Five-Letter Words Ending in Y: A Comprehensive List

Let’s kick off our word adventure! Finding the right five-letter word can be tricky, especially when you need one that ends in Y. I’ve been there, scratching my head during word games or while writing. 

Good news! I’ve compiled a handy list of five-letter words ending in Y to help you. This guide will give you many words to use in writing, games, or everyday chats.

In this post, I’ll share a big list of these words, sorted by how often they’re used. I’ll also throw in some fun facts and tips on using them.

Ready to boost your word power?

Let’s dive in!

List of Common Five-Letter Words Ending in Y

List of Common Five-Letter Words Ending in Y

  1. Belly – The front part of the body below the chest.

  2. Early – Happening before the expected time.

  3. Fizzy – Full of bubbles, as in carbonated drinks.

  4. Daily – Occurring every day.

  5. Icy – Covered with or consisting of ice.

  6. Dusty – Covered with dust.

  7. Muddy – Full of or covered with mud.

  8. Hefty – Heavy or large.

  9. Tacky – In poor taste or style.

  10. Briny – Salty, especially in relation to sea water.

  11. Loopy – Silly or crazy.

  12. Rocky – Full of rocks or unstable.

  13. Flaky – Breaking into thin pieces or unreliable.

  14. Frosty – Cold with frost, or unfriendly.

  15. Misty – Full of mist.

  16. Moody – Having sudden changes in mood.

  17. Roomy – Spacious or having ample space.

  18. Spicy – Strongly flavored with spices.

  19. Windy – Characterized by strong winds.

  20. Sassy – Bold and lively.

  21. Nutty – Tasting like nuts, or acting crazy.

  22. Jetty – A structure extending into a body of water to protect the shore.

  23. Dandy – Excellent or outstanding.

  24. Truly – In a truthful way.

  25. Bossy – Overbearing or always telling others what to do.

  26. Pansy – A type of flower.

  27. Merry – Cheerful and lively.

  28. Hobby – An activity done regularly for pleasure.

  29. Witty – Clever and humorous.

  30. Tasty – Having a good flavor.

  31. Scary – Causing fear or alarm.

  32. Pasty – Pale and unhealthy in appearance.

  33. Zesty – Full of flavor or energetic.

  34. Furry – Covered with fur.

  35. Breezy – Pleasantly windy or relaxed.

  36. Ditzy – Silly or scatterbrained.

  37. Briny – Salty, like sea water.

  38. Messy – Untidy or disorganized.

  39. Misty – Full of or covered with mist.

  40. Tacky – Sticky, or in poor taste.

  41. Rusty – Affected by rust.

  42. Wimpy – Weak or lacking strength.

  43. Scaly – Covered in scales like a reptile.

  44. Soggy – Wet and soft.

  45. Brisk – Quick and energetic.

  46. Musty – Having a stale or moldy smell.

  47. Gritty – Courageous or containing small hard particles.

  48. Shiny – Reflecting light or polished.

  49. Hasty – Done quickly, often without care.

  50. Milky – Resembling milk in color or texture.

  51. Frilly – Decorated with ruffles.

  52. Shaky – Trembling or unsteady.

  53. Wooly – Covered with or resembling wool.

  54. Flaky – Easily breaking into small thin pieces.

  55. Chewy – Needing to be chewed a lot.

  56. Loopy – Crazy or eccentric.

  57. Puffy – Swollen or inflated.

  58. Ditzy – Silly or scatterbrained.

  59. Rocky – Covered with rocks.

  60. Dizzy – Feeling unsteady or lightheaded.

  61. Lucky – Fortunate or having good luck.

  62. Nifty – Stylish or smart.

  63. Muddy – Full of or covered in mud.

  64. Funky – Strong, unpleasant smell or a style of music.

  65. Windy – Characterized by strong winds.

  66. Picky – Choosy or hard to please.

  67. Bossy – Tending to give orders.

  68. Giddy – Feeling lightheaded or excited.

  69. Pansy – A type of garden flower.

  70. Frilly – Excessively decorated or adorned.

  71. Icy – Cold, or covered with ice.

  72. Moony – Dreamy or absent-minded.

  73. Nutty – Crazy or eccentric.

  74. Roomy – Spacious or having lots of room.

  75. Rusty – Covered with rust.

  76. Funky – Relating to an odd or strong smell.

  77. Loopy – Silly or out of control.

  78. Rocky – Unstable or full of rocks.

  79. Milky – Resembling milk in color or texture.

  80. Zesty – Full of flavor and energy.

  81. Jolly – Cheerful and lively.

  82. Lucky – Fortunate or having good luck.

  83. Merry – Cheerful and full of life.

  84. Sassy – Lively and bold.

  85. Spicy – Having a strong, sharp taste due to spices.

  86. Dusty – Covered in dust.

  87. Brisk – Active, fast, and energetic.

  88. Dizzy – Light-headed or unsteady.

  89. Hefty – Heavy or large.

  90. Chewy – Requiring much chewing.

  91. Fuzzy – Soft and covered with fuzz.

  92. Tacky – In poor taste or style.

  93. Frilly – Having decorative ruffles or details.

  94. Shiny – Reflective and bright.

  95. Gritty – Tough or determined.

  96. Puffy – Swollen or inflated.

  97. Mossy – Covered with moss.

  98. Curly – Having curls or waves.

  99. Shaky – Trembling or unsteady.

  100. Bumpy – Full of bumps or uneven surfaces.

List of Uncommon or Rare Five-Letter Words Ending in Y

List of Uncommon or Rare Five-Letter Words Ending in Y

  1. Boggy – Wet, muddy ground.

  2. Zippy – Full of energy or liveliness.

  3. Gawky – Awkward and clumsy.

  4. Dotty – Slightly mad or eccentric.

  5. Hinky – Suspicious or unreliable.

  6. Moony – Dreamy or lost in thought.

  7. Lusty – Full of strength and energy.

  8. Faddy – Following short-lived trends.

  9. Dusky – Dark in color, especially at twilight.

  10. Flaky – Unreliable or prone to breaking apart.

  11. Weedy – Full of weeds.

  12. Dicey – Risky or uncertain.

  13. Platy – A small freshwater fish.

  14. Soapy – Covered in or resembling soap.

  15. Pithy – Concise and forcefully expressive.

  16. Lusty – Full of vigor or enthusiasm.

  17. Gusty – Characterized by strong gusts of wind.

  18. Inky – Dark like ink.

  19. Dizzy – Feeling lightheaded or giddy.

  20. Nubby – Having small lumps or nubs.

  21. Pikey – A derogatory term for a traveler.

  22. Bawdy – Humorously indecent or vulgar.

  23. Pouty – Showing displeasure through lip movements.

  24. Puny – Small and weak.

  25. Pokey – Small or cramped.

  26. Gritty – Containing small hard particles.

  27. Tippy – Likely to tip over.

  28. Biddy – An older woman, often used disrespectfully.

  29. Gusty – Full of strong winds.

  30. Lacey – Resembling or made of lace.

  31. Misty – Full of or covered with mist.

  32. Inlay – Decorative material set into a surface.

  33. Muzzy – Dazed and confused.

  34. Tawny – A warm, sandy color.

  35. Soapy – Covered with or resembling soap.

  36. Faddy – Following fads or trends.

  37. Platy – A type of freshwater fish.

  38. Sappy – Overly emotional or sentimental.

  39. Pouty – Sulky or showing displeasure.

  40. Weedy – Full of or resembling weeds.

  41. Humpy – Having a hump or small hill.

  42. Gawky – Nervous or awkward in appearance.

  43. Inlay – A material set into a surface for decoration.

  44. Pokey – Small and cramped.

  45. Moory – Resembling a moor.

  46. Tippy – Easily tipped over.

  47. Plumy – Resembling or adorned with feathers.

  48. Lacey – Resembling lace in appearance.

  49. Nubby – Covered with small lumps or nubs.

  50. Dicey – Risky or unpredictable.

  51. Pudgy – Slightly fat or chubby.

  52. Scaly – Covered with scales like a fish.

  53. Jumpy – Nervous or easily startled.

  54. Pinky – Relating to the smallest finger.

  55. Gusty – Full of wind gusts.

  56. Picky – Hard to please or choosy.

  57. Weedy – Resembling weeds, often scraggly.

  58. Plumy – Resembling feathers or plumage.

  59. Nifty – Smart or stylish.

  60. Misty – Covered with mist or fog.

Five-Letter Words Ending in Y in Everyday Conversations

Five-Letter Words Ending in Y in Everyday Conversations

  1. Early – Happening before the expected time.

  2. Lucky – Fortunate or having good luck.

  3. Funny – Causing laughter or amusement.

  4. Nifty – Stylish or smart.

  5. Brisk – Quick and active.

  6. Dusty – Covered with dust.

  7. Loopy – Silly or crazy.

  8. Giddy – Feeling lightheaded or excited.

  9. Witty – Clever and funny.

  10. Tasty – Having a good flavor.

  11. Bossy – Telling others what to do in an overbearing way.

  12. Rocky – Covered with rocks or uneven ground.

  13. Shiny – Reflecting light or polished.

  14. Moody – Having sudden and unpredictable mood changes.

  15. Fizzy – Full of bubbles, as in carbonated drinks.

  16. Picky – Choosy or hard to please.

  17. Zesty – Full of flavor or energy.

  18. Hasty – Done quickly, often without enough thought.

  19. Icy – Very cold or covered with ice.

  20. Nutty – Crazy or eccentric.

  21. Soggy – Wet and soft.

  22. Frilly – Having ruffles or decorative details.

  23. Funky – Having a strong, unpleasant smell or relating to funk music.

  24. Musty – Having a stale, moldy smell.

  25. Moony – Dreamy or lost in thought.

  26. Gritty – Showing courage and resolve.

  27. Ditzy – Scatterbrained or silly.

  28. Breezy – Relaxed, informal, or pleasantly windy.

  29. Pasty – Pale and unhealthy in appearance.

  30. Flaky – Easily breaking into small, thin pieces.

  31. Shaky – Unsteady or trembling.

  32. Furry – Covered with fur.

  33. Hobby – A regular activity done for enjoyment.

  34. Chewy – Needing to be chewed for a long time.

  35. Misty – Full of or covered with mist.

  36. Bossy – Overly authoritative or controlling.

  37. Hefty – Large or heavy.

  38. Dizzy – Feeling light-headed or unsteady.

  39. Goofy – Silly or playful.

  40. Roomy – Having a lot of space.

Five-Letter Words Ending in Y for Word Games

Five-Letter Words Ending in Y for Word Games

  1. Fizzy – Full of bubbles, like a carbonated drink.

  2. Jumpy – Nervous or easily startled.

  3. Ditzy – Silly or scatterbrained.

  4. Bawdy – Humorously indecent.

  5. Flaky – Breaking easily into small, thin pieces.

  6. Nutty – Crazy or eccentric.

  7. Briny – Salty, especially related to sea water.

  8. Hasty – Done quickly, often without care.

  9. Platy – A small, flat freshwater fish.

  10. Soapy – Covered with soap bubbles.

  11. Weedy – Resembling or full of weeds.

  12. Gritty – Full of small, hard particles or showing courage.

  13. Inlay – A material set into another surface for decoration.

  14. Tawny – A warm, sandy color.

  15. Soggy – Overly wet and soft.

  16. Zesty – Full of flavor or energy.

  17. Scaly – Covered with scales like a reptile.

  18. Dusky – Darkish in color, especially at twilight.

  19. Lusty – Full of strength and energy.

  20. Misty – Full of or covered with mist.

  21. Pokey – Small and cramped.

  22. Frilly – Decorated with ruffles.

  23. Loopy – Silly or out of control.

  24. Tippy – Likely to tip over.

  25. Hefty – Large or heavy.

  26. Pouty – Displaying displeasure with the lips.

  27. Moony – Dreamy or lost in thought.

  28. Dusky – Darkish in color.

  29. Rusty – Covered with rust or out of practice.

  30. Pudgy – Slightly fat or chubby.

  31. Inky – Dark like ink.

  32. Misty – Full of or covered with mist.

  33. Bawdy – Humorously indecent.

  34. Gritty – Containing small hard particles or courageous.

  35. Picky – Hard to please or choosy.

  36. Faddy – Following short-lived fads.

  37. Pokey – Small and cramped.

  38. Wimpy – Weak or lacking strength.

  39. Pudgy – Slightly chubby or fat.

  40. Fizzy – Full of bubbles.


Great job making it through our list of five-letter words ending in Y!

I hope you found some new favorites to use in your writing or word games.

Remember, these words are more than just letters on a page. They’re tools to help you express yourself better. Whether you’re crafting a story, solving a puzzle, or just chatting with friends, having these words at your fingertips can make a big difference.

Why not challenge yourself to use one new word from this list each day? It’s a fun way to grow your vocabulary.

Do you have any cool words you love that I missed? Or maybe you have a funny story about using one of these words? I’d love to hear from you!

Drop a comment below, and let’s keep the word party going!


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