Top 5 Benefits of Installing a Sink Garbage Crusher in Your Home

Top 5 Benefits of Installing a Sink Garbage Crusher in Your Home

If you’ve heard of a sink garbage crusher, also known as a garbage disposal unit and you’re wondering if you really need one, then you are in the right place. In this article, we will be looking at this piece of equipment, what it does and the benefits it brings to any kitchen.

After this article, you would have learnt enough about this kitchen gadget to be able to make an informed decision. So, stay with us as we take you through this informative journey.

What is a Sink Garbage Crusher?

Like we stated above, this equipment is also known as a garbage disposal unit. It is installed under kitchen sink and connected to the outlet so that waste from the sink is deposited into it. This waste is then processed, or broken into much smaller sizes that can easily flow through the drainage system.

Unlike the kitchen sink, which is visible to all, this unit is not visibly positioned. Though it operates as an attachment to the visible sink, its operations are more out of the way. While a lot of homeowners put in some thought into their choice of sinks, not as many think about this.

This modern kitchen tool no doubt offers a lot of benefits to any kitchen and should therefore be considered as important as your kitchen sink. By the way, you can learn more about choosing the sink that is right for you here.

Top Benefits of Sink Garbage Crushers

Now let’s quickly list and discuss 5 major benefits that you can expect to enjoy if you install this gadget in your kitchen.

1. Clean and Clog-Free Drain

This is the most obvious benefit, which we’ve already alluded to above. The main reason why drains get clogged is when particles that cannot easily pass through it get into the system. Sometimes, the drainage system would have accumulated all manner of debris, reducing the size of the passage over time. This means that at some point, particles that might have passed through despite their sizes, will no longer be able to go through.

With the crusher reducing every debris and waste into much smaller particles, cases of clogs are practically eliminated. This is not to say that you will not need to do other things to ensure the smooth flow of the drainage system. There are other things that you can do and you can read about them here:

2. Increased Efficiency

One of the things that take some time when washing up after a meal of cleaning up after cooking is taking care of the waste and leftovers. Kitchen scraps or left over food will need to be cleared separately before taking the dishes or pots to the sink or dishwasher. While it may look like a small task, it adds to the overall time needed for the cleanup.

With the garbage crusher this care becomes unnecessary. You simply pour the scraps and waste into the connected sink, and everything is pushed into the crusher where the breaking down takes place. This frees you up to do some other things and not have to worry about disposing of them properly.

3. Better Waste Management

Better Waste Management

Pests and other scavenging animals are drawn to places where they are sure of getting left over meals and kitchen scraps. Usually, many people carefully pack up these wastes and then dispose of them in their garbage bins outside.

In areas where racoons, bears and other such animals are prevalent, it is common to wake up to a messed up waste bin. Usually, these animals will be drawn by the scent of the food, rummage in the bin and in some cases, litter the space with the waste.

When you do not have to leave out scraps and kitchen waste in these bins, you reduce the cases of such attacks on your waste.

4. Better Hygiene and Reduced Health Hazards

Continuing from the point above, for areas that may not have these scavenging animals, having to keep leftovers and kitchen scraps in waste bins increases the risk of a health hazard. As these organic materials decompose, they promote the growth of bacteria and other organism.

The result will include a smelly neighborhood, a high risk of pest infestation and health risk to pets and humans alike. All of these risks are averted with the simple process provided by the waste disposal unit.

5. Long-Term Cost Saving

Long-Term Cost Saving

Investing in a sink garbage crusher may not make too much sense to some folks. However, when you take some time to consider what this investment will save you over time, you will find that you are actually saving cost.

For starters, this saves you the need to get and pay a plumber to help you unclog blocked drain lines. That’s some savings done.

With reduced availability of waste food and kitchen scraps, you automatically reduce the risk of pest infestation. This means that you won’t have to spend money on pest exterminators.

Finally, this process also reduces the general amount of waste that you will have available. This could mean some savings if your waste picks up frequency is reduced.

These five benefits are just the very obvious ones. Installing sink garbage crusher is an investment that every home owner should make. The benefits are critical and the return on investment substantial.


If you’ve ever had issues with clogged drains, pest infestation and a smelly garbage bin, we’ve taken some time in this article to discuss a solution that can help you with these issues. The benefits have been enumerated for your consideration. It’s now up to you to take that next step.

If you have decided to install this gadget, talk to your plumber, or look for a reputable seller to get it from. Be sure to learn about the different power ratings so you can decide which will be best for your needs.

Once you pick out the one that’s best for your needs, have it professionally installed so you can immediately begin to enjoy the benefits listed above and more.


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