60 Birds that Start with U with Facts & Pictures

birds that start with u

Birds are fascinating creatures, and the variety of species is truly remarkable. This blog explores a unique group of birds whose names start with U.

From the graceful Upland Sandpiper to the striking Umbrella Bird, you’ll discover a wide range of species, each with its special features.

Whether you’re curious about their habitats, geographical range, or unique behaviors, this list offers a glimpse into the incredible diversity of bird life worldwide.

Continue reading to learn about these 20 common birds and 40 lesser-known species.

This guide will take you through forests, grasslands, and even tropical rainforests where these birds thrive.

20 Most Common Birds Starting with U

1. Upland Sandpiper


The Upland Sandpiper is a long-legged shorebird often seen in grasslands rather than coastal areas, which sets it apart from most sandpipers. Its distinctive whistle-like call is a familiar sound in North America’s breeding grounds.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Upland Sandpiper, Bartramia longicauda
  • Physical Description: Medium-sized bird with a small head, long neck, and yellowish legs.
  • Habitat: Grasslands, prairies, and farmlands.
  • Geographical Range: Found across North America, it migrates to South America in winter.
  • Interesting Facts: Upland Sandpipers spend more time in upland habitats than other sandpipers, typically near wetlands.

2. Umbrella Bird


The Umbrella Bird is known for its unique, umbrella-shaped crest, which gives it its name. It is typically found in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, making it a striking species.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Umbrella Bird, Cephalopterus ornatus
  • Physical Description: Large black bird with an umbrella-like crest and a throat wattle.
  • Habitat: Tropical rainforests.
  • Geographical Range: Found in Central and South America.
  • Interesting Facts: Umbrella Birds are known for their deep, resonant calls that can carry through dense forests.

3. Unicolored Blackbird


The Unicolored Blackbird is a small, all-black bird found primarily in wetlands. Despite its appearance, it is quite vocal, often found in colonies during the breeding season.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Unicolored Blackbird, Agelaius cyanopus
  • Physical Description: Small, entirely black bird with a glossy sheen.
  • Habitat: Wetlands, marshes, and agricultural areas.
  • Geographical Range: Found in South America.
  • Interesting Facts: Unlike other blackbird species, the Unicolored Blackbird lacks distinct color patterns or markings.

4. Ural Owl


The Ural Owl is a large, pale owl known for its haunting hoots and preference for dense, old forests. It is found across Europe and parts of Asia and thrives in undisturbed wooded areas.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Ural Owl, Strix uralensis
  • Physical Description: Large, grayish-brown owl with rounded wings and a long tail.
  • Habitat: Dense, old forests and wooded areas.
  • Geographical Range: Found in Europe and Asia.
  • Interesting Facts: The Ural Owl is highly territorial and will defend its nest fiercely, even against larger predators.

5. Unicolored Tapaculo


The Unicolored Tapaculo is a small, elusive bird often heard rather than seen. It prefers staying low to the ground in dense forests, making it challenging for bird watchers to spot.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Unicolored Tapaculo, Scytalopus unicolor
  • Physical Description: Small, uniformly grayish-brown bird.
  • Habitat: Dense forests, especially near the forest floor.
  • Geographical Range: Found in South America, particularly in the Andes.
  • Interesting Facts: Tapaculos are often identified by their repetitive, high-pitched calls rather than their visual appearance.

6. Uniform Crake


The Uniform Crake is a shy, secretive bird that inhabits dense marshes and swamps. Its reddish-brown feathers help it blend into its surroundings, making it difficult to observe in the wild.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Uniform Crake, Amaurolimnas concolor
  • Physical Description: Small, reddish-brown bird with long legs suited for marshy habitats.
  • Habitat: Wetlands, swamps, and marshes.
  • Geographical Range: Found in Central and South America.
  • Interesting Facts: The Uniform Crake is rarely seen due to its secretive nature, often hidden in thick vegetation.

7. Undulated Tinamou


The Undulated Tinamou is a ground-dwelling bird found in the forests of South America. Its distinctive, haunting call can be heard echoing through the forest.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Undulated Tinamou, Crypturellus undulatus
  • Physical Description: Medium-sized, round-bodied bird with brown, patterned feathers.
  • Habitat: Forests and woodlands.
  • Geographical Range: Found across South America, from the Amazon to the Andes.
  • Interesting Facts: Tinamous are among the most primitive living birds, with a lineage that dates back millions of years.

8. Unspotted Saw-whet Owl


The Unspotted Saw-whet Owl is a tiny nocturnal owl found in high-altitude forests. Its name comes from its unmarked plumage, which distinguishes it from other saw-whet owl species.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Unspotted Saw-whet Owl, Aegolius ridgwayi
  • Physical Description: Small owl with uniformly brown feathers and a round face.
  • Habitat: High-altitude forests.
  • Geographical Range: Found in Central America.
  • Interesting Facts: Unlike other saw-whet owls, this species lacks the distinctive white spots or streaks on its feathers.

9. Ultramarine Grosbeak


The Ultramarine Grosbeak is a striking blue songbird found in South America. Its bright plumage makes it easy to spot in the open woodlands where it forages for seeds and fruit.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Ultramarine Grosbeak, Cyanocompsa brissonii
  • Physical Description: Medium-sized bird with deep blue plumage and a thick bill.
  • Habitat: Open woodlands and scrublands.
  • Geographical Range: Found in South America, particularly in Brazil and Argentina.
  • Interesting Facts: The Ultramarine Grosbeak is often heard before it is seen, as its melodious song carries through the air.

10. Ultramarine Flycatcher


The Ultramarine Flycatcher is a small, brightly colored bird known for its aerial acrobatics. It is commonly found in forested areas, feeding on insects while darting through the air.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Ultramarine Flycatcher, Ficedula superciliaris
  • Physical Description: Small bird with bright blue upperparts and white underparts.
  • Habitat: Forested areas, particularly near water sources.
  • Geographical Range: Found in parts of South and Southeast Asia.
  • Interesting Facts: The Ultramarine Flycatcher is a highly active bird that constantly flits from branch to branch in search of food.

11. Uniform Swiftlet


The Uniform Swiftlet is a small, fast-flying bird known for its aerial feeding habits. These birds are often found near cliffs and caves, where they build their nests using their saliva.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Uniform Swiftlet, Aerodramus vanikorensis
  • Physical Description: Small bird with uniformly dark feathers and a streamlined body.
  • Habitat: Cliffs, caves, and forested areas.
  • Geographical Range: Found across the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Interesting Facts: Swiftlets are unique in using echolocation to navigate in the dark caves where they nest.

12. Usambara Weaver


The Usambara Weaver is a small, colorful bird found in the montane forests of East Africa. It is known for its intricate nest-building skills and vibrant plumage.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Usambara Weaver, Ploceus nicolli
  • Physical Description: Small bird with bright yellow and black plumage.
  • Habitat: Montane forests.
  • Geographical Range: Found in Tanzania, particularly in the Usambara Mountains.
  • Interesting Facts: The Usambara Weaver builds complex, woven nests, often hanging from trees or shrubs.

13. Uvea Parakeet


The Uvea Parakeet is a small, green parrot found on the island of Uvea in the Pacific. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and introduced species.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Uvea Parakeet, Eunymphicus uvaeensis
  • Physical Description: Small, bright green parakeet with a yellow crest.
  • Habitat: Forested areas on the island of Uvea.
  • Geographical Range: Endemic to the island of Uvea.
  • Interesting Facts: The Uvea Parakeet is critically endangered, with only a small population remaining in the wild.

14. Uruguayan Swallow


The Uruguayan Swallow is a small, sleek bird known for its graceful flight. It is often seen in open areas, flying low over fields and rivers in search of insects.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Uruguayan Swallow, Tachycineta meyeni
  • Physical Description: Small bird with a glossy blue back and white underparts.
  • Habitat: Open areas, grasslands, and near water bodies.
  • Geographical Range: Found in South America, particularly in Uruguay and Argentina.
  • Interesting Facts: These swallows are highly social and often nest in colonies near water.

15. Ultramarine Kingfisher


The Ultramarine Kingfisher is a brightly colored bird found near water bodies in the Pacific Islands. Known for its striking blue plumage, it hunts small fish and aquatic insects.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Ultramarine Kingfisher, Todiramphus leucopygius
  • Physical Description: Medium-sized bird with bright blue upperparts and white underparts.
  • Habitat: Mangroves, rivers, and coastal forests.
  • Geographical Range: Found in the Pacific Islands, particularly around the Solomon Islands.
  • Interesting Facts: The Ultramarine Kingfisher is an efficient hunter, diving into the water to catch its prey.

16. Upland Goose


The Upland Goose is a large terrestrial bird found in the southernmost parts of South America. It grazes in open fields like a typical goose but is adapted to high-altitude environments.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Upland Goose, Chloephaga picta
  • Physical Description: Large bird with white or gray plumage and orange legs.
  • Habitat: Grasslands and open fields.
  • Geographical Range: Found in southern South America, especially in Argentina and Chile.
  • Interesting Facts: Upland Geese are often seen grazing in pairs or small flocks and are known to be monogamous.

17. Ursula’s Sunbird


Ursula’s Sunbird is a small, nectar-feeding bird found in the tropical forests of Africa. Known for its iridescent feathers, it plays an important role in pollination.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Ursula’s Sunbird, Cinnyris ursulae
  • Physical Description: Small bird with metallic green and yellow plumage.
  • Habitat: Tropical forests and gardens.
  • Geographical Range: Found in West Africa.
  • Interesting Facts: Sunbirds are important pollinators, often seen darting between flowers in search of nectar.

18. Uganda Woodland Warbler


The Uganda Woodland Warbler is a small, inconspicuous bird often found flitting about in the forest canopy. Despite its drab appearance, it is an active insectivore.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Uganda Woodland Warbler, Phylloscopus budongoensis
  • Physical Description: Small, plain greenish bird with a white belly.
  • Habitat: Forests and woodland areas.
  • Geographical Range: Found in Uganda and parts of East Africa.
  • Interesting Facts: This warbler is often heard before it is seen, due to its high-pitched song.

19. Ultramarine Lorikeet


The Ultramarine Lorikeet is a small, colorful parrot known for its bright blue and green plumage. It is found in the forests and coastal areas of French Polynesia.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Ultramarine Lorikeet, Vini ultramarina
  • Physical Description: Small parrot with vibrant blue and green plumage.
  • Habitat: Forests, coastal areas, and gardens.
  • Geographical Range: Endemic to French Polynesia.
  • Interesting Facts: The Ultramarine Lorikeet is endangered due to habitat destruction and competition with introduced species.

20. Upland Bulbul


The Upland Bulbul is a medium-sized songbird found in Southeast Asia. It is known for its distinctive, loud call and preference for high-altitude forests.

  • Common Name and Scientific Name: Upland Bulbul, Ixos mcclellandii
  • Physical Description: Medium-sized bird with olive-green plumage and a short crest.
  • Habitat: High-altitude forests.
  • Geographical Range: Found in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand and Myanmar.
  • Interesting Facts: Upland Bulbuls are often found in pairs or small groups and are known for their musical calls.

40 Uncommon Birds Starting with U

  1. Undulated Antshrike
  2. Ussuri Pipit
  3. Uluguru Greenbul
  4. Ultramarine Warbler
  5. Uganda Thrush
  6. Uluguru Bushshrike
  7. Usambara Eagle-Owl
  8. Usambara Ground Thrush
  9. Uvea Monarch
  10. Ubatuba Antwren
  11. Upper Magdalena Tapaculo
  12. Urrao Antpitta
  13. Ushant Wren
  14. Undulated Nightjar
  15. Upland Antshrike
  16. Umber Pigeon
  17. Uguisu
  18. Urubamba Woodcreeper
  19. Upper Guinea Nicator
  20. Upland Finch
  21. Unicolored Greenlet
  22. Uluguru Mountain Warbler
  23. Undulated Manakin
  24. Usambara Akalat
  25. Ural Long-eared Owl
  26. Upper Amazonian Woodpecker
  27. Ultramarine Cotinga
  28. Uruguayan Finch
  29. Ubangui Sunbird
  30. Ulva Island Tomtit
  31. Uganda Spinetail
  32. Ubatuba Tyrannulet
  33. Umboi Island Meliphaga
  34. Urrao Woodcreeper
  35. Ugandan Black-headed Gonolek
  36. Upper Guinea Swamp Warbler
  37. Upland Finch
  38. Uganda Ibis
  39. Ultramarine Bowerbird
  40. Umbria Finch

Summing Up

As we’ve seen, birds starting with U offer a remarkable variety of species, each with unique traits.

From the Upland Sandpiper, which prefers grasslands over wetlands, to the Umbrella Bird, with its distinctive crest, these birds showcase the diversity of the avian world.

The Ural Owl thrives in dense forests, while the Ultramarine Grosbeak stands out with its vibrant blue plumage.

Species like the Uvea Parakeet and Ultramarine Lorikeet are critically endangered, reminding us of the importance of conservation.

Each bird plays a significant role in its environment, from pollinating flowers to controlling insect populations.

Exploring these species deepens our appreciation for the natural world and its incredible variety of life.


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