227+ Catholic Trivia Questions for a Challenging Game

catholic trivia questions

Let’s dive into some Catholic trivia! If you’re like me, you love testing your knowledge about the Church’s rich history and traditions. But finding good, challenging questions can be tough.

That’s why I’ve compiled this list of 227+ Catholic trivia questions to test your faith facts. 

In this article, I’ll share many questions covering everything from Bible stories to Church doctrine to famous saints.

Whether planning a youth group event, a family game night or wanting to challenge yourself, you’ll find plenty of brain teasers here.

Get ready to learn some interesting tidbits about Catholicism while having fun with friends and family!

The Ultimate Collection of Catholic Trivia Questions & Answers

The Ultimate Collection of Catholic Trivia Questions & Answers

  1. Q: What is the largest Christian denomination in the world?
    A: Roman Catholic Church

  2. Q: Who is the current Pope?
    A: Pope Francis

  3. Q: What city is the headquarters of the Catholic Church?
    A: Vatican City

  4. Q: What is the official language of the Vatican?
    A: Latin

  5. Q: How many books are in the Catholic Bible?
    A: 73 books (46 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament)

  6. Q: What is the name of the Pope’s official residence?
    A: Apostolic Palace

  7. Q: What does “Catholic” mean?
    A: Universal

  8. Q: Who founded the Jesuit order?
    A: St. Ignatius of Loyola

  9. Q: What is the name of the Pope’s weekly public address?
    A: Angelus

  10. Q: What is the term for a priest elevated to a position directly below the Pope?
    A: Cardinal

  11. Q: What is the name of the Pope’s armed forces?
    A: Swiss Guard

  12. Q: What is the name of the official newspaper of Vatican City?
    A: L’Osservatore Romano

  13. Q: What is the highest rank of ordained ministry in the Catholic Church?
    A: Bishop

  14. Q: What is the term for a priest who oversees a diocese?
    A: Bishop

  15. Q: What is the name of the document issued by the Pope to all bishops?
    A: Encyclical

  16. Q: What is the term for a church that serves as the official church of a bishop?
    A: Cathedral

  17. Q: What is the name of the central governing body of the Catholic Church?
    A: The Roman Curia

  18. Q: What is the name of the Pope’s official Twitter account?
    A: @Pontifex

  19. Q: What is the official title of the Pope?
    A: Bishop of Rome

  20. Q: What is the name of the Pope’s official summer residence?
    A: Castel Gandolfo

  21. Q: What is the name of the official Vatican radio station?
    A: Vatican Radio

  22. Q: What is the term for a formal assembly of bishops?
    A: Synod

  23. Q: What is the name of the Pope’s official ring?
    A: The Fisherman’s Ring

  24. Q: Who is the patron saint of lost causes?
    A: St. Jude Thaddeus

  25. Q: Which saint is known for his love of animals?
    A: St. Francis of Assisi

  26. Q: Who is the patron saint of impossible causes?
    A: St. Rita of Cascia

  27. Q: Which saint is associated with the stigmata?
    A: St. Padre Pio

  28. Q: Who is the patron saint of music?
    A: St. Cecilia

  29. Q: Which saint is known as the “Little Flower”?
    A: St. Thérèse of Lisieux

  30. Q: Who is the patron saint of Ireland?
    A: St. Patrick

  31. Q: Which saint is associated with the discovery of the True Cross?
    A: St. Helena

  32. Q: Who is the patron saint of travelers?
    A: St. Christopher

  33. Q: Which saint founded the Poor Clare Sisters?
    A: St. Clare of Assisi

  34. Q: Who is the patron saint of mothers?
    A: St. Monica

  35. Q: Which saint is known as the “Apostle to the Gentiles”?
    A: St. Paul

  36. Q: Who is the patron saint of workers?
    A: St. Joseph

  37. Q: Which saint is associated with the Sacred Heart of Jesus devotion?
    A: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

  38. Q: Who is the patron saint of priests?
    A: St. John Vianney

  39. Q: Which saint is known as the “Father of Western Monasticism”?
    A: St. Benedict of Nursia

  40. Q: Who is the patron saint of youth?
    A: St. John Bosco

  41. Q: Which saint is known for her visions of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes?
    A: St. Bernadette Soubirous

  42. Q: Who is the patron saint of nurses?
    A: St. Catherine of Siena

  43. Q: Which saint is known as the “Apostle of Rome”?
    A: St. Philip Neri

  44. Q: Who is the patron saint of television?
    A: St. Clare of Assisi

  45. Q: Which saint is known as the “Miracle Worker”?
    A: St. Anthony of Padua

  46. Q: Who is the patron saint of hopeless cases?
    A: St. Jude Thaddeus

  47. Q: In what year did the Council of Nicaea take place?
    A: 325 AD

  48. Q: Which Pope initiated the First Crusade?
    A: Pope Urban II

  49. Q: What year was the Second Vatican Council opened?
    A: 1962

  50. Q: Who was the first Catholic President of the United States?
    A: John F. Kennedy

  51. Q: In which year did the Great Schism between the Eastern and Western Churches occur?
    A: 1054

  52. Q: Who founded the Franciscan Order?
    A: St. Francis of Assisi

  53. Q: What was the name of the 1517 protest against the Catholic Church led by Martin Luther?
    A: The Ninety-Five Theses

  54. Q: Which Pope called for the Counter-Reformation?
    A: Pope Paul III

  55. Q: In what year was the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded?
    A: 1540

  56. Q: Who was the first Pope to visit the United States?
    A: Pope Paul VI

  57. Q: What was the name of the agreement signed between the Vatican and Nazi Germany in 1933?
    A: The Reichskonkordat

  58. Q: Which Pope opened the Vatican Secret Archives to researchers?
    A: Pope Leo XIII

  59. Q: In what year did the Catholic Church officially forgive Galileo?
    A: 1992

  60. Q: Who was the longest-reigning Pope in history?
    A: St. Peter (traditionally considered to have served for 34-37 years)

  61. Q: What was the name of the Catholic monastic order founded by St. Benedict?
    A: The Benedictines

  62. Q: Which Pope convened the Council of Trent?
    A: Pope Paul III

  63. Q: In what year did the Vatican City become an independent state?
    A: 1929

  64. Q: Who was the first Pope to voluntarily resign?
    A: Pope Celestine V

  65. Q: What was the name of the 1968 papal encyclical that reaffirmed the Church’s stance on birth control?
    A: Humanae Vitae

  66. Q: Which Pope was reigning during World War II?
    A: Pope Pius XII

  67. Q: In what year was the Inquisition officially abolished?
    A: 1908

  68. Q: Who was the first Pope to use Twitter?
    A: Pope Benedict XVI

  69. Q: What was the name of the movement led by Jan Hus that preceded the Protestant Reformation?
    A: The Hussites

  70. Q: What is the first book of the Old Testament?
    A: Genesis

  71. Q: Who was the first king of Israel?
    A: Saul

  72. Q: How many books are in the New Testament?
    A: 27

  73. Q: Who wrote the majority of the Psalms?
    A: King David

  74. Q: Which Gospel is written by a doctor?
    A: Luke

  75. Q: What is the last book of the Bible?
    A: Revelation

  76. Q: Who denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed?
    A: Peter

  77. Q: What was the name of Moses’ brother?
    A: Aaron

  78. Q: How many days and nights did Jesus fast in the wilderness?
    A: 40

  79. Q: Who is known as the “weeping prophet”?
    A: Jeremiah

  80. Q: What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
    A: “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35)

  81. Q: Who was the mother of John the Baptist?
    A: Elizabeth

  82. Q: Which book in the Bible does not mention God by name?
    A: Esther

  83. Q: Who was the first martyr of the Christian church?
    A: Stephen

  84. Q: What was the name of Abraham’s nephew?
    A: Lot

  85. Q: Which prophet was swallowed by a big fish?
    A: Jonah

  86. Q: Who wrote the book of Acts?
    A: Luke

  87. Q: What was Jesus’ first miracle?
    A: Turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana

  88. Q: Who was the father of King Solomon?
    A: King David

  89. Q: Which apostle was a tax collector before following Jesus?
    A: Matthew

  90. Q: What was the name of Moses’ sister?
    A: Miriam

  91. Q: Who was the oldest person mentioned in the Bible?
    A: Methuselah

  92. Q: What was the name of Adam and Eve’s third son?
    A: Seth

  93. Q: How many sacraments are there in the Catholic Church?
    A: Seven

  94. Q: What is the significance of Ash Wednesday?
    A: It marks the beginning of Lent

  95. Q: What is the name of the rite of joining the Catholic Church as an adult?
    A: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

  96. Q: What is the term for the bread used in the Eucharist?
    A: Host

  97. Q: What is the liturgical color for the season of Advent?
    A: Purple (or Violet)

  98. Q: What is the name of the prayer service held in the evening?
    A: Vespers

  99. Q: What is the term for the purification of the soul after death?
    A: Purgatory

  100. Q: What is the name of the special Mass celebrated for the dead?
    A: Requiem Mass

  101. Q: What is the term for a priest’s obligation to maintain confidentiality of confessions?
    A: Seal of Confession

  102. Q: What is the name of the vessel used to hold the Eucharist for adoration?
    A: Monstrance

  103. Q: What is the term for the blessing of throats performed on St. Blaise’s feast day?
    A: Blessing of the Throats

  104. Q: What is the name of the holy oil used in baptism, confirmation, and holy orders?
    A: Chrism

  105. Q: What is the term for the practice of abstaining from meat on Fridays during Lent?
    A: Friday Penance

  106. Q: What is the name of the prayer said before meals?
    A: Grace

  107. Q: What is the term for the process of declaring someone a saint?
    A: Canonization

  108. Q: What is the name of the special devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary in May?
    A: May Crowning

  109. Q: What is the term for the cloth used to wipe the chalice during Mass?
    A: Purificator

  110. Q: What is the name of the prayer service held before the Blessed Sacrament?
    A: Adoration

  111. Q: What is the term for the practice of praying at fixed times during the day?
    A: Liturgy of the Hours

  112. Q: What is the name of the special blessing given by the Pope on Christmas and Easter?
    A: Urbi et Orbi

    blessing given

  113. Q: What is the term for the practice of fasting before receiving Communion?
    A: Eucharistic Fast

  114. Q: What is the name of the special Mass celebrated by a newly ordained priest?
    A: First Mass

  115. Q: What is the term for the practice of making the sign of the cross with holy water upon entering a church?
    A: Blessing oneself

  116. Q: What prayer begins with “Our Father who art in heaven”?
    A: The Lord’s Prayer (or The Our Father)

  117. Q: What is the name of the hymn sung during the Easter Vigil announcing Christ’s resurrection?
    A: Exsultet

  118. Q: What prayer is known as the “Angelic Salutation”?
    A: Hail Mary

  119. Q: What is the name of the prayer that begins “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy”?
    A: Salve Regina

  120. Q: What is the name of the prayer said at noon, 6 am, and 6 pm commemorating the Incarnation?
    A: The Angelus

  121. Q: What hymn is traditionally sung at funerals, beginning with “Dies irae, dies illa”?
    A: Dies Irae

  122. Q: What prayer is said for the souls in purgatory, beginning “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord”?
    A: Eternal Rest Prayer (or Requiem Aeternam)

  123. Q: What is the name of the prayer that begins “Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary”?
    A: Memorare

  124. Q: What hymn is often sung at Eucharistic Adoration, beginning “Tantum ergo Sacramentum”?
    A: Tantum Ergo

  125. Q: What prayer is known as the “Jesus Prayer” in Eastern Catholic traditions?
    A: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner”

  126. Q: What is the name of the hymn that begins “Adoro te devote, latens Deitas”?
    A: Adoro Te Devote

  127. Q: What prayer is said at the beginning of each decade of the Rosary?
    A: Our Father

  128. Q: What is the name of the prayer that begins “Soul of Christ, sanctify me”?
    A: Anima Christi

  129. Q: What hymn is traditionally sung on Holy Thursday, beginning “Pange lingua gloriosi”?
    A: Pange Lingua Gloriosi

  130. Q: What prayer is known as the “Canticle of Mary” from the Gospel of Luke?
    A: Magnificat

  131. Q: What is the name of the prayer that asks for the intercession of all saints?
    A: Litany of the Saints

  132. Q: What hymn is often sung at the end of Mass, beginning “Holy God, we praise Thy name”?
    A: Te Deum

  133. Q: What prayer is recited at the end of each decade of the Rosary?
    A: Glory Be (Gloria Patri)

  134. Q: What is the name of the hymn that begins “O come, O come, Emmanuel”?
    A: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Veni, Veni, Emmanuel)

  135. Q: What prayer is said before the Gospel reading at Mass?
    A: “Glory to you, O Lord”

  136. Q: What is the name of the prayer that begins “Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful”?
    A: Come Holy Spirit (Veni Sancte Spiritus)

  137. Q: What hymn is traditionally sung on Good Friday, beginning “Crux fidelis, inter omnes”?
    A: Crux Fidelis

  138. Q: What prayer is known as the “Prayer to St. Michael”?
    A: St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle…

  139. Q: What does the fish symbol represent in Christianity?
    A: Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior (ICHTHYS)

  140. Q: What is the significance of the rosary?
    A: It’s a prayer tool used to meditate on the life of Christ and Mary

  141. Q: What does the Chi-Rho symbol represent?
    A: The first two letters of Christ’s name in Greek

  142. Q: What is the purpose of a scapular?
    A: A devotional garment worn as a sign of one’s commitment to God

  143. Q: What does the anchor symbolize in Christian art?
    A: Hope

  144. Q: What is the meaning of the letters INRI often seen on crucifixes?
    A: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews

  145. Q: What does the dove symbolize in Catholic iconography?
    A: The Holy Spirit

  146. Q: What is the purpose of holy water in Catholic churches?
    A: For blessings and as a reminder of baptism

  147. Q: What does the pelican symbol represent in Catholic art?
    A: Self-sacrifice of Christ

  148. Q: What is the significance of the color red in Catholic liturgy?
    A: It symbolizes the Holy Spirit and martyrdom

  149. Q: What does the alpha and omega symbol represent?
    A: Christ as the beginning and the end

  150. Q: What is the purpose of incense in Catholic liturgy?
    A: To symbolize prayers rising to heaven

  151. Q: What does the lily flower symbolize in Catholic art?
    A: Purity, often associated with the Virgin Mary

  152. Q: What is the significance of the paschal candle?
    A: It represents the light of Christ, especially at Easter

  153. Q: What does the triangle symbol represent in Catholic iconography?
    A: The Holy Trinity

  154. Q: What is the purpose of a thurible in Catholic liturgy?
    A: To burn incense during Mass and other ceremonies

  155. Q: What does the lamb symbol represent in Catholic art?
    A: Jesus as the Lamb of God

  156. Q: What is the significance of the color purple in Catholic liturgy?
    A: It represents penance and preparation, used during Advent and Lent

  157. Q: What does the phoenix symbol represent in Christian art?
    A: Resurrection and eternal life

  158. Q: What is the purpose of a ciborium in Catholic liturgy?
    A: To hold consecrated hosts

  159. Q: What does the olive branch symbolize in Christian art?
    A: Peace

  160. Q: What is the significance of the Stations of the Cross?
    A: They represent the events of Jesus’ passion and death

  161. Q: What does the peacock symbol represent in early Christian art?
    A: Immortality and resurrection

  162. Q: When is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrated?
    A: December 8

  163. Q: What season precedes Easter in the liturgical calendar?
    A: Lent

  164. Q: When does the liturgical year begin for the Catholic Church?
    A: First Sunday of Advent

  165. Q: What is the day before Ash Wednesday called?
    A: Shrove Tuesday (or Mardi Gras)

  166. Q: When is the Feast of the Assumption celebrated?
    A: August 15

  167. Q: What is the period of 50 days after Easter called?
    A: Eastertide (or Easter Season)

  168. Q: When is the Feast of Christ the King celebrated?
    A: Last Sunday of the liturgical year

  169. Q: What is the name of the Thursday before Easter?
    A: Holy Thursday (or Maundy Thursday)

  170. Q: When is the Feast of the Sacred Heart celebrated?
    A: 19 days after Pentecost

  171. Q: What is the name of the Sunday before Easter?
    A: Palm Sunday

  172. Q: When is the Feast of All Saints celebrated?
    A: November 1

  173. Q: What is the name of the period between Christmas and the Baptism of the Lord?
    A: Christmas Season

  174. Q: When is the Feast of the Holy Family celebrated?
    A: Sunday after Christmas

  175. Q: What is the name of the Wednesday that marks the beginning of Lent?
    A: Ash Wednesday

  176. Q: When is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God celebrated?
    A: January 1

  177. Q: What is the name of the Sunday that marks the end of the Christmas season?
    A: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

  178. Q: When is the Feast of St. Joseph celebrated?
    A: March 19

  179. Q: What is the name of the period between Ascension and Pentecost?
    A: Novena to the Holy Spirit

  180. Q: When is the Feast of the Transfiguration celebrated?
    A: August 6

  181. Q: What is the name of the Sunday that begins Holy Week?
    A: Palm Sunday

  182. Q: When is the Feast of the Holy Innocents celebrated?
    A: December 28

  183. Q: What is the name of the Mass celebrated at midnight on Christmas Eve?
    A: Midnight Mass (or Mass at Night)

  184. Q: When is the Feast of Corpus Christi celebrated?
    A: Thursday after Trinity Sunday (or the following Sunday in some countries)

  185. Q: Who was the first Pope?
    A: St. Peter

  186. Q: Which Pope served the shortest term?
    A: Urban VII (13 days)

  187. Q: Who was the last non-Italian Pope before John Paul II?
    A: Adrian VI

  188. Q: Which Pope called the Second Vatican Council?
    A: Pope John XXIII

  189. Q: Who was the first Pope to visit Africa?
    A: Pope Paul VI

  190. Q: Which Pope was known as the “Prisoner of the Vatican”?
    A: Pius IX

  191. Q: Who was the youngest elected Pope in history?
    A: Pope John XII (18 years old)

  192. Q: Which Pope issued the encyclical Rerum Novarum on workers’ rights?
    A: Pope Leo XIII

  193. Q: Who was the first Pope to fly in an airplane?
    A: Pope Paul VI

  194. Q: Which Pope excommunicated Martin Luther?
    A: Pope Leo X

  195. Q: Who was the first Pope to use the title “Servant of the Servants of God”?
    A: Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great)

  196. Q: Which Pope established the modern conclave system for papal elections?
    A: Pope Gregory X

  197. Q: Who was the last Pope to use a papal tiara?
    A: Pope Paul VI

  198. Q: Which Pope wrote the encyclical Humanae Vitae on birth control?
    A: Pope Paul VI

  199. Q: Who was the first Pope to visit the United States?
    A: Pope Paul VI

  200. Q: Which Pope canonized the most saints in history?
    A: Pope John Paul II

  201. Q: Who was the first Pope to have a Twitter account?
    A: Pope Benedict XVI

  202. Q: Which Pope was reigning during the Italian unification?
    A: Pope Pius IX

  203. Q: Who was the first Pope to visit Auschwitz?
    A: Pope John Paul II

  204. Q: Which Pope issued the declaration of papal infallibility?
    A: Pope Pius IX

  205. Q: Who was the last Pope to resign before Benedict XVI?
    A: Pope Gregory XII (in 1415)

  206. Q: Which Pope established the Vatican Museums?
    A: Pope Clement XIV

  207. Q: Who was the first Pope to visit the Holy Land?
    A: Pope Paul VI

  208. Q: What is the doctrine of transubstantiation?
    A: The belief that the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ during the Eucharist

  209. Q: What is the Catholic teaching on original sin?
    A: The state of sin into which all human beings are born as a result of Adam’s sin

  210. Q: What is the Immaculate Conception?
    A: The belief that Mary was conceived without original sin

  211. Q: What is the doctrine of papal infallibility?
    A: The belief that the Pope is preserved from error when he solemnly declares a teaching on faith or morals

  212. Q: What is meant by the term “Real Presence” in Catholic theology?
    A: The belief that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist

  213. Q: What is the Catholic understanding of purgatory?
    A: A state of purification after death before entering heaven

  214. Q: What is the doctrine of the Trinity?
    A: The belief in one God existing in three divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

  215. Q: What is the Catholic teaching on the Assumption of Mary?
    A: The belief that Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven at the end of her earthly life

  216. Q: What is the doctrine of apostolic succession?
    A: The belief that bishops are the successors of the apostles

  217. Q: What is the Catholic understanding of salvation?
    A: The belief that salvation comes through faith and good works, by God’s grace

  218. Q: What is the doctrine of ex cathedra?
    A: The teaching authority of the Pope when he defines a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the whole Church

  219. Q: What is the Catholic teaching on the communion of saints?
    A: The belief in a spiritual union among all believers, both living and dead

  220. Q: What is the doctrine of subsidiarity in Catholic social teaching?
    A: The principle that matters should be handled by the smallest, lowest, or least centralized competent authority

  221. Q: What is the Catholic understanding of natural law?
    A: The belief in moral laws that are inherent in human nature and discoverable through reason

  222. Q: What is the doctrine of concomitance?
    A: The belief that Christ is fully present under each species in the Eucharist

  223. Q: What is the Catholic teaching on the indissolubility of marriage?
    A: The belief that a valid, consummated sacramental marriage cannot be dissolved

  224. Q: What is the doctrine of collegiality?
    A: The belief that bishops, as a body, share responsibility for the governance of the Church with the Pope

  225. Q: What is the Catholic understanding of revelation?
    A: The belief that God has revealed Himself through Scripture and Tradition

  226. Q: What is the doctrine of the hypostatic union?
    A: The belief that Jesus Christ is both fully divine and fully human in one person

  227. Q: What is the Catholic teaching on limbo?
    A: A hypothetical state for unbaptized infants who die, no longer actively taught by the Church

  228. Q: What is the doctrine of infused righteousness?
    A: The belief that God’s grace actually makes a person righteous, not just declared righteous

  229. Q: What is the Catholic understanding of free will?
    A: The belief that humans have the ability to make choices freely, even in matters of faith

  230. Q: What is the doctrine of concupiscence?
    A: The tendency towards sin present in human nature as a result of original sin


I hope you’ve learned some interesting facts about our rich faith tradition as we wrap up our Catholic trivia journey.

From saints to sacraments, Church history to Bible knowledge, we’ve covered a lot of ground. These 227+ questions aren’t just for fun – they’re a great way to deepen your understanding of Catholicism.

Why not use these questions to spark discussions with family and friends? Or perhaps organize a parish trivia night? You might be surprised at how much you know – and how much there is still to learn.

Remember, our faith is a lifelong journey of discovery. These trivia questions are just a starting point.

Keep exploring, questioning, and growing in your faith. And don’t forget to share your newfound knowledge with others.

After all, that’s what being part of the Catholic community is all about!

James Edwards

James Edwards is a trivia enthusiast who has spent over 15 years curating challenging questions and hosting quiz nights. When he's not writing or devising quizzes, you can find James exploring new books or enjoying a classic film marathon. His expertise in trivia has made him a popular figure in the quiz community. He graduated with a degree in History from the University of California, Berkeley.

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