Trying to remember animal names can be tricky, especially when someone asks for specific ones starting with a certain letter.
Many people find themselves scratching their heads after naming sharks and snakes, unsure what other creatures begin with ‘S’. This comprehensive guide of 347 animals will introduce readers to an interesting array of animals that start with the letter ‘S’ – from the depths of the ocean to the highest mountains, and everywhere in between.
The article covers well-known animals as well as rare and remarkable species that most people haven’t heard of, complete with interesting facts about each one.
By the end, readers will have an expanded knowledge of S-named animals from across the animal kingdom.
Exotic Animals that Start with Letter S
1. Saiga Antelope
The Saiga Antelope is a critically endangered species with a distinctive, oversized nose. It roams the vast grasslands and semi-deserts of Central Asia.
These unique antelopes migrate long distances seasonally in search of fresh grazing areas.
2. Sarus Crane
The Sarus Crane is the tallest flying bird, standing at up to 1.8 meters.
Native to wetlands and marshes across India, Southeast Asia, and Australia, it is known for its elaborate courtship dances. This crane lives in freshwater habitats, often near agricultural fields.
3. Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko
This bizarre-looking gecko perfectly mimics dead leaves to blend into the Madagascar rainforest. Nocturnal and elusive, it clings to tree bark with ease.
Its tail resembles a decaying leaf, helping it evade predators.
4. Sunda Pangolin
A scaly, nocturnal mammal, the Sunda Pangolin is found in Southeast Asia’s forests and grasslands.
It uses its sharp claws to dig into anthills and termite mounds. When threatened, it curls into a tight ball for protection.
5. Sun Bear
The Sun Bear is the smallest of all bear species, inhabiting the dense tropical forests of Southeast Asia. It has a distinctive golden chest patch that contrasts with its dark fur.
Highly skilled climbers, they forage for honey and insects in tree hollows.
6. Sand Cat
Native to North African and Middle Eastern deserts, the Sand Cat has adapted to extreme temperatures.
It has thick fur on its paws to walk on scorching sand. Solitary and elusive, it primarily hunts small rodents at night.
7. Satanic Firefly Beetle
This rare beetle from South America emits a bright, pulsing glow to attract mates and deter predators. Found in dense rainforests, it prefers humid environments.
Its eerie luminescence helps it survive in the wild.
8. Spectacled Cobra
A venomous snake native to India and Southeast Asia, the Spectacled Cobra is famous for its hood markings. It thrives in forests, grasslands, and even urban areas. When threatened, it raises its hood and hisses loudly.
9. Spotted Salamander
This amphibian is found in North America’s damp woodlands, often hiding under logs or leaf litter. It has bright yellow spots that serve as a warning to predators.
During spring, it migrates to vernal pools to breed.
10. Southern Cassowary
One of the world’s most dangerous birds, the Southern Cassowary is native to Australia and Papua New Guinea. It has a striking blue head and a bony casque on top.
Living in tropical rainforests, it plays a crucial role in seed dispersal.
11. Sumatran Tiger
Endemic to Indonesia’s Sumatra Island, this tiger subspecies is critically endangered due to habitat loss. It is smaller than other tigers, making it more agile in dense forests. Highly territorial, it hunts deer and wild boar.
12. Siberian Musk Deer
Unlike typical deer, the Siberian Musk Deer has long, protruding fangs used during mating fights.
It inhabits the cold, mountainous forests of Russia and China. Its musk glands are unfortunately a target for illegal hunting.
13. South American Tapir
This herbivore roams the Amazon and other South American forests, feeding on leaves and fruits.
It has a short, flexible snout that helps grasp vegetation. A skilled swimmer, it often wades in rivers to escape predators.
14. Sawfish
This bizarre-looking fish has a long, saw-like snout lined with sharp teeth. Found in shallow coastal waters and rivers, it uses its snout to detect and stun prey.
Many species of sawfish are critically endangered due to overfishing.
15. Sri Lankan Leopard
A rare and elusive big cat, the Sri Lankan Leopard is found only on the island of Sri Lanka. It is an apex predator, hunting deer, monkeys, and wild boar. Preferring dense forests, it is often spotted resting in trees.
16. Sahara Sand Viper
This venomous snake blends into the sandy deserts of North Africa with its camouflaged scales. It buries itself under the sand to ambush prey. When threatened, it hisses loudly and strikes with precision.
17. Spotted Cuscus
This slow-moving marsupial is native to New Guinea and nearby islands. It has thick, woolly fur and large eyes adapted for a nocturnal lifestyle. Living in dense rainforests, it feeds on leaves, fruits, and flowers.
18. Surinam Toad
Unlike most amphibians, the Surinam Toad has a bizarre way of reproducing—eggs develop in pockets on its back. It lives in slow-moving streams and ponds in South America. Flat and leaf-like, it blends well with the muddy environment.
19. Saipan Moorhen
A rare, flightless bird once found on the island of Saipan in the Pacific. It lived near marshes and freshwater lakes.
Unfortunately, it is believed to be extinct due to habitat destruction.
20. Scaleless Dragonfish
A deep-sea predator that thrives in the dark ocean depths. It has bioluminescent organs to lure prey in the pitch-black waters. Its translucent body makes it nearly invisible to predators.
Endangered Animals That Begin with the Letter S
21. Scimitar-Horned Oryx
Once extinct in the wild, the Scimitar-Horned Oryx is now being reintroduced into its native Saharan habitat. This antelope has long, curved horns and a white coat that reflects the sun’s heat. It thrives in arid regions but was driven to extinction due to hunting and habitat loss.
22. Santa Cruz Ground Dove
Native to the Solomon Islands, this rare dove inhabits dense lowland forests.
It is under severe threat from deforestation and invasive species like rats and cats. The bird is known for its soft, mournful call that echoes through the trees.
23. Sichuan Partridge
Endemic to China’s mountainous forests, the Sichuan Partridge is a shy and elusive bird. Its numbers are rapidly declining due to habitat destruction caused by logging and agriculture.
This ground-dwelling species prefers dense undergrowth where it can forage in safety.
24. Sardinian Pika
A small rodent-like mammal that once lived in the rocky landscapes of Sardinia and Corsica. It is believed to be extinct, with no confirmed sightings in decades. It thrived in burrows among boulders and was a unique part of the Mediterranean ecosystem.
25. Shortridge’s Langur
A rare primate found in Myanmar and Vietnam, this langur has soft gray fur and a long tail. It is critically endangered due to habitat destruction and illegal pet trade.
Preferring tropical forests, it lives in groups that communicate through high-pitched calls.
26. St. Helena Darter
This dragonfly species was once native to the small Atlantic island of St. Helena. Its freshwater habitats have been destroyed due to urban expansion, leading to its likely extinction.
Bright red in color, it was an important pollinator of island flora.
27. Salvadori’s Teal
An extremely rare duck species from the high-altitude lakes of New Guinea. It prefers fast-flowing mountain streams, where it forages for insects and aquatic plants.
Habitat loss and hunting have dramatically reduced its population.
28. Saola
Nicknamed the “Asian Unicorn,” the Saola is one of the world’s rarest mammals. It was only discovered in 1992 in the Annamite Mountains of Laos and Vietnam.
Its numbers remain unknown, as it avoids human contact and dwells deep in the forest.
29. Somali Ostrich
A unique ostrich subspecies adapted to the arid environments of the Horn of Africa.
It has blue skin on its legs and neck, distinguishing it from the common ostrich. Overhunting and habitat loss have placed it on the endangered list.
30. Santa Marta Sabrewing
This hummingbird is native to Colombia’s Santa Marta Mountains but has been rarely seen for decades. It thrives in humid cloud forests, feeding on nectar from native flowers.
Deforestation has severely impacted its habitat, making it critically endangered.
31. Scalloped Hammerhead Shark
Recognized by its distinctively shaped head, this shark is highly vulnerable due to overfishing. Found in warm coastal waters around the world, it is often caught for its fins. Pollution and climate change also threaten its survival.
32. Sri Lankan Slender Loris
A nocturnal primate found in Sri Lanka’s shrinking rainforests. It has large, round eyes adapted for night vision and moves slowly through trees. Deforestation and illegal pet trade have drastically reduced its population.
33. Sulu Hornbill
Native to the Sulu Archipelago in the Philippines, this hornbill is critically endangered. Its large, curved beak helps it crack open tough fruits, but habitat destruction has left few remaining individuals.
Conservation efforts are underway to protect the last of its kind.
34. Siberian Sturgeon
Once abundant in Russia’s major rivers, this ancient fish species is now critically endangered.
It has been overfished for its prized caviar, leading to drastic population declines. Pollution and dam construction have also disrupted its breeding grounds.
35. Seychelles Sheath-Tailed Bat
A rare bat species found only in the Seychelles Islands. It roosts in caves and hollow trees, emerging at dusk to hunt for insects. Habitat destruction and climate change have pushed it to the brink of extinction.
Common Animals that Start with Letter S
Domestic Animal that Start with S
36. Saanen Goat
37. Saint Bernard Dog
38. Saluki Dog
39. Samoyed Dog
40. Sapsali Dog
41. Sardinian Donkey
42. Savanna Goat
43. Scottish Deerhound Dog
44. Scottish Fold Cat
45. Scottish Terrier Dog
46. Selkirk Rex Cat
47. Serbian Hound Dog
48. Serbian Tricolour Hound Dog
49. Shetland Cattle
50. Shetland Pony
51. Shetland Sheepdog
52. Shetland Sheep
53. Shiba Inu Dog
54. Shih Tzu Dog
55. Shikoku Dog
56. Siberian Cat
57. Siberian Husky Dog
58. Sicilian Donkey
59. Sicilian Goat
60. Silkie Chicken
61. Simbrah Cattle
62. Simmental Cattle
63. Sinhala Hound Dog
64. Sirohi Goat
65. Skudde Sheep
66. Slovak Cuvac Dog
67. Slovakian Warmblood Horse
68. Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer Dog
69. Slovenian Coldblood Horse
70. Solognote Sheep
71. Somali Cat
72. Somali Sheep
73. South African Boer Goat
74. South African Boerboel Dog
75. South Devon Cattle
76. Southdown Sheep
77. Spanish Alano Dog
78. Spanish Barb Horse
79. Spanish Black Goat
80. Spanish Fighting Bull
81. Spanish Greyhound Dog
82. Spanish Jennet Horse
83. Spanish Mastiff Dog
84. Spanish Merino Sheep
85. Spanish Mustang Horse
86. Spanish Rabbit
87. Spanish Water Dog
88. Spanish White Goats
89. Speckle Park Cattle
90. Spotted Saddle Horse
91. Springer Spaniel Dog
92. Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dog
93. Standard Schnauzer Dog
94. Suffolk Punch Horse
95. Suffolk Sheep
96. Sumbawa Pony
97. Suri Alpaca
98. Swedish Ardennes Horse
99. Swedish Blue Duck
100. Swedish Flower Hen
101. Swedish Lapphund Dog
102. Swedish Red Cattle
103. Swedish Vallhund Dog
104. Swaledale Sheep
105. Swiss Black Brown Mountain Dog
106. Swiss Warmblood Horse
107. Syrian Hamster
108. Sable Island Horse
109. Sable Labrador Retriever
110. Sahiwal Cattle
111. Sakiz Sheep
112. Saloia Sheep
113. Salorn Cattle
114. Santa Cruz Sheep
115. Santa Gertrudis Cattle
116. Santa Inês Sheep
117. Sardinian Sheep
118. Saxon Merino Sheep
119. Saxony Duck
120. Scandinavian Hound Dog
121. Sardinian Grey Donkey
122. Schwarzwald Chicken
123. Schwarzwälder Fuchs Horse
124. Scotch Collie Dog
125. Scottish Lop Rabbit
126. Scottish Mountain Cattle
127. Scottish Mule Sheep
128. Scottish Red Fox Labrador
129. Scottish Red Poll Cattle
130. Sealyham Terrier Dog
131. Senepol Cattle
132. Senner Horse
133. Serbian Domestic Sheep
134. Shamo Chicken
135. Shanghai Dog
136. Shar Pei Dog
137. Sheltie Guinea Pig
138. Shropshire Sheep
139. Siberian Dwarf Hamster
140. Siberian Husky Mix
141. Siberian Lop Rabbit
142. Silver Fox Rabbit
143. Singapura Cat
144. Sokoke Cat
145. Spanish Retinta Cattle
Wild Animals that Start with S
146. Saddle-billed Stork
147. Saharan Horned Viper
148. Sailfish
149. Sakhalin Taimen
150. Saltwater Crocodile
151. Sand Boa
152. Sand Dollar
153. Sand Lizard
154. Sand Martin
155. Sandhill Crane
156. Sardine
157. Scarlet Ibis
158. Scarlet Macaw
159. Scarlet Tanager
160. Scorpion
161. Scorpion Fish
162. Scottish Wildcat
163. Sea Anemone
164. Sea Cucumber
165. Sea Dragon
166. Sea Eagle
167. Sea Lamprey
168. Sea Lion
169. Sea Otter
170. Sea Slug
171. Sea Snake
172. Sea Spider
173. Sea Squirt
174. Sea Turtle
175. Sea Urchin
176. Seahorse
177. Secretary Bird
178. Senegal Chameleon
179. Senegal Parrot
180. Serval
181. Shama Thrush
182. Shark Bay Mouse
183. Sharptooth Catfish
184. Sheathbill
185. Shining Cuckoo
186. Short-beaked Common Dolphin
187. Short-eared Owl
188. Short-finned Pilot Whale
189. Short-nosed Bandicoot
190. Siberian Chipmunk
191. Siberian Crane
192. Siberian Ibex
193. Siberian Roe Deer
194. Siberian Salamander
195. Side-striped Jackal
196. Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep
197. Silky Shark
198. Silver Pheasant
199. Silvered Leaf Monkey
200. Singing Dog
201. Sitatunga
202. Skunk
203. Slaty-backed Gull
204. Slaty-tailed Trogon
205. Slender Loris
206. Slender Salamander
207. Slender-snouted Crocodile
208. Slow Loris
209. Small Indian Civet
210. Small-toothed Palm Civet
211. Smew
212. Smooth Hammerhead Shark
213. Smooth Newt
214. Snail Kite
215. Snow Bunting
216. Snow Goose
217. Snow Petrel
218. Snowy Owl
219. Sockeye Salmon
220. Solomon Islands Frogmouth
221. South American Coati
222. Southern Elephant Seal
223. Southern Flying Squirrel
224. Southern Ground Hornbill
225. Southern Right Whale
226. Southern Rockhopper Penguin
227. Spanish Imperial Eagle
228. Spanish Moon Moth
229. Speckled Rattlesnake
230. Spider Monkey
231. Spiny Lobster
232. Spiny Softshell Turtle
233. Spoonbill
234. Spot-bellied Eagle Owl
235. Spotted Hyena
236. Spotted Wood Owl
237. Squacco Heron
238. Sri Lankan Frogmouth
239. Stejneger’s Beaked Whale
240. Steller Sea Lion
241. Steller’s Jay
242. Steller’s Sea Eagle
243. Steppe Eagle
244. Stick Insect
245. Stinkpot Turtle
246. Stonefish
247. Striped Dolphin
248. Striped Hyena
249. Striped Rocket Frog
250. Striped Skunk
251. Stump-tailed Macaque
252. Sunda Clouded Leopard
253. Sunbeam Snake
254. Swainson’s Hawk
255. Swainson’s Thrush
Sea Animals that Start with S
256. Sand Lance
257. Sand Perch
258. Sand Shrimp
259. Sand Tiger Shark
260. Sandbar Shark
261. Sandworm
262. Sardinella
263. Scad Mackerel
264. Scallop
265. Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
266. Scomber Fish
267. Scrawled Filefish
268. Sea Apple
269. Sea Bass
270. Sea Butterfly
271. Sea Chub
272. Sea Cucumber Fish
273. Sea Hare
274. Sea Lamprey
275. Sea Nettle
276. Sea Pen
277. Sea Raven
278. Sea Robin
279. Sea Sapphire
280. Sea Slater
281. Sea Spider Crab
282. Sea Squirt
283. Sea Swallow
284. Sea Wasp
285. Sea Whip
286. Seahorse Pipefish
287. Sharpnose Guitarfish
288. Sharpnose Puffer
289. Sheepshead Fish
290. Shortbill Spearfish
291. Shortfin Mako Shark
292. Shortnose Batfish
293. Shortnose Chimaera
294. Shortspine Thornyhead
295. Shrimpfish
296. Silver Drummer
297. Silver Moony
298. Silver Scabbardfish
299. Silverside Fish
300. Skate Fish
301. Slender Snipe Eel
302. Slipper Lobster
303. Smalltooth Sand Tiger Shark
304. Smalltooth Sawfish
305. Smooth Dogfish
306. Smooth Hammerhead Shark
307. Smooth Trunkfish
308. Snaggletooth Shark
309. Snowflake Eel
310. Soapfish
311. Soldierfish
312. Spanish Dancer Nudibranch
313. Spanish Hogfish
314. Spanish Mackerel
315. Spanner Crab
316. Spawning Herring
317. Speckled Shrimpfish
318. Spectacled Porpoise
319. Spiny Boxfish
320. Spiny Dogfish
321. Spiny Lobster
322. Spiny Puffer
323. Spiny Seahorse
324. Spiny Turban Snail
325. Spoonarm Octopus
326. Spotted Burrfish
327. Spotted Garden Eel
328. Spotted Ratfish
329. Spotted Scorpionfish
330. Spotted Shrimp
331. Spotted Trunkfish
332. Springfish
333. Squat Lobster
334. Star Eel
335. Starry Grouper
336. Starry Moray
337. Starry Skate
338. Starry Smoothhound
339. Stargazer Fish
340. Stingray Whiptail
341. Stomatopod Mantis Shrimp
342. Sturgeon Poacher
343. Suckerfish
344. Sugar Wrasse
345. Sunfish
346. Surgeonfish
347. Surf Clam
The Bottom Line
The animal kingdom never fails to amaze us with its incredible diversity.
From the speedy sailfish to the slow-moving sloth, animals that start with ‘S’ showcase nature’s remarkable range. Each creature mentioned in this guide plays a vital role in its ecosystem, contributing to Earth’s biodiversity in its own special way.
Want to learn more about interesting animals?
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