200+ Best Parrot Jokes for A Feathered Twist on Humor

parrot jokes

Ever feel like your jokes fall flat? I know I have. It’s a bummer when your audience doesn’t laugh.

But don’t worry! I’ve got a solution that’ll make your humor soar. Parrot jokes! These feathered friends are comedy gold. They’re clever, quirky, and guaranteed to ruffle some feathers (in a good way).

In this post, I’m sharing over 200+ of the best parrot jokes I’ve collected. They’re perfect for brightening up your day, entertaining kids, or just adding a splash of avian humor to any conversation.

Get ready to squawk with laughter!

Top List of Parrot Jokes for Everyone


Classic Parrot Jokes

  1. What do you call a parrot who flew away? – A polygon.

  2. Why did the parrot join a band? – Because it had perfect tweet.

  3. What’s a parrot’s favorite game? – Hide and speak.

  4. Why was the parrot a great comedian? – It always had its audience in stitches.

  5. What’s a parrot’s favorite type of movie? – A fly-in-the-sky thriller.

  6. Why don’t parrots play cards in the wild? – Too many cheetahs.

  7. How do you keep a parrot quiet? – Give it a Polly-gag.

  8. What did the parrot say on its birthday? – “Polly wants a cracker… with candles!”

  9. Why did the parrot sit on the pirate’s shoulder? – Because it needed a perch.

  10. How does a parrot ask for help? – It says, “I’m in a bit of a flap!”

  11. What do you get when you cross a parrot with a shark? – A bird that talks your ear off!

  12. Why don’t parrots use smartphones? – They prefer tweet-talking.

  13. What did the parrot do when it got lost? – It winged it.

  14. What’s a parrot’s favorite instrument? – The drumsticks.

  15. Why did the parrot cross the road? – To prove it wasn’t chicken.

  16. How does a parrot feel after a long flight? – Tweet and tired.

  17. Why was the parrot so good at math? – It could always find the square root of a cracker.

  18. What do parrots wear in the rain? – Polyurethane.

  19. Why was the parrot always getting into trouble? – It couldn’t keep its beak shut.

  20. What’s a parrot’s favorite candy? – Jawbreakers.

  21. How do parrots like their eggs? – Parrot-boiled.

  22. Why did the parrot become a lawyer? – It was a great talker.

  23. What do you call a parrot that’s always late? – A procrastinator.

Parrot Knock-Knock Jokes

  1. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Polly. Polly who? – Polly wants you to open the door!

  2. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Parrot. Parrot who? – Parrot-tending to be someone else won’t fool me!

  3. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Cracker. Cracker who? – Cracker open, it’s a parrot’s favorite snack!

  4. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Squawk. Squawk who? – Squawk the plank, pirate!

  5. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Wing. Wing who? – Wing it and find out!

  6. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Birdie. Birdie who? – Birdie you’ll let me in!

  7. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Feather. Feather who? – Feather or not, I’m coming in!

  8. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Peck. Peck who? – Peck up the phone, it’s a parrot calling!

  9. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Beak. Beak who? – Beak-ause I’m here to stay!

  10. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Chirp. Chirp who? – Chirp-chirp, it’s a parrot song!

  11. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Tweet. Tweet who? – Tweet home, parrot’s here!

  12. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Caw. Caw who? – Caw-nt you let me in?

  13. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Fly. Fly who? – Fly away, parrot’s coming through!

  14. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Cage. Cage who? – Cage your curiosity, open up!

  15. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Talon. Talon who? – Talon everyone the parrot’s here!

  16. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Parry. Parry who? – Parry me, it’s just a parrot joke!

  17. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Flock. Flock who? – Flock the door, here I come!

  18. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Swoop. Swoop who? – Swoop in and find out!

  19. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Flap. Flap who? – Flap it up, the joke’s on you!

  20. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Wingman. Wingman who? – Wingman’s here, let’s fly!

  21. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Nest. Nest who? – Nest time, just let me in!

  22. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Chirpy. Chirpy who? – Chirpy you let me in already!

Short and Snappy Parrot Jokes

  1. Why did the parrot start a business? – It was a poly-entrepreneur.

  2. How does a parrot greet its friend? – “Long time no seed!”

  3. Why do parrots make great singers? – They hit all the right notes.

  4. What’s a parrot’s favorite drink? – A squawk-tail.

  5. Why did the parrot go to school? – To improve its vocabulary.

  6. How do you describe a parrot that won’t shut up? – Beak-a-holic.

  7. What does a parrot use to text? – Tweet messaging.

  8. Why don’t parrots get lost? – They always wing it.

  9. What’s a parrot’s favorite holiday? – Feather’s Day.

  10. Why was the parrot so good at chess? – It knew all the right moves.

  11. What’s a parrot’s favorite type of book? – A bird-novel.

  12. Why did the parrot become a detective? – It loved solving tweet-erious mysteries.

  13. What’s a parrot’s favorite candy? – Tootsie tweets.

  14. Why do parrots love baseball? – They’re great at hitting fly balls.

  15. How does a parrot end a fight? – It says, “Let’s squawk this out!”

  16. Why did the parrot get a job at the bakery? – It knew how to bake a mean tweet.

  17. What’s a parrot’s favorite type of music? – Tweet-hop.

  18. Why did the parrot sit in the sun? – It wanted to be a little warmer.

  19. What do you call a lazy parrot? – A couch pecker.

  20. How do parrots keep track of their snacks? – They keep a cracker-log.

  21. Why did the parrot wear a tuxedo? – It was going to a wing-ding.

  22. What’s a parrot’s favorite sport? – Parrot-sailing.

  23. Why did the parrot start a blog? – To tweet its thoughts.

Clever and Witty Parrot Jokes

  1. Why did the parrot apply for a job at the zoo? – It had the right beak for the position.

  2. What do you call a parrot that loves solving puzzles? – A beak-teaser.

  3. How do you entertain a bored parrot? – Give it some tweetment.

  4. Why did the parrot break up with its partner? – It found out they were just winging it.

  5. What do you call a parrot that can play piano? – A poly-chord.

  6. How do parrots stay fit? – They do a lot of squawkouts.

  7. What’s a parrot’s favorite comedy show? – Saturday Night Tweet.

  8. How does a parrot relax after a long day? – It puts on some wing-scented candles.

  9. Why don’t parrots play poker? – They can’t stop talking about their hand.

  10. What did the parrot say after winning a game? – “I’m on top of the perch!”

  11. Why was the parrot such a smooth talker? – It had a silver beak.

  12. What’s a parrot’s dream job? – A bird-watcher.

  13. How do parrots make big decisions? – They take a feathered guess.

  14. Why was the parrot so good at riddles? – It had a sharp beak.

  15. What’s a parrot’s favorite app? – Twitter, of course!

  16. Why did the parrot become a writer? – It loved to wing it with words.

  17. What did the parrot say to the owl? – “Whoo’s squawking now?”

  18. Why was the parrot always the life of the party? – It knew how to wing it.

  19. What’s a parrot’s favorite dance move? – The beak-tango.

  20. How does a parrot handle criticism? – It brushes it off its feathers.

  21. Why did the parrot enroll in night school? – To brush up on its beak-eeping skills.

  22. What do you call a parrot with a bad attitude? – A ruffle-feather.

  23. Why was the parrot a great chef? – It could always whip up something tweet.

Parrot Puns

  1. Why do parrots make great stand-up comedians? – Because they always wing their jokes!

  2. How do parrots send love notes? – With tweet messages.

  3. Why was the parrot a terrible secret agent? – It couldn’t stop tweeting classified info.

  4. What did the parrot say when it saw a big tree? – “That’s a real beak-one!”

  5. How do parrots stay cool in the summer? – They wing it by the pool.

  6. Why do parrots never get lost? – They have impeccable wing-sense.

  7. What do you call a parrot who’s a philosopher? – A poly-gone!

  8. How does a parrot relax? – By putting its feet up on a wing-rest.

  9. What do you call a parrot that’s a lawyer? – A beak-torney.

  10. How do parrots get around? – They take a feathered path.

  11. Why was the parrot so fashionable? – It always had the latest feather trends.

  12. What did the parrot say at the comedy show? – “You’re really cracking me up!”

  13. How do parrots play hide and seek? – They blend in with the trees.

  14. What’s a parrot’s favorite TV show? – “Tweet Little Liars.”

  15. Why do parrots love history? – They’re great at tweeting the past.

  16. What do you call a parrot who’s also a DJ? – MC Tweet.

  17. How do parrots stay in touch? – Through beak-mail.

  18. What’s a parrot’s favorite dessert? – Tweet pie.

  19. Why did the parrot get a job at the bakery? – It kneaded the dough.

  20. What do you call a parrot that loves to gamble? – A high-beaker.

  21. How does a parrot send a letter? – With a tweet stamp.

  22. What’s a parrot’s favorite holiday? – Tweet-mas.

  23. How do parrots get around at night? – They use their night-beak vision.

Parrot Jokes for Kids

  1. What’s a parrot’s favorite toy? – A beak-a-boo.

  2. Why did the parrot join the circus? – To be the feathered star!

  3. How do you make a parrot laugh? – Tell it a bird-brained joke!

  4. Why do parrots love school? – They’re always top of the pecking order.

  5. What’s a parrot’s favorite vegetable? – Beak-on!

  6. How do parrots say hello? – “Squawk to you soon!”

  7. What do you call a parrot who can cook? – Chef Beak Ramsey!

  8. Why was the parrot so good at spelling? – It knew all the right letters!

  9. What’s a parrot’s favorite snack? – Crackers, of course!

  10. Why did the parrot wear sunglasses? – To beak-in the sunshine!

  11. What’s a parrot’s favorite game? – Wingopoly!

  12. How do parrots talk to their friends? – Through tweet-chat!

  13. What’s a parrot’s favorite treat? – Tweet-tarts!

  14. Why did the parrot love the zoo? – It felt right at home!

  15. What’s a parrot’s favorite place to relax? – On a tree perch!

  16. Why did the parrot bring an umbrella? – For a little tweet of shade!

  17. How do you make a parrot dance? – Play some feather-groovin’ music!

  18. What’s a parrot’s favorite sport? – Squawk-er!

  19. Why did the parrot go to the library? – To check out some bird books!

  20. What do parrots say on Halloween? – “Trick or tweet!”

  21. Why did the parrot cross the playground? – To get to the other slide!

  22. What’s a parrot’s favorite color? – Teal, because it matches its feathers!

  23. How does a parrot learn new words? – With a beak-tionary!

Parrot Jokes for Adults

  1. What do you call a parrot that works in finance? – A hedge-beak.

  2. Why don’t parrots play poker? – They always squawk when they have a good hand.

  3. How does a parrot handle criticism? – It brushes it off its feathers.

  4. What’s a parrot’s favorite type of humor? – Dry, like their crackers.

  5. Why was the parrot a great storyteller? – It knew how to wing it.

  6. What do you call a parrot that’s always late? – A procrastinator.

  7. How do parrots handle bad news? – They just squawk it out.

  8. What’s a parrot’s favorite cocktail? – A squawktail.

  9. Why don’t parrots use computers? – They prefer tweet-boards.

  10. How does a parrot keep a secret? – It doesn’t—everyone knows it’s a bird that talks!

  11. What’s a parrot’s favorite type of music? – Tweet-hop.

  12. Why did the parrot start a podcast? – To squawk about the latest gossip.

  13. How do parrots greet each other in the morning? – “Top of the tweet to you!”

  14. What’s a parrot’s favorite type of dance? – The beak-tango.

  15. Why was the parrot always calm? – It knew how to keep things in feathered order.

  16. What do you call a parrot that’s a movie star? – Beak Pitt.

  17. How do parrots stay cool in the summer? – They hang out in the shade with a squawktail.

  18. Why was the parrot such a great listener? – It always paid attention to the details.

  19. What’s a parrot’s favorite board game? – Squawk and ladders.

  20. How do parrots stay entertained? – They play beak-a-boo.

  21. What do you call a parrot that loves to read? – A book-beak.

  22. Why was the parrot always optimistic? – It believed in staying on the sunny side of the perch.

  23. What’s a parrot’s favorite type of movie? – A chick flick.

Parrot Jokes Based on Famous Movies and TV Shows

  1. What did the parrot say to Harry Potter? – “Wingardium levio-squawk!”

  2. How does a parrot impersonate Darth Vader? – “Squawk, I am your father.”

  3. What’s a parrot’s favorite Disney movie? – “The Lion Wing.”

  4. What did the parrot say to Luke Skywalker? – “Use the squawk, Luke!”

  5. How does a parrot watch movies? – On a feather-screen TV.

  6. What’s a parrot’s favorite Star Wars character? – Beak-bacca.

  7. What did the parrot say to the Joker? – “Why so squawk-serious?”

  8. What’s a parrot’s favorite superhero? – The Green Squawknal.

  9. How does a parrot imitate Jack Sparrow? – “Squawk, where’s the rum?”

  10. What did the parrot say to Captain America? – “On your left… wing.”

  11. What’s a parrot’s favorite Pixar movie? – “Finding Tweet-o.”

  12. How does a parrot describe Spider-Man? – “Squawk, the web-slinger!”

  13. What did the parrot say to Batman? – “I’m the feathered knight!”

  14. How does a parrot describe Iron Man? – “The squawk of steel.”

  15. What’s a parrot’s favorite James Bond line? – “Squawk, shaken, not stirred.”

  16. How does a parrot imitate Sherlock Holmes? – “Elementary, my dear squawk.”

  17. What did the parrot say to Buzz Lightyear? – “To squawk and beyond!”

  18. What’s a parrot’s favorite TV show? – “Squawk Trek.”

  19. How does a parrot describe Wonder Woman? – “Squawk of justice.”

  20. What did the parrot say to Frodo Baggins? – “One squawk to rule them all.”

  21. What’s a parrot’s favorite villain? – Squawk Voldemort.

  22. How does a parrot describe The Terminator? – “I’ll be squawk.”

Unique Parrot Jokes

  1. What do you call a parrot that loves puzzles? – A beak-genius.

  2. How does a parrot stay fit? – It does tweet-ups.

  3. What’s a parrot’s favorite workout? – Wing flaps.

  4. How do parrots take selfies? – With a wing-shot.

  5. Why did the parrot get a driver’s license? – To squawk and roll.

  6. What’s a parrot’s favorite type of phone? – A tweet-berry.

  7. How do parrots celebrate birthdays? – With a squawk and cake.

  8. What do you call a parrot that’s always on the go? – A tweet-a-holic.

  9. Why did the parrot open a restaurant? – It had a beak for business.

  10. How does a parrot stay organized? – With a tweet-schedule.

  11. What’s a parrot’s favorite holiday destination? – The Canary Islands.

  12. How do parrots throw parties? – They squawk it out loud.

  13. What’s a parrot’s favorite time of day? – Squawk o’clock.

  14. Why was the parrot always on time? – It hated to miss a squawk.

  15. What do you call a parrot with style? – A beak-nista.

  16. How do parrots solve problems? – They wing it until it works.

  17. What’s a parrot’s favorite book genre? – Feathers and fiction.

  18. Why did the parrot become an artist? – It loved to draw with its beak.

  19. How do parrots handle stress? – They take deep beak breaths.

  20. What do you call a parrot that loves to sing? – A beak-diva.

  21. Why did the parrot take up knitting? – To make its own feathered gear.

  22. How does a parrot greet a stranger? – “Nice to squawk to you!”

  23. What’s a parrot’s favorite weather? – Sunny with a chance of squawks.

  24. Why did the parrot become a comedian? – It had a knack for winging it.

  25. How do parrots navigate the world? – They use a tweet-map.


Well, there you have it – a flock of feathered funnies to brighten your day! I hope these parrot jokes had you squawking with laughter.

From classic quips to clever wordplay, we’ve covered the whole spectrum of avian humor.

Remember, laughter is a universal language, and these jokes are perfect for breaking the ice or adding a bit of fun to your day.

Why not try sharing a joke or two with friends and family? You might just become the life of the party!

Got a favorite parrot joke that didn’t make our list? I’d love to hear it! Drop it in the comments below, and let’s keep the laughter going.

After all, a day without laughter is like a day without sunshine – or, in this case, without parrots!

David Brown

David Brown is a comedy writer with a sharp wit and a love for puns. He has written for various comedy shows and websites, making people laugh with his clever humor. Outside of writing, David enjoys performing stand-up comedy, cooking new recipes, and playing guitar. He studied English Literature at New York University, where he developed his love for wordplay.

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