Incontinence In Women: Why It Happens And How To Take Control

Incontinence In Women: Why It Happens And How To Take Control

Aging is an inevitable physiological process that leads to slow metabolism and the senescence of various organs. While aging can affect almost every organ, women tend to experience urinary troubles often. One such issue, incontinence, is quite common among women.

However, you can manage such issues and sail through the adverse effects of incontinence through some effective measures.

Here’s a breakdown of the common causes of incontinence among women and the proven ways to control it.

What Is Incontinence?

Before understanding the etiology and management of incontinence in women, it’s crucial to know the basics of the condition. Incontinence is a condition that affects your urinary mechanisms and causes involuntary dribbling of urine. Depending upon the causes, incontinence can be of several types in women.

1. Stress Incontinence

One of the most common types of incontinence is stress incontinence among women. It arises from strenuous exercises like coughing, running, or sneezing. This occurs because of increased pressure on your urinary system, particularly the bladder.

2. Urge Incontinence

Another type of incontinence is urge incontinence, which leads to a sudden, abrupt, and uncontrollable urge to urinate. This may follow involuntary urination dribbling and pose a hurdle to your hygiene routine. Research suggests that urge incontinence occurs as a result of an increase in bladder activity due to specific environmental or physiological reasons.

In such cases, you can find suitable absorbent gear by trying the samples of adult diapers before investing in one. The ideal incontinence product for your body type and intensity of incontinence helps absorb unpredictable leakages and ensure adequate hygiene.

3. Overflow Incontinence

Overflow Incontinence

Did you know that urinary issues like involuntary dribbling of urination may arise as a result of incomplete emptying of your bladder? Overflow incontinence is another type of incontinence that occurs due to incomplete bladder emptying and may occur due to multiple reasons.

4. Mixed Incontinence

Some women may experience co-existing incontinence conditions like stress incontinence and urge incontinence. This type of incontinence is mixed incontinence, which often occurs amongst women and demands extensive management concerning medications and the use of absorbent gear.

Causes Of Incontinence Amongst Women

When it comes to understanding the different causes of urinary incontinence amongst women, then different physiological factors like pregnancy, aging, or even menopause have a significant role.

1. Pregnancy

One of the most common reasons behind urinary incontinence in women may be pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy often accompanies different endocrinological changes and metabolic modifications in your body. On top of this, the pressure increase due to the growth of the fetus in your uterus can affect the strength of your pelvic musculature. Such factors may contribute to an increase in urinary pressure and cause incontinence up to a great extent.

2. Obesity

Another common reason behind incontinence is obesity or excessive body weight. Most women suffering from obesity may experience involuntary leakage of urine and impaired hygiene issues. This is because of an increase in the pressure on your bladder as a result of excessive weight gain.

3. Menopause

There is no doubt that aging has a significant impact on different body organs, including your urinary system. As you grow old, your bladder musculature loses its strength and agility. Further, different physiological phenomena like menopause can escalate the weakening of your pelvic musculature and lead to incontinence.

4. Pathological Conditions

While urinary incontinence occurs due to physiological changes, certain pathological conditions may contribute to involuntary leakage in women. Some common conditions like diabetes, injuries to your nervous system, or autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis can cause urinary incontinence and hinder your bladder control. In such cases, consulting an expert and seeking guidance is always beneficial.

How To Manage Urinary Incontinence?

How To Manage Urinary Incontinence?

If you experience involuntary dribbling or leakage, then it’s about time to try effective and reliable measures to control the symptoms.

1. Kegels Exercise

Did you know that the most common reason behind involuntary leakage of urine is a weakening of your pelvic floor musculature? That’s where the pelvic floor or Kegels exercises can help strengthen your muscles. For this, you need to practice tightening the muscles around your pelvis to control urination. Further, hold in that position for a few seconds before releasing. You may consider practicing 10 to 20 repetitions daily and strengthening your pelvic muscles for significant relief from incontinence.

2. Try Absorbent Gear

Another reliable way to tackle the embarrassing situations that arise from unwanted leakages is by using absorbent gear. If you experience frequent and intense incontinence issues, then adult diapers or briefs can be of great help. Moreover, it offers the comfort of a natural undergarment, and modern designs cater to different needs. That way, you can maintain your confidence levels and perform the daily tasks without hassle.

3. Lifestyle Modifications

Almost every condition has its roots linked to poor lifestyle and daily habits. Different lifestyle modifications can significantly relieve involuntary leakages and improve your hygiene in the long run.

Also, adhere to the dietary modifications and avoid caffeinated beverages acting as a diuretic and increasing the urinary output. Studies also reveal that smoking may be another reason behind incontinence. This requires adequate management of tobacco addiction for relief from involuntary leakages.


Incontinence is a condition that causes urgency and uncontrolled leakage of urine. Most women experience incontinence due to different reasons like pregnancy, menopause, and lifestyle issues like obesity. However, consider managing incontinence through lifestyle modifications like a regular exercise routine and dietary modifications.

Moreover, you can start by incorporating an exercise routine to manage your weight and prevent excess pressure on your bladder. Trying absorbent gear might help in preventing leakage and ensure personal hygiene. However, seeking expert guidance is crucial if the symptoms fail to resolve with lifestyle measures.


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