Purchased items will be shipped within 2 weeks of the order. Please allow up to 3 weeks for standard shipping delivery to arrive, unless you have chosen an alternate shipping method. All Next Day shipping orders must be received by 3 pm PST. If you still have not received your purchase after 4 weeks, please notify [email protected]. You will receive an email from [email protected] when your order has been confirmed.

Your order will be shipped Standard Service unless you select an alternative. Once shipped, orders are generally received within 1-2 business days. We do not ship on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays. While we will do all we can to ensure your order is delivered on time, citychess.com cannot be held responsible for conditions beyond our control such as severe weather, service interruptions, etc.

You will be charged when your order has been placed. You will only be charged for the items that are shipped to you, along with the applicable shipping and tax charges. Orders are subject to verification and approval before shipping.

Once your order has shipped, you will receive an e-mail.


All orders are shipped out of California. We do our best to ship orders promptly. Please be patient.
• USPS First-Class Mail (Default Option) – Shipments vary upon what state its going to. Usually about a maximum of 5 business days.
• UPS Ground – Shipments vary upon what state its going to. Usually about a maximum of 5 business days.


Rates are based on your Zip Code/Postal Code. All orders within California will incur the current California sales tax. Orders do not ship until they have been fully processed. Unfortunately, UPS does not service P.O. Box or APO addresses.


All products purchased from the website are transported and delivered to you by an independent carrier not affiliated with, or controlled by, City Chess Ilc,. Title to the products purchased on the website, as well as the risk of loss for such products, passes to you when City Chess Inc, delviers these items to the carrier.


For returns and exchanges, please contact mailto:[email protected]


City-chess chess set are depiction of building and are not exact replica of buildings!