151+ Famous Clock Riddles You Haven’t Heard Before

clock riddle

Time flies, but riddles about clocks never get old!

If you’re looking for a fun way to test your wit and challenge your friends, you’ve come to the right place. Clock riddles are a great way to sharpen your mind and have a good laugh.

I’ve gathered 151+ famous clock riddles that you probably haven’t heard before. These brain teasers will make you think outside the box and see time in a whole new light. 

In this blog post, I’ll share a collection of clever, funny, and sometimes tricky clock riddles.

Get ready to challenge yourself and impress others with these timeless puzzles!

Classic Clock Riddles

Classic Clock Riddles

  1. What has hands but can’t clap?
    Answer: A clock.

  2. What runs but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps?
    Answer: A river and a clock (both fit the riddle).

  3. Why did the clock go to the principal’s office?
    Answer: It was tocking too much!

  4. Why did the clock break up with the calendar?
    Answer: It felt like their time together was limited.

  5. What time is it when an elephant sits on your clock?
    Answer: Time to get a new clock!

  6. Why did the clock get kicked out of class?
    Answer: It kept tocking out of turn!

  7. If a clock strikes 13, what time is it?
    Answer: Time to get the clock fixed!

  8. Why do clocks hate arithmetic?
    Answer: Because it always takes time.

  9. What has numbers but can’t do math?
    Answer: A clock.

  10. I have a face, but no eyes, mouth, or nose. What am I?
    Answer: A clock.

  11. Why is the clock always successful?
    Answer: Because it always keeps ticking!

  12. Why do you never get lost with a clock?
    Answer: Because it shows you the way time flies!

  13. When do clocks keep secrets?
    Answer: When they’re on hush time.

  14. What happens when you annoy a clock?
    Answer: It gets ticked off!

  15. Why do clocks make terrible comedians?
    Answer: Their timing is always off.

  16. What do you call a clock that’s bad at keeping time?
    Answer: A second-rate clock.

  17. How does a clock stay fit?
    Answer: It does “tock” aerobics.

  18. Why was the clock shy?
    Answer: Because it couldn’t face anyone.

  19. What did the big hand say to the little hand?
    Answer: “I’ll be right back in a minute!”

  20. Why did the clock go to therapy?
    Answer: It had some major ticking issues.

  21. What type of clock does a vampire use?
    Answer: A Count-down!

  22. Why did the clock refuse to lend any money?
    Answer: It said, “I can’t give you time!”

Time and Numbers

Time and Numbers

  1. How many times does the clock strike at midnight on a 24-hour clock?
    Answer: 24.

  2. If it’s 6 o’clock now, what time will it be in 9 hours?
    Answer: 3 o’clock.

  3. At 3 o’clock, how many times do the hour and minute hands form a straight line in a day?
    Answer: 22 times.

  4. How many seconds are there in a day?
    Answer: 86,400 seconds.

  5. How many times in 24 hours does the hour hand overlap the minute hand?
    Answer: 22 times.

  6. If the clock shows 10:15, what will it show 45 minutes later?
    Answer: 11:00.

  7. If a clock shows 7:45, how many degrees will the minute hand move in 15 minutes?
    Answer: 90 degrees.

  8. How many minutes past 2:00 will the hands of the clock form a right angle?
    Answer: 15 minutes.

  9. At what time between 4 and 5 o’clock are the hands of a clock in a straight line?
    Answer: At 4:20.

  10. How many hours does it take for the hour and minute hands to align again on a clock?
    Answer: 12 hours.

  11. What time will it be if the clock reads 8:30 and we add 270 minutes?
    Answer: 1:00.

  12. How many times do the clock’s hands form an angle of 90 degrees in 12 hours?
    Answer: 44 times.

  13. If it’s 10 AM now, what time will it be after 123 minutes?
    Answer: 12:03 PM.

  14. What angle do the hands form at 3:45?
    Answer: 90 degrees.

  15. How many complete rotations does the minute hand make in one day?
    Answer: 24 complete rotations.

  16. What time is 150 minutes after 1:00 PM?
    Answer: 3:30 PM.

  17. At 6:15, what angle is formed between the hour and minute hands?
    Answer: 97.5 degrees.

  18. How many times does the clock show 12 o’clock in a day?
    Answer: Twice.

  19. If the clock shows 9:45, how many degrees has the hour hand moved from its original position?
    Answer: 292.5 degrees.

  20. What is 25 minutes to 3 on the clock?
    Answer: 2:35.

  21. How many times do the clock hands overlap in 12 hours?
    Answer: 11 times.

Wordplay and Clock Jokes

Wordplay and Clock Jokes

  1. Why did the man put his clock under his desk?
    Answer: He wanted to work overtime!

  2. What does a wall clock do after it gets hungry?
    Answer: It goes back four seconds.

  3. Why did the clock go to school?
    Answer: To learn how to tell time.

  4. What does a broken clock say twice a day?
    Answer: Nothing, but it’s still right!

  5. What’s a clock’s favorite game?
    Answer: Tic-tock-toe.

  6. Why did the clock bring a suitcase to work?
    Answer: Because it was time to go!

  7. Why don’t clocks eat anything?
    Answer: They’re always too full of time!

  8. Why did the clock break up with its alarm?
    Answer: It couldn’t handle the constant ringing!

  9. Why did the wristwatch join a band?
    Answer: It wanted to make some tick-tock music.

  10. What did one clock say to another when they disagreed?
    Answer: “Let’s just watch how things unfold.”

  11. Why did the clock file for divorce?
    Answer: Its time was up!

  12. What do you call a slow clock?
    Answer: Behind the times.

  13. What’s a clock’s favorite vegetable?
    Answer: Time-thyme.

  14. What do you call a clock that’s late for every meeting?
    Answer: A “tock-sicker.”

  15. What does the time traveler’s clock do?
    Answer: It skips minutes!

  16. What kind of clock does a comedian use?
    Answer: A punchline clock!

  17. What’s a clock’s favorite toy?
    Answer: A tickle-me clock!

  18. Why didn’t the clock tell a joke?
    Answer: Because it couldn’t make it tick!

  19. What’s a clock’s favorite exercise?
    Answer: Tick-ups!

  20. Why do clocks always have good timing?
    Answer: Because they’re never late!

  21. What did the angry clock say to its owner?
    Answer: “Stop winding me up!”

  22. Why did the clock get a promotion?
    Answer: It always kept time!

Visual Clock Riddles

Visual Clock Riddles

  1. Imagine a clock face. What is the angle between the hands when the time is 6:00?
    Answer: 180 degrees.

  2. What does a digital clock show when flipped upside down at 3:30?
    Answer: The number “8.”

  3. Imagine a clock that loses 10 minutes every hour. If it’s set at 12:00 noon, what will the clock read after 6 hours?
    Answer: 11:00.

  4. You look at a clock that shows 7:20. How many degrees has the minute hand moved from the top?
    Answer: 120 degrees.

  5. What time on a clock creates an angle of exactly 45 degrees?
    Answer: 2:00.

  6. What time is it if the minute hand points to 12 and the hour hand is exactly between 3 and 4?
    Answer: 3:30.

  7. Imagine a clock face. What time is it when the hands of the clock form a straight line but one is ahead of the other?
    Answer: 6:00.

  8. You’re looking at a clock and the time is 10:15. How many degrees has the hour hand moved since 10:00?
    Answer: 7.5 degrees.

  9. What time is it when the hands form an obtuse angle of 135 degrees?
    Answer: 8:00.

  10. If a clock’s hands form an angle of 90 degrees at 9:00, what will be the angle at 9:30?
    Answer: 75 degrees.

  11. What time does the hour hand move the slowest?
    Answer: It moves at a constant rate throughout the day.

  12. If you visualize a clock face and move the minute hand from 12 to 3, how many degrees has it moved?
    Answer: 90 degrees.

  13. What time is it when the hands of a clock form an acute angle?
    Answer: Multiple times during the day, for example, at 1:00 or 11:00.

  14. How many right angles does the minute hand make between 12:00 and 3:00?
    Answer: One right angle.

  15. If the clock shows 8:00, what will be the angle between the minute and hour hands?
    Answer: 120 degrees.

  16. What time does the clock show if the minute hand is 90 degrees from the hour hand?
    Answer: At 3:00 or 9:00.

  17. How many degrees does the minute hand travel between 3:00 and 6:00?
    Answer: 90 degrees.

  18. If the time is 5:00, what will be the angle between the hands of the clock?
    Answer: 150 degrees.

  19. At what time do the hour and minute hands make a straight angle?
    Answer: At 6:00.

  20. Visualize a digital clock at 12:15. How many degrees do the clock hands form?
    Answer: 82.5 degrees.

Logical Clock Riddles

Logical Clock Riddles

  1. If a clock takes 2 seconds to strike 2, how long does it take to strike 12?
    Answer: 22 seconds.

  2. A clock strikes five times in five seconds. How long does it take to strike 10 times?
    Answer: 9 seconds.

  3. If a grandfather clock strikes once at 1:00, twice at 2:00, and so on, how many times does it strike in a 12-hour period?
    Answer: 78 times.

  4. If a clock gains 5 minutes every hour, how many minutes fast will it be after 24 hours?
    Answer: 120 minutes.

  5. You’re blindfolded and the time is 3:00. You touch the minute hand and then the hour hand. How can you tell the time?
    Answer: The minute hand is longer than the hour hand.

  6. A clock loses 2 minutes every day. If it’s set at the correct time now, how many days will pass before it’s 1 hour behind?
    Answer: 30 days.

  7. If a clock runs backwards, what time will it show 1 hour after 12:00?
    Answer: 11:00.

  8. If the hands of a clock overlap every 65 minutes, how often do they overlap in 12 hours?
    Answer: 11 times.

  9. If a broken clock shows the correct time twice a day, how many hours does it take for this to happen?
    Answer: 12 hours.

  10. A clock shows 12:00 noon, but it loses 10 minutes every hour. What time will the clock show after 6 hours?
    Answer: 11:00.

  11. You have a clock that loses 5 minutes every hour. After 12 hours, how many minutes has the clock lost?
    Answer: 60 minutes.

  12. If a clock strikes every 15 minutes, how many times will it strike between 12:00 and 1:00?
    Answer: 5 times.

  13. If a clock has 24 hours on its face instead of 12, how many times do the hour and minute hands overlap in a day?
    Answer: 22 times.

  14. How many minutes will it take for the minute hand to catch up with the hour hand after 12:00?
    Answer: 65.45 minutes.

  15. If a clock runs 2 minutes fast every hour, what time will it show 24 hours later?
    Answer: 12:48.

  16. If a clock is set 10 minutes ahead, how many hours will it take for the correct time to match?
    Answer: Never, unless reset.

  17. You have a clock that runs backward, gaining 5 minutes each hour. How long will it take to gain 1 hour?
    Answer: 12 hours.

  18. If a clock runs 10 minutes behind every day, how many days until it’s 1 hour behind?
    Answer: 6 days.

  19. If a clock ticks once every second, how many ticks does it make in 1 hour?
    Answer: 3,600 ticks.

  20. If a clock strikes every half-hour, how many times will it strike between 3:00 and 6:00?
    Answer: 6 times.

Riddles About Time Zones and Global Clocks

Riddles About Time Zones and Global Clocks

  1. If it’s 12:00 PM in New York, what time is it in Los Angeles?
    Answer: 9:00 AM.

  2. If it’s 5:00 PM in Tokyo, what time is it in London?
    Answer: 8:00 AM.

  3. If it’s 3:00 PM in Paris, what time is it in Sydney?
    Answer: 12:00 AM (next day).

  4. If you fly from New York to London at 7:00 AM and it takes 7 hours, what time is it when you land in London?
    Answer: 7:00 PM.

  5. If it’s 8:00 AM in London, what time is it in Moscow?
    Answer: 11:00 AM.

  6. If it’s 2:00 PM in Tokyo, what time is it in New York?
    Answer: 1:00 AM.

  7. If it’s 12:00 noon in Sydney, what time is it in Berlin?
    Answer: 4:00 AM.

  8. If you’re in San Francisco at 9:00 AM, what time is it in Chicago?
    Answer: 11:00 AM.

  9. If it’s 5:00 PM in Berlin, what time is it in Los Angeles?
    Answer: 8:00 AM.

  10. If it’s 10:00 AM in Cape Town, what time is it in Singapore?
    Answer: 4:00 PM.

  11. If it’s 6:00 PM in London, what time is it in New Delhi?
    Answer: 11:30 PM.

  12. If you fly from New York to Tokyo and leave at 12:00 PM, what time will it be when you land in Tokyo after a 14-hour flight?
    Answer: 2:00 PM (next day).

  13. If it’s 7:00 PM in Madrid, what time is it in Beijing?
    Answer: 1:00 AM (next day).

  14. If you fly from Los Angeles to Paris at 3:00 PM and the flight takes 10 hours, what time is it when you land?
    Answer: 12:00 PM (next day).

  15. If it’s 9:00 AM in Rome, what time is it in Rio de Janeiro?
    Answer: 4:00 AM.

  16. If you travel westward and cross 5 time zones, what happens to your clock?
    Answer: You set it 5 hours earlier.

  17. If it’s 12:00 noon in Moscow, what time is it in New York?
    Answer: 4:00 AM.

  18. If you fly from Tokyo to New York and leave at 8:00 AM, what time is it when you land after a 12-hour flight?
    Answer: 8:00 AM (same day).

  19. If it’s 1:00 PM in Cairo, what time is it in Seoul?
    Answer: 8:00 PM.

  20. If you travel from Paris to New York and leave at 3:00 PM, what time is it when you land after a 7-hour flight?
    Answer: 6:00 PM (same day).

Story-Based Clock Riddles

Story-Based Clock Riddles

  1. A man looks at a clock and sees that it’s 6:30 PM. He has a meeting in 1 hour and 45 minutes. What time is his meeting?
    Answer: 8:15 PM.

  2. A woman sets her alarm for 7:00 AM, but she accidentally sets it for 7:00 PM instead. What time will she wake up?
    Answer: She won’t wake up at 7:00 AM.

  3. John looks at his clock and sees that it’s 12:45. He needs to leave the house in exactly 1 hour. What time will it be when he leaves?
    Answer: 1:45.

  4. A man sets his clock 15 minutes fast. If it’s really 7:30, what time does his clock show?
    Answer: 7:45.

  5. Sarah has a meeting at 10:00 AM, but her clock is 5 minutes slow. If she looks at the clock and it says 9:50, what time is it really?
    Answer: 9:55.

  6. A man sets his clock back 1 hour before daylight savings. If it’s 2:00 AM, what time does his clock show?
    Answer: 1:00 AM.

  7. If you need to be somewhere at 5:30 PM and it’s currently 4:45, how much time do you have?
    Answer: 45 minutes.

  8. A woman needs to catch a train at 3:30 PM, but she arrives at the station at 3:35. What time did the train leave?
    Answer: 3:30 PM.

  9. A man needs to wake up at 6:00 AM but sets his alarm for 5:45 AM. If he wakes up when the alarm goes off, what time is it?
    Answer: 5:45 AM.

  10. A man leaves his house at 8:00 AM and arrives at his office 30 minutes later. What time does he arrive at his office?
    Answer: 8:30 AM.

  11. If your watch is 5 minutes fast, what time will it show at 10:00 AM?
    Answer: 10:05 AM.

  12. A man sets two alarms, one at 6:00 AM and the other at 6:15 AM. If he wakes up after the second alarm, what time is it?
    Answer: 6:15 AM.

  13. A woman needs to be at an appointment at 4:00 PM. She checks her watch and sees that it’s 3:30. How much time does she have?
    Answer: 30 minutes.

  14. A man travels from New York to London, crossing time zones. If it’s 7:00 PM in New York, what time is it in London when he lands?
    Answer: 12:00 AM (midnight).

  15. A woman looks at the clock and sees that it’s 10:15. If she has an appointment in 45 minutes, what time is the appointment?
    Answer: 11:00 AM.

  16. A man wakes up at 7:00 AM but has 30 minutes to get ready for work. What time does he need to leave?
    Answer: 7:30 AM.

  17. A woman sets her clock 10 minutes fast. If the real time is 9:00 AM, what time does her clock show?
    Answer: 9:10 AM.

  18. A man looks at his clock and sees that it’s 5:00 PM. He has a meeting in 1 hour and 15 minutes. What time is the meeting?
    Answer: 6:15 PM.

  19. A man needs to catch a bus at 8:00 AM, but he arrives at the bus stop at 8:05. What time did the bus leave?
    Answer: 8:00 AM.

  20. A woman sets her alarm for 6:00 AM but forgets to turn it on. What time will she wake up?
    Answer: She won’t wake up at 6:00 AM.

  21. A man has a meeting at 2:00 PM but his clock is 5 minutes slow. If the clock says 1:50, what time is it really?
    Answer: 1:55.

  22. If you’re in New York and your watch says 3:00 PM, what time is it in London?
    Answer: 8:00 PM.

  23. A woman needs to leave her house at 7:30 AM but her watch is 10 minutes slow. If it’s really 7:20, what time does her watch show?
    Answer: 7:10 AM.

  24. A man has a flight at 9:00 AM and he arrives at the airport at 8:45. How much time does he have before the flight leaves?
    Answer: 15 minutes.

  25. A man has a meeting at 5:00 PM, but he sets his clock 15 minutes fast. What time does his clock show at the real time of 5:00 PM?
    Answer: 5:15 PM.

  26. If your watch is 5 minutes fast, what time will it show at 3:00 PM?
    Answer: 3:05 PM.

  27. A man sets his watch 5 minutes behind. What time will his watch show when it’s really 6:00 PM?
    Answer: 5:55 PM.

  28. A man needs to wake up at 7:00 AM but accidentally sets his alarm for 6:30. What time will he wake up?
    Answer: 6:30 AM.

  29. A man needs to catch a train at 8:00 AM but arrives at 8:10. How late is he?
    Answer: 10 minutes late.


Time’s up! We’ve reached the end of our collection of clock riddles.

I hope you had as much fun solving these puzzles as I had putting them together. These riddles do more than just pass the time – they sharpen your mind and spark your creativity.

Remember, the key to solving riddles is to think outside the box and look at things from different angles. Don’t be discouraged if you didn’t crack them all – practice makes perfect!

Why not challenge your friends and family with these riddles? It’s a great way to have fun and bond over some brain teasers.

Do you have a favorite clock riddle? Share it in the comments below.

Let’s keep the fun ticking!


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