251+ Rat Puns: A Collection of the Funniest Jokes

Got rats on the brain? You’re not alone!

These little critters scurry into our lives and thoughts more often than we’d like. But why do they always get such a bad rap? It’s time to turn those frowns upside down with some whisker-twitching wordplay.

I’ve gathered over 251+ hilarious rat puns that’ll have you squeaking with laughter. From cheesy one-liners to clever twists on rodent-related phrases, this collection is packed with puns that’ll make even the most serious cheese lover grin.

So, whether you’re a pest control pro looking to lighten the mood or just someone who enjoys a good laugh, get ready to dive into this treasure trove of ratty humor.

Let’s get started!

Rat Puns That Will Make You Squeak with Laughter

Rat Puns That Will Make You Squeak with Laughter

1. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always complaining?
A: A whiney rodent!

2. Q: How do rats send messages?
A: By mouse code!

3. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite way to travel?
A: On the rodent railway!

4. Q: Why did the rat go to the salon?
A: For a tail trim!

5. Q: What do you call a rat with no legs?
A: A groundhog!

6. Q: How do rats keep their tails warm?
A: With mice socks!

7. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite subject in school?
A: Squeakonomics!

8. Q: Why don’t rats ever finish their novels?
A: They prefer short tails!

9. Q: What do you call a rat who loves to dance?
A: A disco rodent!

10. Q: How do rats stay fit?
A: They go to the mouse gym!

11. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite TV show?
A: Wheel of Fontina!

12. Q: Why was the rat terrible at poker?
A: He was always ratted out!

13. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always in a rush?
A: A scurry McFlurry!

14. Q: How do rats greet each other?
A: Nice to squeak you!

15. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite game?
A: Hide and squeak!

16. Q: Why did the rat become a politician?
A: He wanted to run the Rat Race!

17. Q: What do you call a rat with a six-pack?
A: Ripped-atouille!

18. Q: How do rats keep their fur shiny?
A: They use rodent control!

19. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite drink?
A: Whisker sour!

20. Q: Why was the rat arrested?
A: For squeaking and entering!

21. Q: What do you call a rat who loves extreme sports?
A: A rad rodent!

22. Q: How do rats celebrate their birthdays?
A: With cheese cake!

23. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite type of music?
A: Hip-hop and squeezers!

24. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite cheese?
A: Cheddar late than never!

25. Q: Why did the rat refuse the cheese platter?
A: He was on a dairy-free diet!

26. Q: What do you call a rat who loves spicy food?
A: A hot rodent!

27. Q: Why did the rat become a chef?
A: To create some whisker-licking good dishes!

28. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite pizza topping?
A: Extra cheese, please!

29. Q: How do rats like their eggs?
A: Scram-pulled!

30. Q: What do you call a rat who only eats fruit?
A: A fruitarian rodent!

31. Q: Why did the rat start a cheese business?
A: To make some cheddar!

32. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite snack?
A: Cheese and quackers!

33. Q: How do rats order at a restaurant?
A: They always ask for the cheese course first!

34. Q: What do you call a rat who loves pasta?
A: A macaron-i!

35. Q: Why did the rat become a food critic?
A: He had ex-squeak-site taste!

36. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite dessert?
A: Mice cream!

37. Q: How do rats prefer their coffee?
A: With extra squeam!

38. Q: What do you call a rat who works at a dairy farm?
A: A cheese whiz!

39. Q: Why did the rat refuse the moldy cheese?
A: It was too Gorgon-zola for his taste!

40. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite sandwich?
A: Grilled cheese, of course!

41. Q: How do rats like their steak?
A: Rare-t!

42. Q: What do you call a rat who loves baking?
A: A whisker mixer!

43. Q: Why did the rat become a sommelier?
A: He had a nose for fine whines!

44. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite breakfast?
A: Cheese and rodent potatoes!

45. Q: How do rats season their food?
A: With plenty of squeasonings!

46. Q: What do you call a rat who only eats vegetables?
A: A rodent-arian!

47. Q: What do you call a rat who loves solving mysteries?
A: Sherlock Gnomes!

48. Q: Why was the rat named Whiskers?
A: Because Tail was already taken!

49. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always telling jokes?
A: Rodney Ratgerfield!

50. Q: Why did the rat name his son Chuck?
A: He wanted a little Chuck E. Cheese!

51. Q: What do you call a rat who’s a famous musician?
A: Justin Beaver!

52. Q: Why was the rat named Scamper?
A: Because he was always in a hurry!

53. Q: What do you call a rat who’s a great singer?
A: Ratney Houston!

54. Q: Why did the rat name his daughter Brie?
A: He thought it was a gouda name!

55. Q: What do you call a rat who’s a famous artist?
A: Leonardo da Rodenti!

56. Q: Why was the rat named Nibbles?
A: Because he loved to snack!

57. Q: What do you call a rat who’s a famous actor?
A: Brad Pitt Bull Terrier!

58. Q: Why did the rat name his son Squeaky?
A: He had a high-pitched voice!

59. Q: What do you call a rat who’s a famous scientist?
A: Albert Ratstein!

60. Q: Why was the rat named Cheddar?
A: His parents were big cheese fans!

61. Q: What do you call a rat who’s a famous detective?
A: Hercule Paw-rot!

62. Q: Why did the rat name his daughter Edam?
A: It was a cheesy decision!

63. Q: What do you call a rat who’s a famous chef?
A: Gordon Ramsqueaky!

64. Q: Why was the rat named Scurry?
A: He was always on the move!

65. Q: What do you call a rat who’s a famous politician?
A: Abraham Squincoln!

66. Q: Why did the rat name his son Whisker?
A: It was a family tradition!

67. Q: What do you call a rat who’s a famous athlete?
A: Usain Bolt Cutter!

68. Q: Why was the rat named Ratigan?
A: His parents were big Disney fans!

69. Q: What do you call a rat who’s a famous author?
A: William Squeakspeare!

70. Q: Why do rats always win at hide and seek?
A: They’re masters of squeakmouflage!

71. Q: How do rats keep their homes clean?
A: They use a vacuum cleaner!

72. Q: Why do rats love to swim?
A: It’s their natural backstroke!

73. Q: How do rats stay in shape?
A: They do plenty of whisker-cise!

74. Q: Why do rats always carry a map?
A: To avoid getting caught in a rat race!

75. Q: How do rats communicate over long distances?
A: They use the mouse-e code!

76. Q: Why do rats love to read?
A: They enjoy a good tail!

77. Q: How do rats keep their teeth clean?
A: With a little bite of floss!

78. Q: Why do rats love to garden?
A: They enjoy getting their paws dirty!

79. Q: How do rats stay cool in summer?
A: They use their built-in fan-tails!

80. Q: Why do rats love to climb?
A: To get a bird’s-eye view!

81. Q: How do rats keep track of time?
A: With their pocket squeak!

82. Q: Why do rats love to play sports?
A: They’re natural ball handlers!

83. Q: How do rats stay warm in winter?
A: They wear their fur coats!

84. Q: Why do rats love to sing?
A: They have natural squeak-ers!

85. Q: How do rats keep their whiskers tidy?
A: With a tiny comb!

86. Q: Why do rats love to dance?
A: They’ve got natural rhythm in their tails!

87. Q: How do rats stay safe at night?
A: They wear reflective fur!

88. Q: Why do rats love to paint?
A: They’re experts at creating whisker-pieces!

89. Q: How do rats keep fit?
A: They run on their wheel-y good exercise equipment!

90. Q: Why do rats love to cook?
A: They’re always hungry for new recipes!

91. Q: How do rats stay organized?
A: They use a planner called a “rat-enda”!

92. Q: Why do rats love to travel?
A: They enjoy seeing new places and meeting new rodents!

93. Q: What do you call a rat who works as a dentist?
A: An in-squeaky-tor!

94. Q: Why did the rat become a librarian?
A: He loved working with hardcover stories!

95. Q: What do you call a rat who works as a tailor?
A: A stitch in rodent!

96. Q: Why did the rat become a teacher?
A: To educate the next gen-rat-tion!

97. Q: What do you call a rat who works as a plumber?
A: A drain rodent!

98. Q: Why did the rat become a psychologist?
A: To help others with their rat-ional thinking!

99. Q: What do you call a rat who works as a hairdresser?
A: A rodent stylist!

100. Q: Why did the rat become a gardener?
A: He had a green paw!


101. Q: What do you call a rat who works as a comedian?
A: A stand-up rodent!

102. Q: Why did the rat become a baker?
A: He kneaded the dough!

103. Q: What do you call a rat who works as a pilot?
A: A high-flyer!

104. Q: Why did the rat become a firefighter?
A: To climb the ladder of success!

105. Q: What do you call a rat who works as a mechanic?
A: A grease monkey!

106. Q: Why did the rat become a lifeguard?
A: He was an excellent squeammer!

107. Q: What do you call a rat who works as a painter?
A: A brush with greatness!

108. Q: Why did the rat become a meteorologist?
A: He had a nose for predicting weather!

109. Q: What do you call a rat who works as a magician?
A: A rodent of surprise!

110. Q: Why did the rat become a scientist?
A: He was curious about everything!

111. Q: What do you call a rat who works as a personal trainer?
A: A fitness whisker!

112. Q: Why did the rat become a taxi driver?
A: He knew all the best rat runs!

113. Q: What do you call a rat who works as a therapist?
A: A shrink-y dink!

114. Q: Why did the rat become a journalist?
A: He loved getting the scoop!

115. Q: What do you call a rat who works as a DJ?
A: A spin doctor!

116. Q: How do rats propose marriage?
A: With a diamond cheese ring!

117. Q: What do you call two rats on a date?
A: A romantic rodent rendezvous!

118. Q: How do rats celebrate their anniversaries?
A: With a candlelit dinner in the sewer!

119. Q: What do you call a group of rats having a party?
A: A rodent rave!

120. Q: How do rats show affection?
A: With whisker kisses!

121. Q: What do you call two rats who are best friends?
A: Rodent BFFs!

122. Q: How do rats network?
A: Through their squeak-ial media!

123. Q: What do you call a rat family reunion?
A: A whisker gathering!

124. Q: How do rats settle arguments?
A: With a game of cheese and squeakers!

125. Q: What do you call a rat couple’s night out?
A: A tail of two cities!

126. Q: How do rats celebrate their birthdays?
A: With a cheese fountain and dancing!

127. Q: What do you call a rat wedding?
A: A ratrimony ceremony!

128. Q: How do rats make new friends?
A: By joining a squeak-er’s club!

129. Q: What do you call a rat divorce?
A: A whisker split!

130. Q: How do rats show off to their friends?
A: By flaunting their latest cheese collection!

131. Q: What do you call a rat family vacation?
A: A rodent retreat!

132. Q: How do rats gossip?
A: Through the grapevine… or should we say, the cheese string!

133. Q: What do you call a rat’s social circle?
A: The inner squeak!

134. Q: How do rats apologize to each other?
A: With a heartfelt “I’m furry sorry”!

135. Q: What do you call a rat’s favorite hangout spot?
A: The local squeak-easy!

136. Q: How do rats celebrate graduations?
A: With a cap and gown made of swiss cheese!

137. Q: What do you call a rat’s book club?
A: A gathering of tails!

138. Q: How do rats plan surprise parties?
A: With lots of squeak-recy!

139. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite movie?
A: The Great Mouse Detective!

140. Q: Why do rats love karaoke?
A: They enjoy singing their favorite squeek-up lines!

141. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite TV show?
A: America’s Next Top Rodent!

142. Q: Why do rats make great DJs?
A: They know how to drop the cheese!

143. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite book?
A: Of Mice and Men… emphasis on the mice!

144. Q: Why do rats love Shakespeare?
A: They appreciate a good rat-gedy!

145. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite video game?
A: Squeak-tris!

146. Q: Why do rats make great actors?
A: They’re naturals at method acting… or should we say, mouse-thod acting!

147. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite musical?
A: Les Mice-rables!

148. Q: Why do rats love superhero movies?
A: They enjoy watching the adventures of Rat-man!

149. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite song?
A: “Don’t Go Breakin’ My Cheese” by Elton John!

150. Q: Why do rats make great film critics?
A: They have an eye for cheese-y scenes!

151. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite sitcom?
A: How I Met Your Mouse-er!

152. Q: Why do rats love talent shows?
A: They enjoy watching Rat-ent Got Talent!

153. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite horror movie?
A: The Texas Cheese Saw Massacre!

154. Q: Why do rats make great comedians?
A: They always have the audience squeaking with laughter!

155. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite cartoon?
A: Tom and Rat-ry!

156. Q: Why do rats love documentaries?
A: They enjoy learning about the Rat-ural world!

157. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite magazine?
A: Rodent’s Digest!

158. Q: Why do rats make great artists?
A: They’re experts at creating whisker-pieces!

159. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite podcast?
A: This Rat-ican Life!

160. Q: Why do rats love reality TV?
A: They enjoy watching The Real House-mice of Beverly Hills!

161. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite fantasy series?
A: Game of Gnomes!

162. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite proverb?
A: “A whisker in time saves nine!”

163. Q: How do rats give advice?
A: They say, “Always trust your in-squeak-ts!”

164. Q: What’s a rat’s motto for success?
A: “Cheese the day!”

165. Q: How do rats encourage each other?
A: They say, “Where there’s a wheel, there’s a way!”

166. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite saying about teamwork?
A: “Many paws make light work!”

167. Q: How do rats remind each other to stay positive?
A: They say, “Every cloud has a silver cheese lining!”

168. Q: What’s a rat’s advice for perseverance?
A: “If at first you don’t succeed, gnaw, gnaw again!”

169. Q: How do rats encourage creativity?
A: They say, “Think outside the cheese box!”

170. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite saying about learning?
A: “You’re never too old to learn new squeaks!”

171. Q: How do rats remind each other to be kind?
A: They say, “Treat others as you’d like to be squeaked!”

172. Q: What’s a rat’s motto for healthy living?
A: “An apple a day keeps the cat away!”

173. Q: How do rats encourage each other to take risks?
A: They say, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease!”

174. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite saying about patience?
A: “Good cheese comes to those who wait!”

175. Q: How do rats remind each other to be humble?
A: They say, “Pride comes before a tail!”

176. Q: What’s a rat’s advice for problem-solving?
A: “Where there’s a will, there’s a rodent way!”

177. Q: How do rats encourage financial wisdom?
A: They say, “A penny saved is a penny more cheese!”

178. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite saying about determination?
A: “When the going gets tough, the tough get gnawing!”

179. Q: How do rats remind each other to be adaptable?
A: They say, “When life gives you lemons, make cheese!”

180. Q: What’s a rat’s advice for staying alert?
A: “Keep your whiskers to the ground!”

181. Q: How do rats encourage each other to be brave?
A: They say, “Fortune favors the furry!”

182. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite saying about friendship?
A: “A friend in need is a friend in-squeak!”

183. Q: How do rats remind each other to be cautious?
A: They say, “Look before you squeak!”

184. Q: What’s a rat’s advice for staying focused?
A: “Keep your eyes on the cheese!”

185. Q: How do rats encourage each other to be innovative?
A: They say, “Necessity is the mother of rat-vention!”

186. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite saying about unity?
A: “United we stand, divided we squeak!”

187. Q: How do rats remind each other to be punctual?
A: They say, “The early rat catches the cheese!”

188. Q: What’s a rat’s advice for self-improvement?
A: “Be the change you want to squeak in the world!”

189. Q: What do you call a rat who loves to argue?
A: A de-bait-er!

190. Q: How do rats describe something amazing?
A: They say it’s rat-tastic!

191. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always negative?
A: A pessi-mouse!

192. Q: How do rats describe a difficult situation?
A: They call it a rat-22!

193. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always happy?
A: An opti-mouse!

194. Q: How do rats describe something very small?
A: They say it’s mouse-croscopic!

195. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always changing his mind?
A: Ir-rat-ional!

196. Q: How do rats describe something unbelievable?
A: They say it’s in-rat-ible!

197. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always late?
A: Tar-squeak!

198. Q: How do rats describe something disgusting?
A: They say it’s rat-volting!

199. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always cold?
A: A mouse-icle!

200. Q: How do rats describe something funny?
A: They say it’s hila-rat-ous!


201. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always excited?
A: Rat-static!

202. Q: How do rats describe something confusing?
A: They say it’s rat-tling!

203. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always hungry?
A: Insa-cheese-able!

204. Q: How do rats describe something boring?
A: They say it’s un-in-ter-rat-sting!

205. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always tired?
A: Ex-mouse-ted!

206. Q: How do rats describe something surprising?
A: They say it’s rat-tonishing!

207. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always angry?
A: Fur-ious!

208. Q: How do rats describe something impressive?
A: They say it’s rat-markable!

209. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always lucky?
A: For-chew-nate!

210. Q: How do rats describe something scary?
A: They say it’s ter-rat-fying!

211. Q: What do you call a rat who’s always curious?
A: In-whisker-itive!

212. Q: What do rats say on New Year’s Eve?
A: “Happy Squeak Year!”

213. Q: How do rats celebrate Valentine’s Day?
A: They give each other cheese-hearts!

214. Q: What do rats dress up as for Halloween?
A: Ghost-busters!

215. Q: How do rats celebrate Christmas?
A: They decorate the mouse-letoe!

216. Q: What do rats say on St. Patrick’s Day?
A: “May the force be with squeak!”

217. Q: How do rats celebrate Easter?
A: They go on an egg-citing cheese hunt!

218. Q: What’s a rat’s favorite pickup line?
A: “Is it hot in here, or is it just my burning love for cheese?”

219. Q: How do rats flirt?
A: They say, “You must be Swiss, because you’re looking Gouda tonight!”

220. Q: What do rats say when they’re in love?
A: “You’re the cheese to my macaroni!”

221. Q: How do rats propose?
A: They get down on one knee and say, “Will you brie mine forever?”

222. Q: What do rats do on a summer day?
A: They have a ratnic in the park!

223. Q: How do rats keep cool in summer?
A: They turn on the mice conditioning!

224. Q: What do rats do in autumn?
A: They go leaf-peeping to see the changing collars!

225. Q: How do rats prepare for winter?
A: They stock up on chili con queso!

226. Q: What do rats do in spring?
A: They go on a cheese-nic in the park!

227. Q: How do rats celebrate the first day of spring?
A: With a whisker-ful ceremony!

228. Q: What do rats say on Thanksgiving?
A: “Let’s give squeaks for this feast!”

229. Q: How do rats celebrate the Fourth of July?
A: With fire-squeakers and a cheese-becue!

230. Q: What do rats say on Mother’s Day?
A: “You’re the best mom in the whole wide nest!”

231. Q: How do rats celebrate Father’s Day?
A: They give their dads new cheese graters!

232. Q: What do rats do for April Fool’s Day?
A: They play prank calls on the cat!

233. Q: How do rats celebrate Groundhog Day?
A: They watch their shadows and predict six more weeks of cheese!

234. Q: What do rats say on Labor Day?
A: “Take a break from the rat race!”

235. Q: How do rats celebrate Cinco de Mayo?
A: With a fiesta featuring queso and mouse-garitas!

236. Q: What do rats do for Earth Day?
A: They start recycling their cheese wrappers!

237. Q: How do rats celebrate graduation?
A: They throw their little rat caps in the air!

238. Q: What do rats say on their birthdays?
A: “Happy Birthday to squeak!”

239. Q: How do rats celebrate weddings?
A: With a cheese fountain and lots of mouse-ic!

240. Q: What do rats say at the end of a long day?
A: “Time to hit the hay… or should I say, the straw!”


Well, there you have it – an amazing collection of ratty humor that’s sure to make you squeak with laughter! From cheesy wordplay to witty observations about our furry friends, we’ve covered it all. 

But why does this matter? These puns do more than just entertain. They remind us that even the most unlikely subjects can bring joy and laughter. They show us the power of wordplay in making us smile.

So, what’s next? Why not share your favorite rat pun with a friend? Or better yet, try creating your own! Keep the laughter going and spread some joy.

Remember, a good pun is its own re-word. So don’t be afraid to rat-tle off these jokes at your next gathering.

After all, laughter is the best medicine – or should I say, the best cheese?


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