151+ Best Toilet Paper Jokes to Brighten Your Day

toilet paper jokes

Need a good laugh? Life can be tough, and sometimes, we all need a little pick-me-up to get through the day.

Stress, worries, and the daily grind can drain us and leave us needing comic relief. That’s where toilet paper comes in!

Believe it or not, this everyday bathroom essential can be a source of endless humor. From silly puns to witty one-liners, toilet paper jokes have the power to lighten the mood and put a smile on your face.

Get ready to roll with laughter as we present you with the 151+ best toilet paper jokes to make your day a little brighter.

So, let’s flush away the blues and begin the giggles! 

Funniest Toilet Paper Jokes You Need to Hear

Classic Toilet Paper Jokes

Classic Toilet Paper Jokes

  1. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? To get to the bottom!

  2. Why don’t toilet paper jokes always work? Because they’re tearable.

  3. What do you call a toilet paper magician? A roll-model.

  4. How do you keep toilet paper from getting lonely? Give it a roll-mate.

  5. Why did the toilet paper cross the road? To catch the bus to the bottom.

  6. What do you call a song about toilet paper? A sheet hit.

  7. Why is toilet paper always so calm? It knows how to roll with the punches.

  8. What’s toilet paper’s favorite dance move? The roll and shuffle.

  9. Why do toilet paper rolls never get lost? They always follow the same path.

  10. How does toilet paper get to school? On a roll-er coaster.

  11. What did the toilet paper say to the pencil? Write on!

  12. Why was toilet paper always invited to parties? It’s a roll of fun!

  13. What do you call toilet paper stuck in a tree? Paper mache.

  14. How did the toilet paper feel after a long day? All wiped out.

  15. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite game? Roll-playing.

  16. Why did the toilet paper sit on the stove? To get warm and toasty.

  17. What does toilet paper wear to a wedding? A roll tuxedo.

  18. Why did the toilet paper fail its test? It was all wrapped up in itself.

  19. What does a toilet paper call its friends? Its roll-mates.

  20. What did the toilet paper say to the clean bathroom? You’re spotless!

  21. Why did the toilet paper blush? Because it saw the bathroom in its undies.

  22. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite instrument? The toilet seat guitar.

Modern and Trendy Toilet Paper Jokes

Modern and Trendy Toilet Paper Jokes

  1. Why did the toilet paper apply for a job? It wanted to roll in the dough.

  2. How does toilet paper stay up to date? It follows the roll call.

  3. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite social media app? Snap-wrap.

  4. Why don’t toilet paper and technology mix? It’s all about scrolling.

  5. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite workout? Roll-erobics.

  6. How does toilet paper stay trendy? It keeps up with the latest rolls.

  7. Why did the toilet paper break up with the tissue? It felt too rough.

  8. What’s toilet paper’s favorite TV show? Roll House.

  9. How does toilet paper keep fit? It does a lot of squats.

  10. Why did toilet paper become an influencer? It wanted to go viral.

  11. What do you call toilet paper that’s always on the phone? A roll-er.

  12. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite movie genre? Roll-mantic comedies.

  13. How does toilet paper stay stylish? It follows the latest roll trends.

  14. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite hobby? Roll-erblading.

  15. How does toilet paper stay organized? It has a roll schedule.

  16. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite app? Scrollster.

  17. Why did the toilet paper get a smartphone? To stay connected with the rolls.

  18. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite sport? Roll-er hockey.

  19. How does toilet paper network? It attends roll-conferences.

  20. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite drink? Roll-a-cola.

  21. Why did the toilet paper join a band? It wanted to be a roll model.

  22. How does toilet paper stay fresh? It rolls with mint.

Toilet Paper Puns

Toilet Paper Puns

  1. Why did the toilet paper go to therapy? It was having issues with its rolls.

  2. How does toilet paper greet its friends? Roll, meet roll.

  3. What did the toilet paper say to the tissue? Let’s stick together.

  4. How does toilet paper plan a party? It makes a roll call.

  5. What do you call a musical toilet paper? A rock and roller.

  6. How does toilet paper keep cool? It rolls with the breeze.

  7. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite holiday? Roll-oween.

  8. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite season? Roll-tumn.

  9. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite book? Roll of Honor.

  10. Why did the toilet paper go to school? To learn how to unroll its potential.

  11. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite sport? Roll-er derby.

  12. Why did the toilet paper go to the movies? To catch the latest roll.

  13. How does toilet paper travel? It takes the roll-way.

  14. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite place? Roll-er Coaster Park.

  15. How does toilet paper apologize? It says, “I’m so wrapped up in you.”

  16. Why did the toilet paper get promoted? It knew how to roll with the punches.

  17. How does toilet paper stay in shape? It practices roll-garobics.

  18. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite dessert? Roll cake.

  19. Why did the toilet paper get a trophy? It was on a roll.

  20. What do you call funny toilet paper? A roll comedian.

  21. How does toilet paper stay motivated? It keeps its eye on the roll.

  22. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite game? Roll play.

Toilet Paper Jokes for Kids

Toilet Paper Jokes for Kids

  1. Why did the toilet paper cross the playground? To get to the other slide.

  2. How does toilet paper fix a broken heart? With a roll of love.

  3. What do you call a toilet paper superhero? The Mighty Roll.

  4. How does toilet paper write a letter? With a roll-pen.

  5. Why did the toilet paper go to school? To get a little education.

  6. How does toilet paper make a call? With a roll phone.

  7. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite subject? Roll-gra-phy.

  8. Why did the toilet paper blush? Because it got caught in the act.

  9. What did the toilet paper say to the marker? Stop writing on me!

  10. How does toilet paper relax? It takes a roll bath.

  11. Why did the toilet paper bring a suitcase? It was going on a trip.

  12. How does toilet paper play music? With a roll-xylophone.

  13. What did the toilet paper say to the scissors? Don’t cut me off!

  14. How does toilet paper tell time? With a roll-watch.

  15. Why did the toilet paper get a dog? To play roll-fetch.

  16. How does toilet paper stay happy? It rolls with the fun.

  17. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite game? Hide and roll-seek.

  18. Why did the toilet paper go to the doctor? It was feeling a little torn.

  19. How does toilet paper stay healthy? It eats roll fruits.

  20. What did the toilet paper say to the pencil? Write on!

  21. Why did the toilet paper go to the zoo? To see the roll-phants.

  22. How does toilet paper stay entertained? It watches roll-toons.

Toilet Paper Jokes for Adults

Toilet Paper Jokes for Adults

  1. Why did the toilet paper join the gym? To work on its rolls.

  2. How does toilet paper unwind after a long day? With a roll-tini.

  3. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite drink? Roll whiskey.

  4. How does toilet paper stay organized? It keeps a roll-dex.

  5. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite TV show? The Bold and the Roll.

  6. How does toilet paper stay productive? It makes a roll-list.

  7. Why did the toilet paper get a promotion? It was always on a roll.

  8. How does toilet paper handle stress? With a roll-cation.

  9. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite music genre? Rock and roll.

  10. How does toilet paper stay informed? It reads the roll-news.

  11. Why did the toilet paper get a raise? It always rolled up on time.

  12. How does toilet paper network? At roll parties.

  13. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite job? Roll-model.

  14. Why did the toilet paper get fired? It was all rolled up in itself.

  15. How does toilet paper keep secrets? It’s always wrapped tight.

  16. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite car? A Roll-s Royce.

  17. How does toilet paper stay fashionable? It follows roll trends.

  18. Why did the toilet paper start a business? To roll in the dough.

  19. How does toilet paper stay in shape? It does roll-ups.

  20. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite movie? Roll-busters.

  21. How does toilet paper relax? It takes a roll-tub.

  22. Why did the toilet paper write a book? To share its roll-ing thoughts.

Toilet Paper Jokes from Around the World

Toilet Paper Jokes from Around the World

  1. What do you call French toilet paper? Le roll.

  2. Why did the Japanese toilet paper start meditating? To find its inner roll.

  3. What’s a German toilet paper’s favorite music? Roll music.

  4. How does Mexican toilet paper celebrate? With a roll fiesta.

  5. Why did the Italian toilet paper go to school? To learn to roll in style.

  6. How does Australian toilet paper greet? G’day, mate!

  7. What’s British toilet paper’s favorite tea? Earl Grey roll.

  8. Why did the Chinese toilet paper meditate? To roll in peace.

  9. How does Indian toilet paper dance? With a roll of Bollywood.

  10. What’s a Canadian toilet paper’s favorite sport? Roll hockey.

  11. How does Brazilian toilet paper party? With a roll carnival.

  12. What’s a Russian toilet paper’s favorite drink? Roll-vodka.

  13. Why did the Spanish toilet paper go on vacation? To roll in the sun.

  14. How does African toilet paper drum? With a roll-beat.

  15. What’s a Swiss toilet paper’s favorite cheese? Roll-emmental.

  16. Why did the Turkish toilet paper join the market? To roll with the spices.

  17. How does Greek toilet paper stay in shape? It rolls in the gym.

  18. What’s an Irish toilet paper’s favorite drink? Roll-stout.

  19. Why did the Dutch toilet paper wear wooden shoes? To roll in clogs.

  20. How does Egyptian toilet paper wrap? Like a mummy roll.

  21. What’s a Finnish toilet paper’s favorite sauna? Roll steam.

  22. Why did the Swedish toilet paper go to IKEA? To roll out the new designs.

Toilet Paper Jokes for Special Occasions

Toilet Paper Jokes for Special Occasions

  1. What do you call toilet paper at Christmas? A roll-ing elf.

  2. Why did the toilet paper dress up for Halloween? To become a mummy.

  3. How does toilet paper celebrate New Year’s Eve? With a roll countdown.

  4. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite Valentine’s gift? A roll of love.

  5. How does toilet paper celebrate Easter? With a roll hunt.

  6. Why did the toilet paper join the Thanksgiving parade? To roll with gratitude.

  7. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite holiday? Roll-oween.

  8. How does toilet paper celebrate Independence Day? With a roll of fireworks.

  9. Why did the toilet paper go to the beach on Labor Day? To roll in the sand.

  10. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite costume? A roll ghost.

  11. How does toilet paper celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? With a roll of green.

  12. Why did the toilet paper go to a wedding? To roll in the fun.

  13. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite birthday treat? A roll cake.

  14. How does toilet paper celebrate Hanukkah? With eight rolls of light.

  15. Why did the toilet paper go to a New Year’s party? To roll in the new year.

  16. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite April Fool’s prank? A roll surprise.

  17. How does toilet paper celebrate Earth Day? By rolling with nature.

  18. Why did the toilet paper go to the office party? To roll in the laughs.

  19. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite song for New Year? Auld Lang Roll.

  20. How does toilet paper celebrate a graduation? With a roll toss.

  21. Why did the toilet paper go to the prom? To roll in the dance.

  22. What’s a toilet paper’s favorite holiday tradition? Rolling with joy.


Your day just got much brighter with these 151+ hilarious toilet paper jokes!

This collection has something for everyone, from classic one-liners to modern puns and jokes for all ages.

Toilet paper may be an everyday necessity but is also a source of endless laughter. So, the next time you’re feeling down, remember that life is too short to take things too seriously.

Whether you’re sharing them with friends, family, or coworkers, these toilet paper jokes will surely bring a smile to everyone’s face.

Keep this list handy whenever you need a quick laugh or a lighthearted moment.

After all, laughter is the best medicine – it’s always just a roll away! 

David Brown

David Brown is a comedy writer with a sharp wit and a love for puns. He has written for various comedy shows and websites, making people laugh with his clever humor. Outside of writing, David enjoys performing stand-up comedy, cooking new recipes, and playing guitar. He studied English Literature at New York University, where he developed his love for wordplay.

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