My fiance and I adopted a dog from the Vernon Hills Petco during an adoption event that was held by Wright Way. She was originally adopted as a puppy under the name Leda. She was returned at about 6 months old, and was given a new name, Hera. She is a boxer/pointer mix (we think). She is doing wonderfully and is super happy in her big backyard with her new family. We have her folder and it has a small picture taped on it from when she was a puppy. This may sound like a ridiculous request, but we would love to print the picture to keep for always. She is still growing and has definitely put on weight since we got her. Her new name is Louie and she seems to like it! Please let us know if you have an electronic copy. Thanks. -The Miller Family
My name is Susan and I have adopted 5 dogs from your facility
Charlie was one of those you got from an Animal Control facility in your area. The warden (a woman) couldn't put the dogs down and let them roam in the office, etc. Her "boss" told her she had to find homes for the dogs or have them euthanized. Charlie was one of those. His story was that he was taken away from his family by the Courts because of neglect. He had suffered heat stroke. We were the fortunate ones to get Charlie. I've attached a couple of pictures to help remind you of him. The rest of the bunch are doing fine. I'll update you on them when I get the chance. Thank you for the great work that you do for helping the animals!
Thanks for letting me stop by to show-off Suze last Friday! As promised, I'm attaching some photos of Suze in her new home. As you can see, our other dog Alley is still getting used to sharing her favorite places to nap with Suze.
This is Hawkeye (formerly Ace) We adopted him June of '08. He has grown into a big loveable goof! He's a very sweet dog and is a good boy who just wants to play and get attention. He has transitioned well into our family and gets along great with both the cat and our other dog Gabby who is his best buddy. We love him to peices and are glad we found him!
The Cooke Family
Meet Snickers. We adopted her three and a half years ago when she was just 11 weeks old and (temporarily) named Rhea. We were told that she was a very shy puppy, but she quickly grew to trust and love her family and everyone else. She's half Aussie and half Golden Retriever (we think) and now weighs 72 pounds. She's very smart (learned to sit, stay, speak, lie down, etc. in no time flat), loves her nightly walks and stuffed animal "babies," and is just about the sweetest and happiest dog we could ask for!
The Canning Family
Hi There - I saw your message about adopted pet pics, so I thought I would share our story. This is McCartney (a.k.a. Linus) who we adopted at 8 weeks old from Wright Way Rescues first adoption fair at the location on Touhy. Yes, his name is McCartney, like Paul... The Beatle.
My husband and I had been searching for a pup to add to our family, when one day I came across McCartney on petfinder.com. I checked out your shelter's Web site, and fell in love. Unfortunately, we were from Indianapolis and weren't sure if we'd be able to make the drive to Chicago (especially in winter). We took a road trip and adopted McCartney on a cold Sunday in January. He's been a great addition to our family and loves everything/everybody he meets. He's such a clown and loves to please. He was quick to learn new tricks and loves ice cubes. We participated in our local "Mutt Strut" to raise money for the local Humane Society and he's also been entered into several pet photo contests. He's currently in the running for next years "Mutt Strut" Poster Pooch contest. He'd love to be the Poster Pooch, because he loves to support shelters so that all doggies can find a loving home like he did from such a wonderful shelter.
I've included a few pics below/attached, because I can't just choose one. He loves photo shoots!

Nitro was listed as a shepherd mix large puppy when we stumbled across him at an adoption event in Vernon Hills. Our sable colored shepherd had passed away about 3 months prior and we were NOT looking! LOL Nitro has been the best dog and at 23 months has not spent a lot of time crated. He works with me as a therpay dog for my young clients. He has spent every night on our bed and when his rottweiler Elvis died in February he was devastated. He is the most soulful canine I have ever run across! Thank you Wright Way Rescue!!!
The Pierson Family

I want to say thank you to everyone at Wright Way Rescue. In June 2007, I adopted "Rhoda" who is now Mugsy. My mom stumbled upon her picture on petfinder who then showed it to me and I instantly fell in love. I was told that she was pug mix and was rescued from a puppy mill in Kentucky, so I knew the poor dear had a rough life thus far. She was going to be welcomed with open arms and hearts.
"Rhoda" took a little time to warm up to us as we figured she would. She loves to cuddle, give kisses and take up most of my bed. She is timid around strangers especially men. She's terrified of water, so bath time is a little difficult. She loves to play and have her bell scratched. Mugsy has a chocolate lab brother named Bosco. They get along great.
When my husband and I found out that we were having a baby I was afraid of how Mugsy would be with her. The day we brought the baby home I was so relieved. Mugsy just adores her. She is very protective yet gentle with her. We now call her Momma Mugs. Since we have had the baby Mugsy now has sacome some of her fears and will come out when strangers are around and will even let them pet her, well sometimes. She now will even let my husband pet her and take her for walks.
I can't thank you enough for the wonderful things that you do. Mugsy has been a great addition to our family!!! She is very well loved, my vet says a little too much since she weighs 20 pounds.....I guess he thinks she's fat.
I have enclosed two pictures of Mugsy. The first one is the day we got her home and the seond one is from this past Thanksgiving, she was wearing a dress to match her little sister. :)
Sincerely, The Bruckner Family

Attached are pictures of our Arizona. He was adopted from Wright Way two years ago. He has since become a loving and priceless addition to our family. His eyes show you all the love he has in him. Thank you for allowing Arizona to adopt us.
The Devlin Family
Hi, When I was at Wright Way Rescue, my name was Kale, and I was then a little Beagle mix puppy. Well, it's been 6 months since I found my new home, and boy have I grown. My new family didn't think that name fit me, so now I'm called Payton. My human brother, Jimmy, named me that when I got under foot and slid across the floor, got right back up and kept on running. He said I was like Walter Payton, that I could take a 'hit' and keep on running.
My new home also consists of a human sister, Jenny, and a big Beagle sister named Penny. Penny is 6 years old, and was a research dog my Mommy rescued when she was a puppy. We have a lot of fun playing together. My Mommy even had a fence put up in the back yard so we can run and play. I love to be outside and try to dig holes all over the yard. Well, that and chasing my big sister, Penny. Oh yeah, I like to chase the birds and bugs too!
My Mommy says I'm spoiled rotten. I get to sleep with Jimmy and Jenny on the couch and on their beds instead of always staying in my crate. I don't like my crate, I try to dig my way out every chance I get, but it never seems to work. I have a lot of fun toys, but seem to only play with the ones that squeak or make noise.
Some of Jenny's friends like to call me "Daddy Long Legs" because my legs are so long. I'm not sure I like that too much, but sure like getting all of the attention. I am taller than my big sis though!
Mommy has attached some pictures of me (including some with Penny and Jimmy & Jenny). I am really a happy boy and LOVE my new home!
Payton (f.k.a. Kale)

Our little guy, a boxer mix, whom we named Vito (was Winston) is one of the absolute joys of our lives. He was 4 months when we drove 6 hours south to get him. We had only seen his picture, but we just knew he was absolutely perfect. He now has just turned 3 and is one of the best parts of our family. We recently gave him a little human brother, and they are two peas in a pod.
The Campobasso Family

I wanted to let Wright Way know what a joy they have brought to my family. When my beloved Shelby died, our family was devastated. I really did not want a puppy. Shelby was an adult rescue dog who had been abused and on the verge of being put down. She would have never been able to be placed as a family dog. I put in several applications for the Chicago area Lab rescues. One approved me but would not come for a home visit because Iive to far away and did not have anyone who would want to make the trip. The local lab rescue within my house (within 7 miles) and others did not even respond!!! You see all these dogs that need homes and they did not even take the time to answer!
A friend of mine was sending me puppy updates everyday and she found Wright Way. She would send me all the cute fuzzy puppies…then on the website, Brady (then named Hershey) and his siblings came up. I was immediately smitten. I worked with Virginia who all I can say was simply a godsend to work with. Walking into the adoption site, I simply knew that he was mine. He has grown into a big boy. We have had a few health obstacles that we have overcome but I have only one word…he has simply brought JOY to our family. He is so smart! (Yes we all think our dogs are smarter than the next…but really he is J)
I want to thank everyone at Wright Way for all that they do. Keep up the great work that you do and saving our four legged friends!

Hi, My name is Beth Zyer and my family and I adopted Tag on 12/26/05. He was one of the "J Litter (Joe)". WE adopted Tag after we had lost a very young dog to Heart Worm. We missed having a dog in our family, so my youngest daughter found Tag on line through Pet Finder. Tag is a very sweet and lovable dog and is just as cute as can be. My husband and I own a business, so our office is out of our house. He keeps me company all day. I would be lost without him! Yep, he's a momma's boy.
I am so glad she found him on Pet Finder. Wrightway rescue was a pleasure to work with. If I was every going to adopt another dog, I would definelty go there 1st.
I had Tag tested for what breed he was. The cheek swab test came back... Lab / Beagle / Brittney Mix. He looks like a very large Beagle and has the personality to match.
Thanks so much for letting me adopt him... he is definetly one of the family!
Beth Zyer

Cody is a lot of energy, he enjoys the lake and playing, we enjoy him, he is very handsome…..
Cody/ given name by wrightway was Baily, got him Dec. of 07 N.W. sub. Of Chicago
Bernese mountain dog/border collie
We adopted Zoey in Jan. 2008. She was found in a dumpster with her 3 sisters. She has been so much fun. She has 2 adopted sisters that she plays with all day. She is the queen of the house. The other day i found her checking out if anything was left on my marble coffee table. Look at the look on her little face when i took the picture. Since we have had her since she was only 8 weeks old she is our little baby. She has grown into a beautiful young lady. She loves everyone. She is very good at giving out kisses. She also gets lots of them. We are so glad Wrightway does such a wonderful job saving these animals that deserve a chance at a better life. We don't think Zoey remembers her beginnings. She only knows the love and happy home she has.
Terry & Sue Mickow

We adopted Cooper (aka "Isaac" wright way name) in September of 2007. We absolutely love him....he is the best dog I have ever had. He never tears up anything or has accidents when he has the whole run of the house to himself during the day while we are at work. He loves playing with the neighborhood dogs. When he is in the front yard he stays in his own yard without a fence!!....he is very obedient. He loves to please us and hates to get in trouble. The greatest thing about him besides being my best friend is that he "smiles" at you when he first approaches you. Some people think he is growling but he would never hurt a fly....he is the sweetest dog...a real cuddle bug. I haven't got a picture of that yet...hope to in the future...
Maybe we will come to the reunion....
Here are some pictures you might enjoy....the first is the day we brought him home....the second is Cooper with the neighbor dog....the thrid is Cooper last summer in front of the house....so photogenic!!
Nichole Perkins
In March 2008 we adopted Chassidy, an Aussie
shepherd/black lab mix. At the time WWR wasn't recording email addresses.
However, they were able to locate her siblings' names. We'd love her to meet her littermates:
Cheree, Chip, Chaylse, Chazz, Chance, and Chloe
I've given Wright Way my persmission to be contacted. If you are a proud dog
parent of any of these dogs, please let me know!
-The McDermott/Delahanty family

Hello Wright Way Team!
Wanted to drop a line to let you know that “Annie” has been named “Abbi” and is absolutely PERFECT!!! We could not be happier. She is already 90% trained to go potty outside. She eats very well. And gives as much love as she gets…and that is A LOT of LOVE!
My wife and I are so impressed with the professionalism of Wright Way and the obvious great job that Abbi’s foster family did with her! We would highly recommend Wright Way anytime, it was so worth the 200 mile round trip. The facility was clean and well maintained, the staff was attentive and answered all of our questions, the videotape was helpful and very informative, even your pet store and staff person was awesome! It’s a great thing what your team does and we hope for many years of continued success for you.
Thank you for allowing us to add to our already happy family…with the perfect puppy!
John Conhartoski and Family
Waukesha, WI

My name is Sarah Trickett. In December of 2004, my boyfriend (Kurt Stuart) and I adopted a 10-week old Jack/Russell Mix from your rescue. His name was Rufus. Rufus was on hold for a family that never showed up and we waited 5 hours until one of your volunteers finally said, "I am not gonna risk the chance at a good home for guardians that are already 5 hours late." And that was that, Jack (Rufus) was my Christmas gift.
It seems like just yesterday really. Well Jack has been all over the US
starting out with you in Illinois, moving to Connecticut and spending his last 3 years in Los Angeles, California...although he'll tell you, Chicago is his
favorite town!
As of last month, Jack turned 5 years old. What a wonderful 5 years it has been and we can only hope for many more:) Last winter, Jack began to put on a lot of weight. Adding to that his temperament changed. He was moody and slept all the time. His skin began to break out in boils, bled and pieces of hair fell out.
With the help and insight provided by a local rescue by the name of Marley's Pit Stop Rescue, we were able to get Jack to a specialist. After several tests we discovered it was Cushing's Disease...and only at the age of 4. Jack had a tumor growing on his pituitary gland and the vets were stunned.
The rescue continued to help us and by April Jack was on a medication and other holistic supplements that have helped him to combat the disease. The battle is far from over, but we continue to take a day at a time. Jack and his sister, Lizzie are our lives...
Attached is a picture of Jack (your Rufus) and his sister. Kurt and I got
married this past year and the dogs had an opinion on everything from flowers to save-the-dates...attached was their idea of what our save the date should have looked like.
Again, thank you for taking a risk with the "then" young college couple...our lives would not be the same without him...
Warm Regards,
Sarah Trickett-Stuart & Kurt Stuart

Tanner is doing great! I do love him! We're settling in nicely. He's been to the vet and checked out fine. He loves to play fetch with a little rooster toy, which is so fun. Hope you enjoy the pics.
Take care!
Wanted to share some pictures and let you all know how well Makenna is doing and how much we appreciate having her as part of out family.
She is currently 11.5 pounds; yes growing so much in so little time and some of her favorite treat foods are: Bananas, cheerios, and cucumbers.
We started basic training 2 weeks ago and she already knows sit, come and give us her paw, well both paws :)
Cetinbag family