“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford

by Captain Australia on March 31, 2011

Captain Australia’s Journal, Entry#89

Still off-duty while I attend to secret identity business (birth of my second son), with an intent to resume active city patrols some time in May.  In the meantime, working with candidate side-kicks and some like-minded colleagues to form

We’ll be putting together a Mission Statement, and attracting a group of founding members including Cipherman, Storm Dragon and potentially some of the sidekick candidates — but I’d like to invite the public to offer up suggestions and comments (and express interest in joining, if applicable).  As we progress, I’ll outline more information about this.

In the meantime, fitness levels have dropped a little over the past couple of months, so as of the last few weeks I’ve been back on a grueling training regime, starting with running at around 5am, followed by resistance training before a healthy breakfast.

I’m hoping to hear back from the young artisan who has offered to help put together my Captain Australia 2.0 uniform, which will be more utility focussed, and include integrated impact & slash resistant body armour.  It will probably take several months to put together, but this young man strikes me as quite a genius (if he gives me permission, I’ll provide some links and pictures of the kind of work he does).

Similarly, I think Cipherman is nearly done with my shield, I look forward to posting some pictures soon !

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Stormdragon April 5, 2011 at 11:30 pm

No comments yet but I thought I would give my opinion as to what I feel the aims and direction of the league should be.
I think the old line of “all that it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing” should be a guiding principle. We should make it our duty to inspire people to take action and do what they can when they see injustice and not turn away and pretend it isn’t there.
This does not mean necessarily putting yourself in harms way. It may simply be a matter of calling crime stoppers…or volunteering with Rosie’s or the Salvos or the Red Cross etc…
I see the League as a group of like minded people who choose to lead by example.


Obsidian May 9, 2011 at 9:00 am

Hi there,
I hear your plea for justice and answer it with my own, I, Obsidian, and my colleague, Night Angel, wish to join your Justice League. We are Adelaide based and have our own training regime, furthermore, we are capable and young. Hit me back if you are interested.


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