My List of 1 Percent Club Questions for You

My List of 1 Percent Club Questions for You

Are you smart enough to be in the top 1 percent of quiz takers? That’s what millions of viewers wonder when watching Patton Oswalt quiz contestants on their general knowledge.

I know the feeling of sitting at home, calling out answers, and thinking, “I could do better than that!” But when you’re actually faced with these questions, they’re not as simple as they seem.

The contestants’ struggles are real – these questions can make even the brightest minds scratch their heads.

Here’s your chance to test yourself with a collection of questions from the show.

I’ve put together these 202 brain-teasers that challenge contestants to prove they’re smarter than 99% of people.

Get ready to put your knowledge to the test and see if you belong in this exclusive 1 percent club!

What is the 1 Percent Club?

Ever watched a quiz show and thought, “These questions don’t really test how smart someone is”?

Well, that’s where the 1 Percent Club comes in.

It’s not your usual trivia show – instead of asking about capitals or historical dates, it tests how well you can solve tricky problems.

The Show’s Format

When you tune in, you’ll see regular people like you and me trying to figure out brain-bending questions. Here’s what makes it special;

  • The questions get harder as the show goes on
  • You don’t need to be a history buff or math genius
  • It’s all about using your common sense in clever ways
  • Each question is tougher than the last until only the sharpest minds stay in

What Makes People Watch It?

The show brings something fresh to quiz programs. Host Patton Oswalt guides contestants through questions that make them think differently. It’s fun because;

  • You can play along at home
  • The questions are often simple but need smart thinking
  • Everyone has a fair shot at answering
  • It sparks great conversations with family and friends

Remember, getting an answer right here means more than just knowing facts – it shows you can think in ways most people don’t!

202 One Percent Club Questions

The questions start simple, with ones that 99% of people can answer, then get tougher until you reach questions that only 1% can solve.

Write down your answers and see how far you can get!

Difficulty Level 99%

Difficulty Level 99%

1. If you have two apples and take away one, how many do you have?
2. A farmer has 10 sheep. If all but 7 run away, how many does he have left?
3. Which is heavier; a kilogram of feathers or a kilogram of bricks?
4. If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?
5. What comes next in the sequence; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…?
6. If you’re running in a race and you pass the person in second place, what position are you now in?
7. How many months in a year have 28 days?
8. If a plane crashes on the border of two countries, where are the survivors buried?
9. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?
10. A is the father of B, but B is not the son of A. How is this possible?
11. If an electric train is traveling north at 100 km/h and the wind is blowing south at 10 km/h, which way does the smoke go?
12. If a rooster lays an egg on the roof of a slanted house, which way will the egg roll?
13. What starts with “E,” ends with “E,” and contains only one letter?
14. How many sides does a circle have?
15. You enter a dark room with a match. Inside are a kerosene lamp, a candle, and a fireplace. What do you light first?
16. A man is pushing his car down the road when he comes to a hotel and shouts, “I’m bankrupt!” Why?
17. How many animals of each species did Moses take on the ark?
18. A doctor gives you three pills and tells you to take one every half hour. How long will the pills last?
19. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
20. If it takes 20 workers 5 days to build a wall, how long would it take 10 workers?
21. What’s full of holes but still holds water?
22. If you have a bowl with six apples and you take away four, how many do you have?
23. What gets wetter the more it dries?
24. A man goes to sleep at 8 PM and sets an alarm for 9 AM. How many hours of sleep will he get?
25. If you spell “sit” backward, what do you get?
26. A man is wearing black clothes, a black hat, and black shoes. There are no streetlights, yet a car drives straight toward him and stops. How did the driver see him?
27. If a red house is made of red bricks and a blue house is made of blue bricks, what is a greenhouse made of?
28. Which number increases and never decreases, no matter how much you subtract?
29. What has keys but can’t open locks?
30. A father and his son are in a car accident. The father dies, and the son is rushed to the hospital. The surgeon says, “I can’t operate on him; he’s my son.” How is this possible?
31. What belongs to you but is used by others more than yourself?
32. If you take 3 apples from 4, how many do you have?
33. How can a pocket be empty and still have something in it?
34. What’s something that gets broken without being held?
35. If it takes two people two days to dig a hole, how long does it take one person to dig half a hole?
36. How many seconds are in a minute and a half?
37. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
38. If you divide 30 by half and add 10, what is the answer?
39. What can you catch but not throw?
40. What can travel around the world while staying in the same corner?
41. If you have three apples and give away two, how many do you have left?
42. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
43. What has a thumb and four fingers but isn’t alive?
44. If you have a cup full of water and pour it into a larger container, does the water level rise?
45. What goes up but never comes down?
46. If you were born in 2000 and today is 2024, how old are you?
47. A man looks at a painting and says, “Brothers and sisters I have none, but that man’s father is my father’s son.” Who is in the painting?
48. What runs but never walks, has a bed, but never sleeps?
49. If you had only one match in a freezing room and there was an oil lamp, a fireplace, and a candle, which would you light first?
50. What has hands but can’t clap?

Difficulty Level 65 %

Difficulty Level 65 %

51. A man’s daughter is the mother of your daughter. What is your relationship to the man?
52. You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on board. How is that possible?
53. Two fathers and two sons go fishing. They catch three fish, and each person gets one fish. How is this possible?
54. What has cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water?
55. There are three cups of flour on a counter, but you can only remove one cup. How many cups do you have left?
56. If a train leaves the station every 30 minutes, and the first train left at 8;00 AM, how many trains leave by noon?
57. I’m an odd number. Take away one letter, and I become even. What am I?
58. What has no beginning, middle, or end but encircles everything?
59. A farmer has chickens and cows. If there are 20 heads and 48 legs, how many of each animal does he have?
60. You have 8 identical-looking balls, but one is slightly heavier. How can you find the heavier ball in two weighings?
61. What has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?
62. How many times does the digit “3” appear between 1 and 100?
63. If you multiply this number by any other number, the result will always be the same. What number is it?
64. A clock shows the time as 3’15. What is the angle between the hour and the minute hands?
65. A barrel weighs 30 pounds. If you add something to it, it weighs less. What is it?
66. You are in a room with three switches. In another room, there are three light bulbs. How do you determine which switch belongs to which bulb with only one trip to the other room?
67. A man was born in 1947, yet he just had his 30th birthday. How is this possible?
68. Two trains, one from City A and the other from City B, are 100 km apart and traveling toward each other at constant speeds of 50 km/h and 40 km/h, respectively. How long will it take them to meet?
69. If a man’s shoe size is 10, what’s his size in socks?
70. What can you hold in your right hand but never in your left hand?
71. A cat is sitting in a box with its back to a mirror. There is a bird in front of the cat, but the cat cannot see the bird. Why?
72. A tree doubles in size every year. In 10 years, it reaches its full height. How many years did it take to reach half its height?
73. What number is missing in this sequence; 3, 6, 18, 21, __, 30?
74. A boy and a doctor are fishing. The boy is the doctor’s son, but the doctor isn’t the boy’s father. Who is the doctor?
75. A plane crashes in the mountains. Every single person dies. Who survives?
76. What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees, and never grows?
77. Two people are born at the same time on the same day in the same year but have different birthdays. How is this possible?
78. A woman looks at her reflection in a mirror and says, “This is my daughter’s mother.” Who is she looking at?
79. A man is 6 feet tall, has size 9 shoes, and works at a bakery. What does he weigh?
80. If a car’s odometer reads 34543, what is the next palindrome it will display?
81. How far can a dog run into a forest?
82. I’m tall when I’m young and short when I’m old. What am I?
83. A ladder has 10 rungs, and you can climb 3 rungs up or slide 1 rung down per move. How many moves to reach the top?
84. How can you make the number seven even without addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division?
85. A man buys a horse for $60, sells it for $70, buys it back for $80, and sells it again for $90. How much profit does he make?
86. What has to be broken before you can use it?
87. There are five apples in a basket, and five people. Each person takes one apple, but one apple remains in the basket. How?
88. A boy has as many sisters as he has brothers, but each sister has only half as many sisters as brothers. How many boys and girls are in the family?
89. You throw a ball. It travels in an arc, stops, and comes back to you. How is this possible?
90. What has 13 hearts but no organs?
91. A clock strikes 6 in 6 seconds. How long will it take to strike 12?
92. What comes twice in a week, once in a year, but never in a day?
93. A man drops a coin in a bottle and seals it without touching the bottle. How does he remove the coin?
94. What has no weight but can be seen and broken?
95. A man shaves multiple times a day but still has a full beard. How is this possible?
96. If you rearrange the letters of “NEW DOOR,” what phrase do you get?
97. A car goes 30 km in one hour and 60 km in the next. What’s its average speed?
98. Two coins add up to 30 cents, and one of them isn’t a nickel. What are the coins?
99. A baker has 8 cookies. He breaks each in half. How many cookies does he have now?
100. What number do you get when you multiply all the numbers on a telephone keypad?

Difficulty Level 35%

Difficulty Level 35%

101. You have 10 litres of water and two containers; one holds exactly 7 litres and the other holds exactly 3 litres. How can you measure exactly 5 litres?
102. Three people check into a hotel room that costs $30. They each pay $10. Later, the hotel realizes it overcharged them and returns $5, but the bellboy keeps $2 as a tip. If the guests each paid $9, and the bellboy kept $2, where is the missing $1?
103. What is the smallest positive number that can be evenly divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6?
104. If you throw me out the window, you’ll leave a grieving wife. But stick me in the middle of a door, and I can save a life. What am I?
105. You have a three-digit number. The tens digit is five more than the ones digit, and the hundreds digit is eight less than the tens digit. What is the number?
106. A man walks into a room with 20 people and shakes each person’s hand once. How many total handshakes occur in the room?
107. Two ducks in front of a duck, two ducks behind a duck, and one duck in the middle. How many ducks are there?
108. A father, a mother, and their two sons want to cross a river using a small boat. The boat can only carry one adult or two children. How do they all get across?
109. A clock’s hands overlap every 65 minutes. How many times do they overlap in 24 hours?
110. What is the sum of all the angles in a pentagon?
111. There are 100 doors in a row. Each door is initially closed. You toggle every door that is a multiple of 1, then every multiple of 2, then every multiple of 3, and so on. How many doors are left open?
112. A man stands on one side of a river and his dog on the other. The man calls his dog, and the dog crosses without getting wet or using a bridge or boat. How?
113. A cube has all its faces painted. If the cube is then cut into 64 smaller cubes of equal size, how many of these smaller cubes will have exactly two sides painted?
114. A train is 200 meters long and travels at 50 km/h. How long does it take to pass through a tunnel that is 300 meters long?
115. What day follows the day before yesterday if two days after tomorrow is Sunday?
116. A rope is cut into 3 equal parts, and each part is cut into 3 smaller equal parts. How many pieces of rope are there?
117. What three positive numbers give the same result when multiplied and added together?
118. If 5 cats catch 5 mice in 5 minutes, how many minutes will it take for 100 cats to catch 100 mice?
119. A man wants to measure exactly 4 litres of water using a 3-litre jug and a 5-litre jug. How does he do it?
120. A plane crashes exactly on the border of two countries. Where are the survivors buried?
121. A cyclist goes uphill at 12 km/h and downhill at 24 km/h on a route that is equally long uphill and downhill. What is the cyclist’s average speed?
122. A and B are 90 km apart and start traveling toward each other at constant speeds of 15 km/h and 10 km/h. How long will it take for them to meet?
123. The digits 1, 2, 3, and 4 are used to form a four-digit number. What is the smallest number you can create that is divisible by 3?
124. A man buys a horse for $50, sells it for $60, buys it back for $70, and sells it again for $80. What is his total profit?
125. What is the next number in the sequence; 2, 6, 12, 20, 30…?
126. If it takes 12 workers 6 hours to dig 12 holes, how long will it take 6 workers to dig 6 holes?
127. You are given 27 coins, and one is counterfeit and lighter. How can you find the counterfeit coin in three weighings?
128. What is the maximum number of pieces you can divide a circle into with six straight cuts?
129. A snail climbs a 20-foot well. Each day it climbs 5 feet and slips back 4 feet at night. How many days will it take the snail to escape?
130. A man has to cross seven bridges. At each bridge, he must give half his gold coins plus one to the guard. If he has one coin left after crossing all bridges, how many coins did he start with?
131. A tank can be filled in 8 hours and emptied in 12 hours. If both pipes are opened, how long will it take to fill the tank?
132. How many times does the digit “9” appear between 1 and 1000?
133. If a square’s perimeter is equal to its area, what is its side length?
134. There are three light switches, each controlling one bulb in another room. How can you identify which switch controls which bulb if you can only enter the other room once?
135. A farmer has a fox, a chicken, and a bag of grain. He must cross a river with them but can only take one at a time. How does he do it without any being eaten?
136. Two people have the same birthday in a year. What is the probability of this happening in a group of 23 people?
137. A clock takes 2 seconds to chime at 2 o’clock. How long will it take to chime at 12 o’clock?
138. A boy was 10 years old in 2000 but only 5 years old in 2005. How is this possible?
139. What is the remainder when 23 × 29 × 31 is divided by 5?
140. You have two ropes that each take exactly 60 minutes to burn. How can you measure exactly 45 minutes using them?
141. In a room, there are 5 chairs, and 3 are occupied. How many empty chairs are in the room?
142. What’s the next number in the series; 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8…?
143. A man builds a house with all sides facing south. A bear walks by. What color is the bear?
144. If a car drives 40 km north, 50 km east, and 30 km south, how far is it from its starting point?
145. A bag contains 10 red balls and 20 blue balls. What’s the probability of randomly picking a red ball?
146. You have a 3-hour and a 5-hour hourglass. How do you measure exactly 7 hours?
147. What number is missing in this sequence; 4, 16, 36, 64, __, 144?
148. A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
149. If you double me and subtract 4, you get 10. What am I?
150. You stand facing a clock and rotate 180 degrees. Where does the hour hand of the clock now point?

Difficulty Level 1%

Difficulty Level 1%

151. You’re standing in a completely dark room with no light source. There’s a box of matches, a kerosene lamp, a candle, and a fireplace. What’s the first thing you light?
152. A man goes outside during a heavy rainstorm without an umbrella or hat but doesn’t get a single hair on his head wet. How is this possible?
153. A bridge can only hold 200 pounds. You weigh 190 pounds and have a backpack weighing 10 pounds. How can you cross the bridge safely with the backpack?
154. If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?
155. You have a glass of water and add a handful of ice cubes. Once the ice melts, will the water level rise, fall, or stay the same?
156. You see a woman holding a baby and talking to another woman. The baby is the first woman’s child, but the second woman is not the baby’s mother. Who is the second woman?
157. Two people stand back to back, walk away from each other for three miles, then turn around and walk back. How far apart are they now?
158. A man is trapped in a room with no doors or windows. There is only a table and a saw. How does he escape?
159. A doctor prescribes three pills to be taken every 30 minutes. How long will it take to finish all three pills?
160. If you have 1,000 coins and one is counterfeit (lighter), how many weighings on a balance scale will it take to find the counterfeit coin?
161. You have a 5-litre jug and a 3-litre jug. How can you measure exactly 4 litres of water?
162. A rooster lays an egg on the roof of a slanted barn. Which way will the egg roll?
163. A man builds a rectangular house with all four sides facing south. A bear walks by. What color is the bear?
164. A man leaves home and makes three left turns. He returns home to see two masked men. What is he doing?
165. You’re in a race and overtake the person in second place. What place are you in now?
166. You’re running in a marathon and overtake the last person. What place are you in?
167. A large truck is stuck under a low bridge. Traffic is at a standstill. A child walks up and suggests a solution. What did they suggest?
168. If you multiply me by any other number, the result will always be the same. What am I?
169. Two fathers and two sons sit down for breakfast. They order exactly three pancakes. Each person eats one pancake. How is this possible?
170. How can a person go eight days without sleeping?
171. You’re driving a bus. Ten people get on, three get off, and five more get on at the next stop. What is the driver’s name?
172. How much dirt is in a hole that is 3 feet deep, 2 feet wide, and 5 feet long?
173. A man’s mother is his sister but not biologically. How is this possible?
174. A farmer has a fox, a chicken, and a bag of grain. He needs to cross a river but can only carry one item at a time. How does he do it?
175. If the day before yesterday was Friday, what day will it be three days from now?
176. A man pushes his car to a hotel and tells the owner he’s bankrupt. What is he doing?
177. A plane crashes on the border of two countries. Where are the survivors buried?
178. What has a bed but never sleeps, runs but never walks, and has a mouth but never talks?
179. A man stands in front of a painting. He says, “Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man’s father is my father’s son.” Who is in the painting?
180. A man marries 20 women in one town but isn’t breaking any laws. How is this possible?
181. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
182. A man is lying dead in a field. There is an unopened package next to him. How did he die?
183. What has keys but can’t open locks?
184. A barrel weighs 60 pounds. You put something in it, and now it weighs less. What did you add?
185. A man is 4 times as old as his son. In 20 years, he will be twice as old as his son. How old is the man now?
186. What has no beginning, end, or middle, yet surrounds everything?
187. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
188. What can travel the world while staying in the same corner?
189. How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you?
190. If a wheel has 12 spokes, how many spaces are there between the spokes?
191. A man runs away from home, turns left three times, and returns home. Who is waiting for him?
192. What number comes next in this sequence; 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36…?
193. A man gets trapped in a room with only two exits; one leads to a pit of lava, and the other to a room full of lions that haven’t eaten in three years. How does he escape?
194. A man has 17 sheep, and all but 9 run away. How many sheep are left?
195. A woman has six daughters, and each daughter has a brother. How many children does she have?
196. What gets wetter the more it dries?
197. A man has to cross a bridge in exactly 17 minutes. The bridge will collapse if he goes too slow or too fast. He has no timer. How can he cross safely?
198. A boy turns 10 years old in 2024 but was born in 2030. How is this possible?
199. What gets bigger the more you take away?
200. You throw a rock into a river, and it doesn’t make a splash. Why?
201. If you have a square-shaped chocolate bar and you break it into 8 pieces with three straight cuts, how can you do it?
202. A man sets his watch 10 minutes fast. He wakes up at 7 AM according to his watch. What time is it really?


Now that you’ve tried these 202 mind-bending questions from the 1 Percent Club, you’ve seen how these puzzles test more than just your knowledge. Each question pushes you to think in new ways – that’s what makes this quiz format so special.

Why does this matter? Because it shows that true intelligence isn’t about knowing facts; it’s about how you solve problems and think on your feet.

Share these questions with friends and family for a fun game night. Try timing yourself to add an extra challenge.

And don’t forget to check back for more puzzles and brain teasers.

Leave a comment below with your score – let’s see how many of you belong to the 1 Percent Club!


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