

15. Xantus Murrelet

Xantus Murrelet

This animal is a type of special bird, also known as the species of Sea bird. This bird is commonly known by the name Guadalupe Murrelet. They are found in the water bodies and are the inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean, in the current zones of California to Mexico.

The interesting, fun fact about this animal is that they make pairs when it is about fishing. Another special feature about these animal species is that theta are currently the most endangered species.

16. Xoloitzcuintle


This is a Mammal of the animal kingdom, also known by the name of Xolo as the short name. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Canis Lupus. This mammal is commonly found in Mexico and also originated from there, over 3000 years old.

When it is about appearance, they are the species of dog that are hairless breeds. This is a domestic dog breed; thus, people have taken it to different corners of the world. So this animal gets various habitats, from the indoors to the outdoor streets.

17. Xalda Sheep

Xalda Sheep

These animals are commonly found in the regions of Asturias in Spain. When it comes to their conservation status, they are widely domesticated. The interesting and unique feature of these Goats is that they are adaptable to the environment changes for their survival.

This animal is blessed with coarse wool. Another interesting fact is the black and brown coarse wool that makes them different from the other sheep breeds. People use their wool coats for various purposes, especially for textiles related to winter and cold reason clothes and covers. They are also widely used for milk and meat and are considered valuable livestock Dairy.

18. Xuxaneb Robber Frog

Xuxaneb Robber Frog .png

This animal is a type of frog from the animal kingdom. These animals are commonly found in the zones of Guatemala. This animal that starts with zx is the habitat of forests and is commonly found in the water bodies.

The special and interesting feature about this Robber frog is that it doesn’t lay eggs like the other frogs. Robber frogs directly give birth to small frog babies like mammals. Their biggest threat is the charcoal population and deforestation. Regarding their conservation status, these animals are on the edge of extinction.

19. Xenotarsosaurus


This animal belongs to the class of Reptilia from the animal kingdom. They are the type of dinosaurs. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Xenotarsosaurus Bonaparte. This animal is now extinct and only exists as a fossil. Their fossils were first discovered in the bajo Barrel form in South America. An interesting fact about this animal is that they were one of the first fossils of dinosaurs discovered in the formation of Bajo Barrel.

Their unique feature is that their ankle bones are like the lizard ankle bones, making them an exception from the other dinosaur species. Their estimated weight is around 750 kg, length around 19 to 26 feet and height around 10 to 12 feet.

20. Xiphosura Animal that Starts with X

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This animal is a type of crab that belongs to the group of Horseshoes of the animal kingdom. They are the part of the group where the Mangrove Horseshoe Crabs and Atlantic Horseshoe Crabs come in the animal kingdom.

The special feature of these animals is that they have two body parts, prosoma and opisthosoma. These parts include the Head and the body, which have several plates for breathing. The interesting fact about the Xiphosura crab is that its blood is used as an essential substance in the medical field. This blood is used to examine the bacterial contamination in miniature quantities.

21. Xeme

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This animal seems like a Bird in its appearance and resemblance of structure. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Xema Sabini. This species of Sea Birds belongs to the family of Laridae and is commonly known by the name Sabine’s Gull. This animal is commonly found in Africa, Eurasia, And North America.

This animal is found in the habitats of Arctic regions, and it can easily migrate from one place to another to greater distances. The interesting fact about these animals is that they migrate during the off-breeding season. When it comes to the conservation status of this animal, it falls under the least concern.

22. X-Ray Tetra

X-Ray Tetra

This animal is a type of Fish that belongs to the class of Actinopterygi in the animal kingdom. In scientific terms, this animal is known as the Pristella Maxillaris. The young creatures of this animal that start with x are commonly known by the name Fry. They are commonly found in the zones of South America and are inhabitants of large water bodies.

Their conservation status is unknown, and water pollution has become the biggest reason for their threat. The special unique feature of these animals is that they have black, white, and yellow striped fins. Regarding their food habits, they primarily survive on Insects, worms, and small crustaceans.

23. Xiaosaurus


This animal is from the Class of Reptilia from the animal kingdom. They are a type of ornithopod dinosaur and commonly known by the name of Down Lizard. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Xiaosaurus Dashanpensis. They were habitants of Asia zones. This animal is now extinct.

The interesting fact about these animals is that they were lightweight, small dinosaurs. They were herbivores. Their forelimbs were smaller, and their third longer limb was used to help them run on the ground and land. These dinosaurs were not poisonous, smaller in height, around 1 meter, and around 1 to 2 meters long. Their estimated weight was around 15 lbs.

24. Xenarthra


This animal is a Mammal of the animal kingdom. They are commonly found in Latin America. These animals are the inhabitants of the rainforests. Regarding their conservation status, they are already relatively higher in quantity and population.

The interesting, fun fact about these animals is that they have extra joints that help them hunt for food. Another special feature about these animals that starts with x is that they have long noses and mouths compared to other animals.

25. Xantus Leaf-Toed Gecko

Xantus Leaf-Toed Gecko

This animal comes under the Reptilia class of animal kingdom. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Phyllodactylus Xanti. This animal is commonly found in the zones of Mexico and the USA. This is a reptile and looks like a lizard in appearance and resemblance.

These reptiles have vocal cords because they can make sounds like birds and reptiles (hisses, chirps, clicks) that are missing from other lizards. Another unique and interesting feature is their eyelids, which are missing. So, these reptiles can’t blink and clean their eyes with their tongues by licking them. Their conversation status comes under the least concern.

26. Xenacanthus


These animals are Amphibians of the animal kingdoms. They are a type of Sharks that are habitants of freshwater and aquatic bodies. This animal is now extinct. These animals were found in Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania.

The special and unique feature of these creatures is their venomous spine behind their head. Their most unique feature is they used to have a large spine near their dorsal fin. Regarding their food habits, they were carnivores who used to survive on the fishes and Crustaceans. These animals were around 3 to 6 feet longer and were venomous.

27. Xingu River Ray

Xingu River Ray

This animal belongs to the Chondrichthyes class. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Potamotrygon Leopoldi. This species is found in the zones of South America. The interesting feature of this creature is that it is only found in the Xingu River of Brazil.

Another interesting and distinctive feature about these creatures is that they have venomous stingers on their tail. They use it to capture their prey and save themselves from predators and threats as a defense mechanism. When it comes to their conservation status, they are vulnerable. Their biggest threat is the Human species. These animals survive on the fishes, crabs, snails, and Invertebrates.

28. Xenops


This animal is a type of bird from the animal kingdom. Theta are commonly found in Florida. They are also scattered in Mexico and Central and South Africa. These birds are smaller and currently have 3 recognized species on the earth.

The special and distinctive feature of these animals is their long tail with mini body sizes that are easier to identify. The interesting, fun fact about this animal is that people often overlook them, and are hard to spot because of their smaller size.

29. Xuthus Swallowtail


This animal comes under the family Papilionidae and is commonly known as Asian Swallowtail and Chinese yellow Swallowtail. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Papilio Xuthus. This animal is commonly found in the zones of Asia. This species is the habitat of woodlands and is mostly found in the common areas of the Southern Asia regions along with the woodlands.

Regarding appearance and resemblance, this animal looks like an Insect. This species of butterfly has black wings and often medium to large yellow color hindwings and tail.

30. Xenoposeidon


This animal belongs to the class of Amniota from the animal kingdom and is a type of Dinosaur. In scientific terms, this animal is known as Xenoposeidon Proneneukos. They are not extinct.

Their biggest threat to this animal, starting with x, was evolutionary and climate changes. These dinosaurs were habitants of European regions and used to be found in the tropical and subtropical forests there.

The interesting feature about these animals is that the gardeners assumed them to disperse the seeds and their feces and use them to clear the vegetation. These dinosaurs were herbivores, and their Predators were Spinosaurid Dinosaurs.

31. Xiphactinus


This animal belongs to the class of Actinopterygii; from the animal kingdom, it is a type of fish. In scientific terms, this animal is known as the Xiphactinus Audax. They are found in the regions of North America. They primarily survive on prey like small marine reptiles, fishes, and cephalopods.

The interesting fact about this creature is that they are considered the largest bony fish during the period of the Cretaceous. This animal’s special and distinctive feature is that they have a massive jaw with sharper and longer teeth. Their biggest threat is Primitive sharks and Large aquatic reptiles.

32. Xenurus Unicinctus

Xenurus Unicinctus .jpg

This animal is well-loved. They are commonly known by the name Souther Naked-tailed Armadillo. They are habitats that stay under the ground, so they are rarely found above the ground.

The amazing special feature of this animal is that it can build caverns with all the essentials it needs, so it can easily adapt to new changes and survive for longer. Since these animals spend most of their time under the ground, their eyesight is weaker.

33. Xylocopa


This animal is a type of insect that belongs to the genus Xylocopa. This animal is commonly known as the naked Carpenter Bee. This animal is primarily found in Regions of India like Punjab and Jammu Kashmir. Their prime habitat is nesting in wood burrows and dead bamboo.

The interesting feature about this species is that the Male Carpenter Bee hovers and goes on patrolling to search for the female carpenter bees.

34. Xenosaurus Newmanorum

Xenosaurus Newmanorum

This animal is a part of a lizard’s group that looks like the Primeval. This animal is commonly found in the Xilita and scattered in Mexico and La Salva. They are found in habitats (1100 to 2000 m in height)at a higher altitude from the sea level.

Their original and natural habitat is lost because of human species and coffee plantations. The unique feature of these lizards is that they give birth to young lizard babies instead of eggs.

35. Xenops (Genus)

Xenops (Genus)

This animal is a type of bird and belongs to the Oven bird family. This species is commonly known as the Furnariidae. This bridge is commonly found in the regions of Central and South America. They are habitants of the Tropical and subtropical rainforests.

This bird group has three species: Plain, Slender-bill, and streaked Xenops. These birds are Oviparous and lay eggs. The interesting feature about this species is that both male and female Xenopus create the nest together on a decaying tree or other tree branches.

36. Xolocalca Bromeliad Salamander

Xolocalca Bromeliad Salamander

This animal belongs to the Amphibian class. This animal is a species of Salamander. This species is commonly found in the zones of Mexico. The interesting feature of this species is that their hands and feet are larger.

When they climb the trees and branches, their long toes help them cling to the tree barks and leaves. This species has three color patterns. Their head has a triangular mark in the black color, and their body is in the brownish lavender.

37. Xantus Becard

Xantus Becard

This animal is a type of bird. These animals are commonly found in the regions of North America. These animals that start with x are the inhabitants of the forest clearing and mountain forests.

The amazing special feature about this bird is that their males have red-colored bibs around their neck, and their body is gray. Meanwhile, the females of this species have the body mostly brown. Regarding their inhabitant’s behaviors, they prefer to live alone in solitary behavior. However, they only come in pairs while breeding.

38. Xolmis


This animal is a type of bird that belongs to the family of Tyrannidae animals. They are also known as the Flycatchers. These animals are commonly found in Uruguay, Brazil, and South America. These animals have two species and are mostly found in the open areas and habitat.

The interesting feature and fact about the Xolmis animal is that they produce a small number of offspring and breed in protected areas. This bird species has a major plumage of white with a touch of black and gray.

39. Xantusia Vigilis

Xantusia Vigilis

This animal belongs to the family of Xantusiidae animals. This animal that starts with x is known as Desert Night Lizard. This desert lizard is commonly found in the zones of Colorado deserts, Desert Scrubs Habits, Southern Coastal ranges, and Central Coastal ranges.

This animal is the habitat of the Foothill pine. Yucca logs, Joshua trees, Juniper, Pinyon Tree, etc. When it is about their eating habits, these lizards are Insectivores. They survive on other insects like caterpillars, moth parasites, and termites.

40. Xiphias Gladius

Xiphias Gladius

This animal is a type of fish from the Istio Phoridae family of animals. This animal that starts with x is commonly found worldwide and is primarily the habitat of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and large cold water bodies. This fish resembles the billfish family. They are commonly known by the name of Swordfish.

The interesting feature of this fish species is that their female fishes are longer than the male fishes. These fishes don’t have teeth. Another interesting fact about these fishes is that their females carry about 1 to 29 million eggs. They lay eggs and do external fertilization.

Final Thoughts

Everybody is curious to explore the various species on the earth, along with the scientists, and kids are no different in satisfying their curiosity. So, the animal that starts with X is covered here to help you and your kids know more interesting facts about these animals.

We have covered a wide range of classes and families of these animals, from mammals, reptiles, Amphibians, Amniota, and many more, to give you a wide range to explore their interesting features and facts.

If you are looking for more ways and interesting facts to make your and your kid’s life better and more interesting, sign up and get our best recommendations sent to your inbox.


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